Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

The Rewards Program is governed by and every Member who elects to participate in the Rewards Program is bound by these Terms and Conditions as varied from time to time.

2. Membership

2.1 Enrolment

Membership in the Rewards Program is free. Customers who create a UBET account are automatically opted-in to the UBET+ Rewards Program. The Company reserves the right to exclude any person from enrolment in the Rewards Program.

2.2 Opting Out

If you wish to terminate your membership of the Rewards Program you may do so by notifying the Company in writing or through the Website at any time.

3. Program Details

3.1 Status Tiers

  1. Members qualify for a Status Tier depending on the amount spent by the Member on Eligible Bets. To attain a Silver, Gold or Platinum Membership, a Member needs to spend the required amount on Eligible Bets in a 365 day period prior to each Review Date as set out below:
    Status Tier Eligible Bets in 365 day period prior to Review Date
    Green Up to and including $9,999
    Silver* Between $10,000 and $49,999 (inclusive)
    Gold* Between $50,000 and $249,999 (inclusive)
    Platinum* $250,000+
    Diamond By invitation
    * Not available to customers of Tote TAS. Customers of Tote Tas with Eligible Spend above $10,000 may be eligible for other discounts, concessions or rebates outside this Rewards Program.
  2. A Member's Status Tier is assessed on each Review Date by reference to the amount the Member has spent on Eligible Bets in the 365 days prior to the Review Date ("Eligible Spend").
  3. On each Review Date, the Eligible Spend will be evaluated against the criteria in clause 3.1(a) to determine a Member's Status Tier until the next Review Date.
  4. An individual can only be a Member of one Membership Level at any one time.
  5. The Company may upgrade, downgrade or maintain a Member's Membership Level in its absolute discretion.

3.2 Earning Points

  1. Points will be calculated on all Eligible Bets placed by a Member via an Eligible Channel on or after the Commencement Date. The number of Points earned by a Member from an Eligible Bet depends on:
    1. their Status Tier at the time the Eligible Bet is placed;
    2. the type of Eligible Bet placed;
    3. the Eligible Channel used to purchase the Eligible Bet; and
    4. promotional offers conducted by the Company from time to time.
  2. The method of calculating points for each Status Tier will be published on the Website. We will communicate directly with Diamond Tier Members regarding their earning and redemption of Points.
  3. The Company reserves the right to vary the earning basis for Points. The earning basis may vary from day to day and among different bet types and among different events and may include a maximum number of points that a Member may earn in a single day. The earning rates and maximum daily limit (if any) for Points applicable on any particular day may be obtained from the Website or by written request to the Company.
  4. From time to time Members may be offered bonus Points on specified days, bet types, and feature events, or other non-betting Account activity. Specific terms and conditions may apply to any offer of bonus Points.
  5. Points earned from placing an Eligible Bet will be available for redemption as soon as practicable after the Eligible Bet has been resulted.
  6. Points that have not been redeemed expire 24 months after they are created.

3.3 Redeeming Points

  1. Points attributable to Members may be redeemed at any time as an Account Credit by the Member following the instructions on the Rewards page in the Your Account section of the Website.
  2. The conversion rate for Points to an Account Credit will be the rate displayed on the Website from time to time.
  3. The minimum number of Points that may be redeemed by a Member is the number of points equivalent to $5.00 in Account Credit. There is no maximum.

3.4 Points Balance

The Points balance displayed on the Rewards page in the Your Account section of the Website is indicative only. The Company does not guarantee that the figure is correct at all times.

3.5 Cancellations, Scratchings and Refunds

Points will not be earned on bets that are:

  1. cancelled;
  2. placed on runners that are scratched and are eligible for a refund;
  3. refunded; or
  4. referred from a Third Party website.

3.6 Closed Accounts

Subject to clause 4.1(f), Points attributable to an Account which is closed expire upon closure of the Account and will not be redeemed for an Account Credit upon closing of the Account. For the avoidance of doubt no amount will be paid to a Member upon closing the Account with respect to such Points.

4. Change To The Program

4.1 Changes

  1. The Company reserves the right at any time to make any changes to these Terms and Conditions and may vary any term of the Terms and Conditions by getting your consent or complying with this section.
  2. The steps the Company must take depend on the type of variation.
  3. If the Company reasonably considers that any change to the Terms and Conditions is likely to benefit Members, or be of no or immaterial detriment to Members, the Company can make the change immediately and does not need to notify Members.
  4. The Company will notify Members of any other change to the Terms and Conditions by the Company's choice of at least one of the following:
    1. the next time you access your Account using the Website, starting at least 30 days prior to the change occurring (you may not see the notice until later, or even after the change has occurred, depending on how frequently you access your Account using the Website);
    2. by mail to an address provided to the Company by you, sent at least 30 days prior to the change occurring; or
    3. by email to the email address provided to the Company by you, sent by us at least 30 days prior to the change occurring.
    4. The notification in clause 4.1(d) will specify the date of commencement of the change to the Terms and Conditions.
    5. If you consider that any change to the Terms and Conditions is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership of the Rewards Program within the 30 day notice period by notifying the Company in writing, in which case any Points attributable to your Account as at the time of termination will be redeemed for an Account Credit.

4.2 Current Terms

Members may obtain the current Terms and Conditions that apply to the Rewards Program from the Website or by written request to the Company.

4.3 Clarification

For the avoidance of doubt the changes made under item 4.1 may have the effect of or include (without limitation):

  1. changing the basis for earning or redeeming Points;
  2. reducing or eliminating the number of Points earned by or attributable to a Member;
  3. reducing or eliminating the number or value of existing or future Points;
  4. introducing an expiry period for existing or future Points and/or the redemption of Points;
  5. reducing or eliminating the Account Credit balance in a Member's Account;
  6. altering or terminating the continuing availability of Points or Account Credit;
  7. altering the conversion rate at which Points are redeemed for an Account Credit.

5. Termination

5.1 Termination, Alteration or Suspension of the Rewards Program

The Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Rewards Program at any time without prior notice. In such circumstances any Points attributable to your Account at the time of the suspension or termination of the Rewards Program will be redeemed for an Account Credit and credited to your Account, immediately prior to such suspension or termination. The Company will have no further liability to Members.

5.2 Termination of Member

  1. The Company reserves the right to immediately terminate any Member's participation in the Rewards Program at any time if:
    1. the Company becomes aware or reasonably believes that the participation should be terminated for responsible gambling reasons;
    2. the Company reasonably believes that the Member has attempted to defraud the Company or otherwise has unreasonably attempted to take advantage of the Rewards Program;
    3. the Member has committed a material breach of the Account Terms and Conditions relating to the Member including, for example, if the Company becomes aware or reasonably believes that an Account may have been used to facilitate or is connected with unlawful, suspicious or fraudulent transactions or has been misused, or been the subject of unauthorised use.
  2. If the Company terminates your participation in the Rewards Program under this clause, the Company will not be liable on any account whatsoever to the Member including (without limitation) for:
    1. any Points balance attributable to a Member; or
    2. any Account Credit balance in a Member's Account, at the time of terminating your membership.
  3. If the Company terminates your participation in the Rewards Program pursuant to this clause 5.2, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you and provide our reasons for terminating your membership.

6. General

6.1 Taxes

Any tax, liability or duty arising from a Member's participation in the Rewards Program is the responsibility of the Member.

6.2 Limitation of Liability

  1. Nothing in this clause 6.2 affects your rights under the Australian Consumer Law.
  2. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded, the Company gives no warranty as to the continuing availability of any Points or the Rewards Program itself and the Company will not be liable to you for any Loss, Claim or Liability arising from or deemed or alleged to have arisen from or caused by your participation in the Rewards Program, your use or inability to use the Website, delays in operation or transmission, communication line failures or any errors or omissions in content save to the extent that such Loss, Claim or Liability arises directly from the Company's negligence or wilful misconduct or that of any of the Company's officers, employees or agents.
  3. To the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify the Company, its officers, employees and agents against any Claims, Loss or Liabilities arising directly or indirectly out of your participation in the Rewards Program and any content on the Website, or from any violation by you of the Terms and Conditions (including negligent or wrongful conduct by you), except for any Loss, Claim or Liability which results directly from the Company's negligence or wilful misconduct or that of its officers, employees or agents.

6.3 No Assignment

Points and Account Credits and the rights they confer cannot be sold, transferred, assigned or otherwise dealt with other than in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

The Company may assign its rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions to a Related Body Corporate or to a Third Party and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without being liable to pay any fees or charges to us.

6.4 Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the jurisdiction applicable to your wagering Product Account in accordance with section 13 of Part D of the Account Terms and Conditions and by choosing to participate in the Rewards Program you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the relevant Jurisdiction.

6.5 Notices

  1. Where we are required or permitted to give you a notice under the Terms and Conditions, we may do so:
    1. if the notice is about a variation of the Terms and Conditions, by complying with clause 4.1;
    2. otherwise, in any way, including by:
      1. giving you the information in person (whether it be provided by us or our agents); or
      2. giving you the information by telephone, mail, email or any other form of communication using the contact details you give to us; or
      3. making the information available on the Websites.
  2. Where we give you notice:
    1. in person or by telephone, it is taken to be received by you at the time we give it;
    2. by mail, it is taken to be received by you on the day after posting;
    3. by email, it is taken to be received by you when the email is sent, regardless of any response to the email;
    4. by making information available on the Websites, it is taken to be received by you at the time the information is made available on the Websites.
  3. Where any law requires or permits us to give information to you, you consent to that information being given by an electronic communication.
  4. Where you are required or permitted to give us a notice under the Terms and Conditions, you may do so by giving us the notice by:
    1. mail addressed to Notices, UBET, PO Box 248, Albion, Queensland, 4010;
    2. email to;
    3. through the Website (where available).

6.6 Waiver

Any non-enforcement by the Company of any of its rights under the Terms and Conditions will not constitute a waiver of those rights. Any waiver by the Company of any of its rights under the Terms and Conditions will not constitute a waiver on any subsequent occasion.

6.7 Privacy

The Company's privacy policy with respect to Accounts (displayed on the Website) applies to the Rewards Program. If you have any questions regarding the Company's approach to privacy please contact us.

7. Definitions

  1. Unless specifically defined below, capitalised words and phrases used in these terms and conditions document adopt the meanings defined in the Account Terms and Conditions
  2. In these Terms and Conditions the following words have the meanings set out below:

    "Account" means a wagering Product Account held by a Member with the Company.

    "Account Terms and Conditions" means the terms and conditions relating to the use of an Account.

    "Account Credit" means a credit having a dollar value deposited into a Member's Account by the Company as prescribed in these Terms and Conditions.

    “Commencement Date” means 30 April 2015.

    "Company", "us" or "we" means:

    1. for residents of Queensland, UBET QLD Limited ABN 84 085 691 738;
    2. for residents of South Australia, UBET SA Pty Ltd ABN 22 097 719 107;
    3. for residents of Tasmania, UBET TAS Pty Ltd ABN 62 095 972 106;
    4. for residents of selected international jurisdictions and all Australian jurisdictions other than Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory who created their wagering Product Account on or before 26 March 2012, UBET NT Pty Ltd ABN 32 092 655 831; otherwise, UBET TAS Pty Ltd ABN 62 095 972 106.

    "Eligible Bet" means a pari mutuel or fixed price bet (that is not refunded or cancelled) placed by a Member using an Eligible Channel.

    "Eligible Channel" means the following account betting channels:

    1. online services available directly through the Website, the Company's smartphone applications or the Company's API;
    2. the Company's automated voice recognition telephone betting system; and
    3. the Company's operator assisted telephone betting facility.

    For the avoidance of doubt the following are not "Eligible Channels": TABActive, NetBet Pro and Third Party websites.

    "Eligible Spend"" has the meaning ascribed in clause 3.1.

    "Member" or "You" means a customer of the Company who is enrolled in the Rewards Program in accordance with clause 2.1 and who has not, in accordance with clause 2.2, terminated such membership or declined to participate in the Rewards Program.

    "Points" means the points earned in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

    "Review Date" means the date a Member’s Status Tier is assessed, being the date the Member enrolls in the Rewards Program and every 1 February and 1 August thereafter.

    "Rewards Program" means the rewards program established by the Company that is governed by these Terms and Conditions.

    "Status Tier" means a tier of membership of the Rewards Program which determines the benefits to which a member is entitled.

    "Terms and Conditions" means the terms and conditions set out in this document as may be varied from time to time.

    "Third Party" means any person who is not you or the Company or one of its Related Bodies Corporate.

    "Website" means