AMAQ raises concerns over midwife-led births

Statistics show a near-doubling of mortality rates when midwifes lead care compared to care led by obstetricians.
Statistics show a near-doubling of mortality rates when midwifes lead care compared to care led by obstetricians. Photo: Louise Kennerley

Queensland's peak medical body fears the "sidelining" of obstetricians in favour of midwives is jeopardising patient safety in the state's public hospitals.

The Australian Medical Association Queensland says over time, Queensland has moved to a trend of midwife-only care during pregnancy and birth despite research pointing to adverse outcomes.

"This isn't a new situation," president Chris Zappala said on Wednesday.

"AMAQ has told successive state governments of this problem."

While midwives were well-trained to handle normal births, specialist obstetricians were better able to recognise risks and potential complications, Dr Zappala said.

"This is the sole reason why when an obstetrician leads a maternity-care team, we see better outcomes for mothers and better outcomes for newborns."

Statistics show a near-doubling of the perinatal mortality rate under midwifery-led care when compared to obstetrician-led teams.

"The current exclusion of obstetricians is in no-one's best interest," Dr Zappala said.

Gino Pecoraro, an obstetrician and federal AMA spokesman, said the government initiative needed to end.

"It seems to have been drawn on the idea that having fewer doctors can save money," he said.

Despite this perception, Dr Pecoraro said European studies had proved the opposite was the case because specialists ordered fewer tests and didn't need to spend as much time with patients.

"It shouldn't just be about the money," he added.

"I think it's very, very important that the women and families of Queensland can have faith in the system that is trusted to look after them at what is a very special and important time in their lives."

Dr Zappala called on the Palaszczuk government to implement a new multi- disciplinary model whereby every single mother is reviewed by an obstetrician upon entry into a labour suite and reviewed at least every four hours during labour.

"We don't want to take away a woman's choice," he said.

"What we are asking for is that every woman who is admitted to a public hospital maternity department has the opportunity to receive the expertise of an obstetrician."

AAP ews/KM/Maur