Federal Politics

The Greens are like a 'cancer': Labor's Sam Dastyari slams 'sell out' Richard Di Natale

Labor senator Sam Dastyari has branded the Greens a "cancer" on progressive politics, accusing leader Richard Di Natale of sacrificing his principles for power and hopping into bed with the far right.

Labor senator Sam Dastyari says the Greens are like a 'cancer' on progressive politics.
Labor senator Sam Dastyari says the Greens are like a 'cancer' on progressive politics. Photo: James Brickwood

In a sign the relationship between the former political allies has reached a new nadir, Senator Dastyari has launched a blistering attack on Senator Di Natale for cosying up to the Coalition and supporting Senate reform.

"The Greens are behaving like a cancer on progressive politics in this country," Senator Dastyari told a Politics in the Pub crowd in Sydney.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale in a photo shoot for GQ magazine.
Greens leader Richard Di Natale in a photo shoot for GQ magazine. 

"While once the Greens took pride in standing up on principle there is nothing their current leadership won't sell out on."

He said he believes voters will soon start abandoning the left-wing party.


"You don't get into bed with Cory Bernardi, Eric Abetz and George Christensen and think there won't be repercussions," he said, referring to some of the Coalition's most conservative representatives.

While Senator Dastyari says there is an "increasingly intimate mating dance" between the Greens and the Coalition, the latest Senate voting pattern analysis by the Parliamentary library suggests otherwise.

The analysis of voting patterns from July 2014 to last month shows the Greens have only voted with the government 6 per cent of the time. Labor, on the other hand, voted with the Coalition 38 per cent of the time.

A spokesperson for the Greens said Senator Dastyari could make whatever claims he liked but "they sound pretty silly coming from someone who has actually voted with the Coalition more than a third of the time".

However under Senator Di Natale the Greens have done contentious deals with the government on pensions and tax transparency. Now they have done a deal with the Coalition on Senate voting reform, which is expected to pass Parliament this week.

The changes will make it all but impossible for micro-party candidates to get elected and could pave the way for a crossbench clean-out in a July double dissolution election.

Labor is opposed to the bill and is planning on filibustering to prevent its passage. But the government says Parliament will not rise until the bill is passed, setting the scene for a rancorous debate that could stretch into the weekend.

The unions have launched an 11th-hour bid to convince the Greens to back out of the deal by bombarding eastern states homes with robocalls warning they could deliver the Coalition a Senate majority.

In his attack, Senator Dastyari also took aim at Senator Di Natale for his skivvy-wearing GQ fashion shoot and his admission that he would "never say never" to an alliance with a Coalition minority government.

Senator Dastyari called the comment "baffling", pointing to the Coalition's "proud homophobes and climate change sceptics".

According to the voting pattern research, Family First senator Bob Day votes alongside the government more than anyone else - 75 per cent of the time. Senator David Leyonhjelm comes second, with 65 per cent. 

Crossbenchers Ricky Muir and Dio Wang have voted with the Coalition about half the time, John Madigan 42 per cent of the time and Nick Xenophon - the only crossbencher likely to survive the reforms - 29 per cent of the time.
