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How to Start or Support a Prison Ministry

Many of you have asked us how to go about starting your own prison ministry (or how to help support one that's already going). We have put together a short list of suggestions to help you:

  • Contact a local prison chaplain to see if he would be willing to receive Chick tracts for the prisoners. You can do this by calling the prison and asking to speak to him or asking for an e-mail where you can contact him. You can also send a letter addressed to the chaplain’s attention. The prison addresses and phone numbers are listed in your local telephone book, online, or if you know the name of the prison you can call information and they can give you the telephone number.

  • Check to see if your church has a prison ministry, find out who is in charge and offer to donate tracts for the prisoners.  In fact, you might want to go along with them if they visit the prisons.  Many churches hold small services for the prisoners once a month.

  • If you know of someone that has a family member in prison, ask them if it would be okay if you sent Chick tracts, comics and books to their family member.  Have them give you their name, prison number, name of the prison, and the address.  Then put together an order of what you want to send them and mail it to us.  To send materials to a prison it must come from a publisher.

  • If you do not know anyone, you can make a donation to the following ministry:
    Mission Possible
    Chaplain Alan Woody
    PO Box 836
    Inverness, FL  34451
    Chaplain Woody works with us to provide Chick literature directly to prisoners. He also provides them with a Bible and a Bible study.  He can also give you a tax deductible receipt.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some prisons limit the quantity that can be sent at one time, while others may require you to remove the staples before sending tracts. Please check with the prison before sending material because each one has different rules.

Here are two prison ministries having great success:

Prison Letters:

I am an inmate serving a 35 year sentence. At the time I went to jail I was a very ignorant, selfish and rebellious person. I got to read tracts, and it was one of the greatest things I have ever done. The pictures and characters really gave me the insight of what I was really reading. I know it helped me 100% in getting started reading the Bible. I love reading the Bible now. Thank God! I always try to read the Bible by trying to use my imagination in trying to focus a picture of what is really going on. I just finished reading Angel of Light and I am going to pass it on to other inmates. Some of them can’t read but the pictures really get their curiosity going.
E.H., Parchman, MS

I just wanted to let you know your tracts go over very well in our jail/prison ministry here in Wisconsin. We deal with different types of people every week, so any type of reading material they get that has a Biblical influence to it they really enjoy.
D. G., Crossbars Prison Minsitry, WI

Thanks be to God, I now do a jail ministry in two county jails and a youth detention center. One day I met a man in solitary confinement who just the day before tried to commit suicide. The guard let me talk to him, and after leading him to Christ, I handed him a stack of Chick tracts. He’s still serving the Lord (in prison, but serving the Lord). One day I was leaving the jail and one of the men I witnessed to was doing laundry. When he saw me passing by he shouted, “Hey preacher, you got any of those little books?” I stopped and he came running to get some. Your tracts are the most powerful ones I’ve ever used.
L. C., Bracketvillle, TX

A friend of mine who is in prison in Florida read the book One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven by Mark Cahill. He was so excited. He told me that he gives a tract to one guy and tells him, "Hey do me a favor, when you’re done, give the tract to another guy and tell that guy to come see me," and they do! They love those tracts.
C.J., FL

I have been incarcerated for 14 years and I have been into Satanism for my whole 14 years and wanted so bad to come out of the darkness. I "found" your book Blood On The Doorposts laying on the floor in one of the dormitory floors and read it. It was so enlightening and helpful.
J.M., TX