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Online Supporter Resources

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  • Use our Action Center to contact your representatives and let them know how you feel about EFF issues!
  • Explore the Electronic Frontier Alliance to find a grassroots group promoting digital rights in your area, and ask groups that you work with to join the Alliance.

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  • Sign up for EFFector, our weekly newsletter, and stay on top of the latest battles in digital civil liberties.
  • Facebook: Keep up with us on Facebook.
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  • YouTube: Leading edu-tainment.

Support EFF With Your Online Purchases

  • Giving Works for your eBay sales!
    • eBay Giving Works have launched a program to help nonprofits raise money from buying and selling on eBay. Sell your items and designate a portion or all of the proceeds to EFF.
  • No Starch Press for the finest in geek entertainment!
    • Purchase books from No Starch Press and enter the code ISUPPORTEFF at checkout. No Starch will then donate 30% of your purchase to EFF!

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NSA Spying

EFF is leading the fight against the NSA's illegal mass surveillance program. Learn more about what the program is, how it works, and what you can do.

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Must read: @NewYorker on how the outdated Computer Fraud & Abuse Act impedes online discrimination research http://www.newyorker.com/busi...

Oct 1 @ 3:40pm

"Shadow Regulation" deals aren't the way to address online problems. Our new infographic outlines a better approach. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks...

Sep 30 @ 2:50pm

Queens, NY! EFF will be at World Maker Faire at the NY Hall of Science this weekend. Come explore and say hi! #WMF16 http://makerfaire.com/new-york/

Sep 30 @ 1:26pm
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