A shooting near a swimming pool in Lincolnshire has left three people – including the gunman – dead, BBCNews reported Tuesday.The shooting near the CastleSwimming Pool in Spalding took place at around 9 a.m. BST, Lincolnshire police said. No shots were fired by police in the incident. Two women and a man were among those killed in the incident....
photo: AP / Murat Cetinmuhurdar/Press Presidency Press Service via AP, Pool
The most-wanted terrorist in Indonesia and leader of the East Indonesia Mujahdin (MIT), was killed in the jungle of Central Sulawesi province, Indonesian police chief Tito Karnavian told Time magazine.Santoso, who had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS), was killed in a gunfight Monday in a remote jungle in Poso, along with another MIT member, local media reported....
CLEVELAND. More than a hundred women stripped and posed naked with mirrors in Cleveland, answering a photographer's call to blend art with politics and portray Donald Trump as unfit for the White House... "He is a loser," photographer Spencer Tunick told AFP after the sunrise shoot in which 130 women took part. One hundred of them will be featured in the picture to be unveiled shortly before the November 8 election ... RELATED....
MONTERREY, Mexiko, 19. Juli 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Am Donnerstag den 14. Juli hat FCA US LLC mitgeteilt, dass Metalsa, ein Lieferant für Bauteile von leichten Personenkraftwagen und Nutzfahrzeugen, mitder Auszeichnung Sustainability Supplier of the Year bei der sechsten, ... ....
LAKE MARY, Florida, 19. Juli 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- CypressInheritance, LLC hat soeben seine brandneue Cypress Library, eine Sammlung mit nur für Premium-Mitglieder zugänglichen, exklusiven Inhalten gestartet. Zum Contentder Cypress Library zählen HTML5-Spiele, ... ....
Wirkungen auf C-reaktives Protein und Cholersterinabfluss unterstützen Vorteile von Dalcetrapib bei den kardiovaskulären Ergebnissen bei Patienten mit AA-Genotyp des ADCY9-Gens Daten stützen Annahme, dass die Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Dalcetrapib auf ... ....
Santoso, who led the EastIndonesia Mujahidin (MIT) and had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS), died in a gunfight Monday in the remote jungle in Poso, along with another MIT member, local media reported ...Tito called on the 19 remaining members of the MIT, including Santoso’s wife, to surrender ... He later became the leader of the Poso-based MIT in 2012 and pledged allegiance to ISIS in July 2014....
19 July 2016 - Mapletree IndustrialTrustManagementLtd., as manager (the "Manager") of Mapletree Industrial Trust ("MIT"), wishes to announce that the resolutions as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting dated 29 June 2016 were duly passed by the unitholders of MIT at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") held today....
The most-wanted terrorist in Indonesia and leader of the East Indonesia Mujahdin (MIT), was killed in the jungle of Central Sulawesi province, Indonesian police chief Tito Karnavian told Time magazine.Santoso, who had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS), was killed in a gunfight Monday in a remote jungle in Poso, along with another MIT member, local media reported....
With the death of its most prominent member, the EastIndonesia Mujahidin (MIT) terrorist group was now down to 19 militants, Luhut said, where all of them were still hiding in Central Sulawesi’s mountainous region....
In der Primärmarktauktion (19.07.2016, 11.00 Uhr, Phase 3) im Auftrag der Europäischen Kommission und der teilnehmenden Mitgliedstaaten wurden heute am Spotmarkt 3.425.000EUAder dritten ......
With the right technologies to collect and make sense of biomedical information, we could speed up the pace of discoveries that lead to a new class of tailor-made drugs ... Read the original article on MITTechnology Review ... FollowMIT Technology Review on Twitter. More from MIT Technology Review. ... ....
LAGOS, Nigeria, July 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- SÜDAMERIKA ERHÄLT UNTERSTÜTZUNG VON WOHLFAHRTSORGANISATION IN AFRIKA Am 16. April 2016, wurde Ekuador von einem gewaltigen Erdbeben der Größe 7,8 auf der Richterskala erschüttert. Die Schwere derKatastrophe... ....
- Neuer Standort mit hochmodernem Kunden-Kooperationszentrum von Merck als Life-Science-Exzellenzzentrum konzipiert - LEED-zertifiziertes Gebäude mit 26 000 m2 Fläche bietet flexible Arbeitsplätze und Labore unter einem Dach DARMSTADT, Deutschland, 19. Juli 2016 ... ....