The Economy

Paul McClintock says there is no believable end to the deficit in sight.

Business group lashes PM over deficit, tax scare campaign

Six months ago the business-backed Committee for the Economic Development of Australia presented the Turnbull government with what it said was a clear and practical plan to return the budget to surplus. There were 5 of them in fact, including different mixes of proposals such as better taxing superannuation contributions, halving the tax discount for capital gains, ending negative gearing, boosting taxes on luxury cars, alcohol and tobacco, and taxing the private health insurance rebate.

The market is taking off again as a growing population tries to squeeze into too few properties.

Housing risk overdone, RBA unlikely to cut: Morrison

Treasurer Scott Morrison said debate on Australia's housing market is prone to exaggeration - even as Sydney property prices rise anew - and indicated he doesn't see much appetite at the central bank for further cuts in the nation's already record-low interest rates.

The jobs vacancies data has proven top be a reliable leading indicator of labour demand.

Job vacancies jump to four-year high

Job vacancies in Australia rebounded by 4.5 per cent in the three months to August to hit the highest since mid-2012, a promising sign for a pick up in labour demand.

A policy to apply lower poker machine tax rates to clubs than pubs has cost taxpayers $13.5 billion over 20 years.

Gambling is killing one Australian a day

It's the disease that's too lucrative to cure: Pokies deliver billions in revenue to the government - but it comes at a high price for society.

Small Business