Samsung knocked again as AT&T; halts Note 7 sales and replacements

Samsung Electronics has been dealt another blow stemming from problems with its flagship Galaxy Note 7, as American's second largest telco AT&T; stopped all sales of the smartphone over safety concerns.

"Based on recent reports, we're no longer exchanging new Note 7s at this time, pending further investigation of these reported incidents," AT&T; spokesman Fletcher Cook said in an e-mailed statement on Sunday.

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"We still encourage customers with a recalled Note 7 to visit an AT&T; location to exchange that device for another Samsung smartphone or other smartphone of their choice."

Samsung started replacing the Note 7 last month because of a flaw in its lithium battery that can lead to overheating and pose a burn hazard to customers. Airlines have banned customers from using the smartphones on flights, and the evacuation of a Southwest Airlines plane last week was blamed on smoke caused by a replacement device.

AT&T won't even replace Samsung's Note 7.
AT&T; won't even replace Samsung's Note 7.  Photo: SeongJoon Cho

AT&T;'s move is a further slam to Samsung. The wireless carrier is the third-biggest customer of the South Korean company, according to estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Samsung is already facing a bill that analysts estimate stretches into billions of dollars for the recall of 2.5 million Note 7 phones.

Samsung said in a statement posted on its website that it understands the concern of the carriers and consumers over the newly released replacement Note 7 devices and the company will share findings as soon as possible.


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Like many competitors, the second-largest US wireless carrier had been already offering alternative smartphones to people who return Note 7 devices. On Friday, Bloomberg News reported that AT&T; was considering halting sales of the Note 7.

Samsung was able to rely on sales to other phone makers and computer manufacturers to offset the fallout from the Note 7 crisis in the three months through September, when operating profit exceeded analyst estimates.

The Note 7 was recalled because it battery could overheat.
The Note 7 was recalled because it battery could overheat.  Photo: Tham Hua

In Australia, Samsung released 50,000 Note 7 devices and has recalled about 81 per cent of them, according to the company. 

The stock has recovered since losing $US22 billion ($29 billion) of market value after the recall was announced on September 1 and hasn't significantly underperformed its Nasdaq technology peers in that period.

The imbroglio coincides with mounting pressure from investor Paul Elliott Singer, who this month advocated a break-up of the complex Samsung empire. Singer's Elliott Management - through affiliates Blake Capital and Potter Capital - proposed that Samsung separate into an operating company and a holding company, dual-list the former on a US exchange, pay shareholders a special dividend of 30 trillion Korean won ($35 billion) and improve governance by adding three independent board members.
