
Man who allegedly beat pregnant wife over abortion row risks deportation

A husband accused of assaulting his pregnant wife during an argument over an abortion has been given four months to change his behaviour and plead guilty or face being deported to his homeland.

Police allege the man hit his wife in the head three times on the morning of August 8 in their Melbourne home after demanding she have an abortion.

The woman told him she was pregnant the previous day and that she wanted to keep the baby, Melbourne Magistrates Court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutor Tim Hutchins told the court the man struck his wife with an open hand, breaking her glasses, hit her again, and after she screamed, hit her a third time and told her: "Lower your voice, don't let anyone hear."

The man, 31, is charged with recklessly causing injury, unlawful assault and damaging property. He cannot be named so as not to identify the woman.

Defence counsel Asad Rana said his client would likely plead guilty and requested a sentence indication from Magistrate Jonathan Klestadt.


Mr Klestadt said he would likely impose a community corrections order with a conviction, as the man had previously pleaded guilty to domestic violence.

Mr Rana said a conviction would cost his client his job and mean his visa would be cancelled. It is not known what sort of visa the man is on or where his homeland is.

After an adjournment, Mr Klestadt told the man he would be spared a conviction if he completed a men's behavioural change program and pleaded guilty to the charges.

The case was adjourned until February.

Mr Rana told the court there was no chance of the man reoffending, as his marriage was over, he had asked for forgiveness and he was "making amends".

Senior Constable Hutchins said the man followed his wife to the police station, asking her not to report the allegations. He also sent her text messages apologising.

The man initially denied the allegations to police, the court heard, but then said he might have "accidentally" knocked her glasses off her head, the prosecutor said.

He also told police his wife had been angry that morning and threw her breakfast plate on the bed. He told police he no longer wanted her to have an abortion.