Welcome to IAFFE

26th IAFFE Annual Conference | Seoul, Korea

Sungshin University | Seoul, Korea

2016 IAFFE Membership Open
You are a valued member of the IAFFE community. If ...
Thematic Groups
Dear IAFFE members, In an effort to stay connected between ...

Book Spotlight

MDGs, Capabilities and Human Rights: The Power of Numbers to Shape Agendas
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr & Alicia Yamin, eds. MDGs, Capabilities and Human ...
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Your Support Makes a Difference

IAFFE relies on your contribution to provide needed support for IAFFE's work in empowering and improving the well-being of women and other under-represented groups around the world. Through all of our efforts, IAFFE can continue to provide programming in support of feminist economics. Please consider joining IAFFE or making a donation.


Letter to President Erdoğan of Turkey

H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
President of the Republic of ...

Bina Agarwal's "Gender Challenges" Released

This three-volume compendium brings together a selection of path-breaking essays ...

UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Women’s

IAFEE member and Past-President Alicia Girón serves on the ...

The Economist | A Proper Reckoning

Feminist economics deserves recognition as a distinct branch of the ...

Why we need Feminist Economists

Professor Naila Kabeer looks back over the history of feminist ...

Letter to President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

President Erdoğan:

On behalf of the International Association for Feminist ...

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