- published: 20 Sep 2016
- views: 9415
A legend is a historical narrative, a symbolic representation of folk belief.
Legend, Legends, The Legend or The Legends may also refer to:
Legends of Chamberlain Heights - Scared Celibate - Uncensored
xFSN Saber - Challenger Marksman Montage (League of Legends)
League of Legends - Udyr [BR: 6.18]
Imaqtpie - Funny Moments 2016 | (League of Legends)
I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS [ League of Legends ]
Yellow Claw & Cesqeaux - Legends Ft. Kalibwoy
THE KING OF BURST TALON - League of Legends
Best Steals Ever in League of Legends (ft Pro Players)
[Trap] - Razihel - Legends (feat. TeamMate) [Monstercat Release]
FEELSBADMAN - #TROLLFAHRT 25 - League of Legends
In health class, the kids are paired off into parenting teams to take care of a robotic baby. Watch full episodes of Legends of Chamberlain Heights now: http://www.cc.com/shows/legends-of-chamberlain-heights/full-episodes Legends of Chamberlain Heights airs Wednesdays at 10:30/9:30c on Comedy Central.
Hey guys, here is a collaboration montage I did with xFSN Saber who is a challenger marksman/adc player. Big thanks to him for sending me these plays; make sure to follow his stream https://www.twitch.tv/xfsn_saber I'm still working on my last video for Riot, but it's a long process so I haven't gotten to work on the tutorial. I was only able to edit this in between some down time. ►MUSIC "Deal With The Devil" by Thomas Vent (Mixed by Nicetryian) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6diLlarphM *Song licensed directly through artist* Distributed by Symphonic Distribution. ►Feel free to follow me on social media: Twitter https://twitter.com/ShotsofLoL Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/nicetrykenn Facebook https://www.facebook.com/shotsoflol ►Want to be in my video? Please read this blogpost. ...
Olá pessoas! Sejam bem vindos a mais um video de League of Legends e dessa vez eu joguei de Udyr na selva, esse é um vídeo gravado no patch passado mas a única diferença é que ele agora dá mais dano no R. Seu feedback é muito importante pra mim, então deixa seu like e comenta aqui embaixo. NAICE DEMAIS! PC bonito e barato é na AlphaPCS: http://www.alphapcs.com.br/ » CANAL DE VLOGS: https://www.youtube.com/ozemerson » PLAYERME: http://player.me/zEmerson » FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/zEmersonOficial » TWITTER: http://twitter.com/ozemerson » INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/ozemerson » SNAPCHAT: ozemerson » E-MAIL: zemersongamer@gmail.com » AO VIVO: http://twitch.tv/zemersongamer
Support Imaqtpie : https://www.twitch.tv/imaqtpie ►Best Gaming Music : https://goo.gl/BDKDl7 ALL EPISODES : http://goo.gl/oIz8NT BEST LCS PLAYS : http://y2u.be/8U9543-VaUg BEST LOL ESCAPES : http://y2u.be/J4vCPwatfnc ►My Network website : http://www.pentakill.tv/ _________________________________________________ CREDITS ❤ League Esports League of Legends Riot Games You're not here? Text me and you're going to be added here instantly! ► FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIA: FACEBOOK - http://Facebook.com/ifunziochannel ►SONGS: Odjbox - Otto Croy SpongeBob Trap Remix Krusty Krab ❤ THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING ❤
I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS [ League of Legends ] Don't worry, they're not usually this toxic... Except for Andre. He's pure salt. (sorry if he was too loud...) Do you guys like these kind of videos? I can't believe how easy editing is if I just talk during the game as oppose to adding it to specific sequences... I'm still learning D:
Yellow Claw & Cesqeaux - Legends Ft. Kalibwoy Legends EP OUT NOW on Dim Mak Records iTunes: geni.us/LegendsEP Beatport: smarturl.it/yc-legends-b Amazon: geni.us/3NL0 Buy the LEGENDS Hoodie & Tee right here: http://goo.gl/PQeO8k Video by: Teemong Follow Yellow Claw: Twitter: www.twitter.com/yellowclaw Instagram: www.instagram.com/yellowclaw Follow Cesqeaux: Twitter: www.twitter.com/cesqeaux Instagram: www.instagram.com/cesqeaux Follow Kalibwoy: Twitter: www.twitter.com/KaliBwoyKarlito Instagram: www.instagram.com/Kalibwoyfrassboss
Can we get 420 ½ Likes FOR MAKING ENEMY MIDS RAGEQUIT! THE FAM: BRO ► https://www.youtube.com/user/BroFresco THE FOO ► http://bit.ly/FooMan JESPER ► https://www.youtube.com/user/MCjesperFC BUNU ►https://www.youtube.com/user/LOLFACE988 SMID ► https://www.youtube.com/user/Smidgeon My latest video ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGJrtN825tg Subscribe to become a member of the LOZOSQUAD ► http://bit.ly/LozoYT STALK ME! https://www.instagram.com/lozoGG https://twitter.com/LozoGG Music: [Electro] - F.O.O.L - Showdown [Monstercat Release]
Like Comment & Subscribe For More ! :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.facebook.com/FizzKhalifaOfficial - My Facebook Page Follow me! :D G2A, Please Use this link when You buy games! - https://www.g2a.com/r/fizzkhalifa Twitch- www.twitch.tv/nboy99 My Sponsor! - https://www.noscopeglasses.com/gaming-glasses?tracking=ufogamer Donate! - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s- xclick&hosted;_button_id=MM5YV7SW7C2PL Subscribe! - https://www.youtube.com/user/Thealex400alex?sub_confirmation=1&src;_vid=_4hmkoR3u2g&feature;=iv&annotation;_id=annotation_2677238871
Support on iTunes: http://monster.cat/1zMC56I Support on Beatport: http://monster.cat/1zMBYIr Support on Bandcamp: http://monster.cat/1DOaki1 --- Listen on SoundCloud: http://monster.cat/1zMIzmd Listen on Spotify: http://monster.cat/1yXhAK0 ▼ Follow Monstercat Snapchat: Monstercat YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Monstercat Spotify: http://monster.cat/1hGrCWk Facebook: http://facebook.com/Monstercat Twitter: http://twitter.com/Monstercat Instagram: http://instagram.com/monstercat Vine: https://vine.co/monstercat SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/Monstercat Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Monstercat Monstercat FM: http://live.monstercat.com ▼ Follow Razihel Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RazihelOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/razihelofficial Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/r...
#Trollfahrt ist ein Format von mir in dem Mitspieler im Elo Bereich Master/Challenger trollen, ragen oder wir als Team richtig auf den Sack kriegen bzw. Ich feede! Sind quasi die Aufnahmen für #Abfahrt die nicht gezeigt werden normallerweise. Unlucky. ►Abfahrt Playlist: https://goo.gl/6Y0Fkt ►Trollfahrt Playlist: https://goo.gl/3ghr8Y Gear gibt hier! - Der Reim tho: ► PC - http://goo.gl/RjndDH ► Keyboard - http://goo.gl/LD0cla ► Headset - http://goo.gl/XEi0pL ► Mouse - http://goo.gl/u2NSdb ► Mousepad - http://goo.gl/qP8KFp ► 1. Monitor - http://goo.gl/0Ti2qw ► 2. Monitor - http://goo.gl/A6ti8y ► Webcam - http://goo.gl/Kj1BQp ► Videocamera - http://goo.gl/uJL89w ► Vloggingcamera - http://goo.gl/CPYq70 Immer schön aktuell bleiben! ► http://www.facebo...
League of Legends or LoL ELOBoosting myself into master tier or back down into Diamond :) In this stream I'll be trying to hit master all while trying to help you guys get better at league of legends by coaching and explaining thought process during games. Youtube: https://goo.gl/4mz8dQ YoutubeGaming: https://goo.gl/8wTZd8 STREAMING EVERYDAY 7:30AM CT SPONSOR ME: https://goo.gl/3WHQ5L DISCORD : https://discord.gg/nft88p5 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Support the stream- If you are enjoying the stream and would like to support me you can donate to me using the "Twitchalerts" link down below 👇 (Donation messages get read out on stream)! 💰 Donations will pop up on screen: https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/world65ftw Donations are in no way necessary, you should only donate if you w...
GPU: GeForce GTX 765M CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz Memory: 8 GB RAM (7.92 GB RAM usable) Current resolution: 1600 x 900, 60Hz Operating system: Microsoft Windows 8.1
twitch: http://twitch.tv/thenitrozyniak donate" https://tipanddonation.com/thenitrozyniak Zostaw łapke w góre! Nie zapomnij skomentować! Najlepszy Jackpot: http://csbetgo.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/nitrozyniakjp Snapchat: thenitrozyniak Instagram: http://instagram.com/thenitrozyniak Priv Face: http://facebook.com/nitrozyna
Monster Legends - Illusion Island - Isla Ilusión - Eggknock + Chordim + Skuller + Mr. Flaky + Kimmel's Gift + Sarah + Incognita + Scryb legendary y Epicos.. Hola Soy Maxi Tuning Subo Varios Vídeos al Día, Espero Les Gusten. ♦ Ayúdame a llegar a los 50.000 Suscriptores :D Gracias. ►https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMaxNZG?sub_confirmation=1 ♦ Gracias a las personas que me mantienen motivado y Hacen Que Este canal Se dé a Conocer :D Mil Gracias. ► Otros Canales Geniales :D https://www.youtube.com/user/LosYokesYokes?sub_confirmation=1 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgB9JiRhkWcFf7171VKBj1g?sub_confirmation=1 Los Vídeos Que Mas Te Gustaron :D Deadpool: Graciosas Scenas - MOMENTOS DIVERTIDOS/Subtitulado Español ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kHwBUoV8oM Top 10 Mejores Turn Down For Wh...
The Future Rework of ASSASSINS is coming soon to League of Legends! Here's what you can expect! ► League's NEXT NEW Champion: https://youtu.be/B2shO4ceZrI ➥ Subscribe for More League of Legends Videos! http://bit.ly/1O7TtJh ►Overwatch Channel: http://bit.ly/1NvJ7qi ►Hearthstone Channel http://bit.ly/2a2yz71 ● League of Legends Twitter: https://twitter.com/GamingCurios ● League of Legends Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GamingCurios ● League of Legends Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gamingcurios/ ►League of Legends Outro Song: https://youtu.be/b36r3JWGxcI ►Table Scene Intro Art by Ze aka VegaColors: http://vegacolors.deviantart.com/ ► Library Scene Intro Art by Ze aka VegaColors: http://vegacolors.deviantart.com/ ►Jarvan Scene Intro Art by Ewa Labak: http://ewalabak.devi...
Top 10 Harrowing Skins 🎃 This is my personal opinion! See FULL version for each Harrowing Skin: https://youtu.be/cDIQde3FUXk ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Like,Share and Subscribe➱https://www.youtube.com/SQUPO Music: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com Thanks for watching!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Legends (By Ludia) Let's Play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Legends: Play All Character Character Name: Leonardo Legend, Michelangelo Legend, Raphael Legend, Donatello Legend, Leonardo The Movie, Michelangelo The Movie, Raphael The Movie, Donatello The Movie Casey Jones, April O'Neil, Zeck, Pulverizer, The Creep, Snakeweed, Mutagen Man, Spider Bytez, Dogpound, Baxter Stockman, Chris Bradford, Fishface, Ice Cream Kitty, Justin, Karai-Serpent, Mondo Gecko, Newtralizer, Rat King, Xever, Pizza Face, Bebop, Rocksteady, Rahzar, Steranko, Hun, Muckman, Tiger Claw, Stockman-Fly, Metalhead, Kirby Bat. TMNT: Legends PVP Playlist: https://goo.gl/HbWDup Help Us To Reach More Subs : http://goo.gl/pVnX0X Like Page on Facebook : https://goo.gl/yVQMBJ ...
Revolta é provavelmente o melhor jogador de League of Legends que o Brasil já teve, e ele carrega esse sucesso e admiração com um sorriso. Mas sua aparente confiança disfarça uma agitação interior que o faz seguir adiante, do CBLOL para o Desafio Internacional e além. Enquanto a INTZ se prepara para o Mundial, WildTurtle e a Immortals encaram seu maior desafio com o encerramento da temporada regular e o início das eliminatórias. A 2ª Temporada de Legends Rising apresenta seis dos maiores jogadores profissionais de League e mostra, em uma série de seis episódios, os esforços e sacrifícios necessários para alcançar a glória. Créditos Musicais: “Venice Venture” por Big Wild “Chinatown” por Starcadian “Armanida” por NEUS “Nicoya” por Monster Get Down “Not Gonna Take It” por Fort Knox Five ...
The Spring Split was bittersweet for WildTurtle. On one hand, Turtle looked like a new man on Immortals, thoroughly shaking off his old team TSM and posting a top-tier performance. On the other, he and the team could not close out their stellar rookie split, falling to TSM in the Playoffs and finishing 3rd. Meanwhile, Rekkles and Chawy play out their own Spring Playoffs drama. Legends Rising Season 2 follows some of the game's greatest pros through the hard work and sacrifice necessary to achieve greatness, in a six-part series. Do they have what it takes to become legends? Music Credits: “Immersion” by Keith Kenniff “Chinatown” by Starcadian “Body Moving Slowly” by Mirror to Mirror “Rat Trap” by Feed Me “Short Skirt” by Feed Me “Dirty Red” by Kraddy “Block Boundaries” by Ryan Teague “Sc...
MAtch 1 G2 vs CLG Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qg23n4tLLw Worlds 2016 Opening Ceremony - League of Legends World Championship 2016 ☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates ⓕⓑ KazaGamez ►http://on.fb.me/1N5j0EH ⓕⓑ LCS Channel ►http://on.fb.me/1Sqnusq ⓖ+ ►http://bit.ly/1Bpjrba ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓣⓔⓡ ►Twitter - http://bit.ly/1BkVAtG ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓒⓗ ►Livestream: http://bit.ly/1BpjzYd ⓓⓞⓝⓐⓣⓔ ►Paypal: http://bit.ly/1cBU6Jn Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
Apenas uma equipe poderá vencer o Campeonato Mundial, e para ClearLove, Smeb e Rekkles, essa é uma dura realidade. Os três chegaram bem perto do título em 2015 e agora precisam se preparar e recomeçar do zero, focando nas vitórias que estão por vir e não nas derrotas que ficaram para trás. A 2ª Temporada de Legends Rising apresenta seis dos maiores jogadores profissionais de League e mostra, em uma série de seis episódios, os esforços e sacrifícios necessários para alcançar a glória. Será que eles têm o que é preciso para se tornarem lendas? Créditos musicais: "Grace" por Keith Kenniff "Chinatown" por Starcadian "It's Time to Wake Up" por La Femme "Cycle 4" por Matt Dunkley "Home" por Maribou State "Shadow Cutting" por Ben Chatwin "Australia" por Connor Youngblood "Mirroring" por Ben Ch...
▁ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁ ► STREAM AZUBU : http://azubu.uol.com.br/maycon_eterno ► INSCREVA-SE : https://www.youtube.com/user/eternolol?sub_confirmation=1 ► Minhas Runas e Talentos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyak3jQ_BIg ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ Redes Sociais ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁ ► SnapChat : eternolol ► Twitter : https://twitter.com/eterno_lol ► Página Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/ETerNo-Lol/839065129461315?fref=ts ►Grupo EterNo Lol -https://www.facebook.com/groups/783491658390475/ Intro lalala - A Day to Remember - If It Means A Lot To You
We play Championship Zed + Face A 2016 LCS Worlds Player?? 'Like' if you enjoyed & want MORE 💙 →Journey To Masters #26: http://bit.ly/2dzyKoo →Subscribe For More!: http://full.sc/1gukNqq →My OVERWATCH Channel: http://bit.ly/1EAvIuW Ironside Computer Click here to customize your own PC: http://ironsidecomputers.com Follow me here! →My Stream: http://twitch.tv/redmercylol →My Twitter: http://twitter.com/RedmercyLoL →Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedmercyLoL →My Instagram: http://instagram.com/redmercylol →My 2nd YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/redmercygaming Redmercy Merchandising Now Available! →Redmercy Store: http://tinyurl.com/qb3zjdc All music from Monstercat: https://www.youtube.com/user/MonstercatMedia Hope you enjoy and please sub rate and comment!!! :)
Best ADC in 6.19 now? Previous Episode - https://youtu.be/tZWPROla5Oo This is the series where I take an unranked account all the way to Diamond and show you how I win games. Skip to the game : 4:38 Make sure to subscribe for more! - http://bit.ly/PhyGames Subscribe to my main channel - http://bit.ly/phylolsub Make sure you leave any feedback you have, I'll be reading it all! Runes & Masteries - http://image.prntscr.com/image/180741f15e0e4cf49869a829ca8f1a4f.png ♦ Find me on Twitter → https://twitter.com/thephylol ♦ Follow me on Twitch → http://www.twitch.tv/phy_lol ♦ Like me on Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/phylol BEST ADC IN 6.19 - Unranked to Diamond Ep 90 (League of Legends)
Like this: http://www.facebook.com/baumimundwald JOIN THE DAILY GIVEAWAY!! This is how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4FpYmv1_30 Tradelink: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=43305444&token;=vd5y60-5 I also stream on twitch sometimes: http://www.twitch.tv/l34Um1 If you want to play with me just join the chat channel "Minimis" and chill there, I usually ask for people to play with at least once a day. https://twitter.com/CaptainBaumi Steamgroup! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ABaumiNation Business Mail (YouTube-Partnership requests will be ignored): baumi4hire@gmail.com
The team travels to Toronto and faces rivals Cloud 9 in the 2016 NA LCS Summer Finals. Check out our store! http://store.solomid.net For more content check out - https://instagram.com/tsmgram https://www.facebook.com/TSMPRO https://twitter.com/TeamSoloMid http://plays.tv/u/TSM Snapchat: TSMpro
Call viper's son
Fear the suns of my horizons
Sequential movements in reverse
Paradise denies its treasure
A higher dose regains the silence
"Ambiguous", the wiseman said
Virgin-white my pale disguise
The traitor is still alive
Legends rise
And Legends falls
Little lies
As we know all
Eyes - a stare and I don't care
Milk glass distorts my view
Deliver me to my reality
You cannot kill, what cannot die
Avoid the touch my cold body
Avoid to fall into my eyes
Creatures shiver and preachers lie
My legend's not a lullaby