Nets is a Nordic provider of payments, cards and information services. The company has been known as Nets since 2009, but has a history that goes back to 1968. Nets have more than 2000 employees working in five countries. The head office is located in Copenhagen. The local commercial centres are in Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki and Tallinn. The customers of Nets are banks, businesses, merchants and the public sector.
Payment & Information Services handle local direct debit solutions. These are called Betalingsservice, AvtaleGiro and eFaktura and are an integral part of the Danish and Norwegian payment infrastructures.
The section Cards manage payment card solutions by offering issuers and acquirers secured front-end and back-end solutions. They are a large card issuing and acquiring partner for banks and non-banks in northern Europe. Cards is also a central part of the local payment infrastructure in Denmark and Norway, providing processing and service for the domestic card schemes Dankort and BankAxept.