Richard Borreca
Posted on October 11, 2016 12:05 am
Updated on October 10, 2016 at 7:49 pm
It appears that as Donald Trump’s poll numbers nosedive, his belief that the November election will be stolen from him by unseen, sinister Democratic forces increases.
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Trump cleaned her dirty clock! The Clinton lie machine was overheating last night!!! So nice to hear someone finally bring up all her dirty, dirty past. God knows the media never does! Trump Landslide next month!!!
I guess I must have watched a different debate. trump’s behavior and personal attacks were unacceptable. National polls support my position the Clinton won the debate by a large margin.
Notice his sniffing in both debates…did he have a cold or something else causing his nose to run?
A bit too much coke is my guess. lol
Yep, besides the fact that he couldn’t articulate a single policy point, doesn’t understand how our government works (hint: a junior senator from New York cannot singlehandedly reform the federal tax code), and spent most of this time making claims about HRC that were proven false by fact checks, he did great. That’s probably why scientific (not online) polling taken by Politico, CNN, YouGov and others all showed her winning handily.
And what lies were those pray tell? Poor Donald, just a poor little rich boy who lacks class. The Donald is going to get clobbered next month big time. You can’t insult well over 50% of the population and expect to win. Why would anyone vote for such a clown?
I was surprised to learn that acceptable ID at the polls can include something as simple as a bank statement or in certain situations even verbal recitation of birth date, address and SS#. Does the Office of Elections remove voters from the database upon their death?
So now Borreca wants us to believe that the state government is good at catching voting irregularities? Really? Who does he think he’s kidding? It is Borreca and other editorial writers who have written one after another editorial to expand early voting, permanent absentee voting, voting by mail, electronic voter registration over the internet, and actual voting on the internet using your home computer or smart phone. Every one of those proposals increases the likelihood on fraud committed by poorly supervised backroom clerks or by electronic hackers or politicians.
Remember the politician a few years ago who went to the homes of hundreds of elderly voters to “help” them fill out their ballots and “help” them get their ballots into the mailbox? Just imagine an assisted living facility or nursing home; or even the meeting hall of a labor union; where a politician or union thug gets everyone to bring in their ballots so they can all sit together and fill them out the “right” way. Just imagine some clever computer programmer hacking the system for counting the electronic votes sent in by people from their stupid “smart phones.”
Why do you think Congress and state legislatures require that every vote on every bill must be cast in person by a legislator actually sitting at his desk on the floor of the Senate or House? They are busy people. Why not let them vote absentee, or by proxy, or by using their “smart phone?” Every proposal by Borreca and other editorial writers to allow absentee voting or electronic voting is a step toward allowing vote fraud by methods which Congress and state legislatures refuse to allow their own members to use, and for very good reason.
I no longer trust the newsmedia polls.
During the Primary Elections, Trump was losing in a majority of the polls, against 17 of the Republicans finest. Obviously, the polls were wrong, because he won.
If the polls, were a 100% accurate & scientific predictors of success, then it would have been the case.
What if he wins? All of the future polls would never be believed again.
Everyone who jumped ship on him, would suffer from his political wrath. Everyone who spoke harshly against him, would suffer from his political wrath.
The older generation, did not always speak caustically, about someone they did not like. They chose their words carefully. Words can have serious consequences.
He’s very entertaining.
It’s interesting that Hawaii, a majority liberal state, requires ID to vote and no one has ever complained about the requirement disenfranchising them. I think the mainland folks ought to look at us for leadership. But then, maybe our citizens are smarter….or don’t care as our low voter turnout would indicate. Ya, why should we care? This is a solid progressive liberal state. No point in wasting one’s time other than to get rid of lying incompetents like Caldwell.
I have long lost my original Social security card but didn’t it used to say not to be used for identification?
Social security cards are not allowed for ID purposes at the polls.
I agree that it seems that voter fraud attempts are relatively rare here. One point did trouble me though. “If you vote by mail, the elections office compares signatures. If they don’t match, out it goes and Nago and company call the cops.” Who exactly does the signature comparisons? Are these people certified as Questioned Document Examiners? (rhetorical question actually, the major venue for training in QDE is through FBI programs) It’s not a major point but it is one area where there is a vulnerability for false negatives/positives during the process of ensuring election integrity.