A Radical Social Space for Events & Organizing


Types of Use:

The Tower is intended to function as a resource for and to be actively shaped by those engaged in radical struggle in Hamilton. The space can be booked by individuals, groups, and organizations free of charge, and used for a variety of purposes. After reviewing the guidelines below, if you want to use the space, write to us at thetower@riseup.net with the dates and times you want and a description of your event.

Use of the space may include the following:

  1. Meetings. The space can be booked for the purpose of holding meetings. This includes one-time meetings, as well as regular (for example weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) meetings.
  2. Events. The space can be booked for events such as film screenings, book launches, workshops, presentations, letter writing nights etc.
  3. Classes & Skill-Shares. The space can be booked for ongoing classes, discussion groups, or skill-share series.
  4. Office Hours. The space can be booked by groups and organizations to hold drop-in office hours.


The Tower strives to promote anarchist values of prefiguration, mutual aid, direct action, horizontality, and solidarity. The Organizing Collective respects the autonomy of those who utilize the space. The project is non-sectarian – we welcome and hope to be a place for dialogue between a diversity of anarchist tendencies.

While we strive to affirm autonomy and to make The Tower available for a variety of uses, there are a handful of guidelines that shape the use of the space. These guidelines are not intended as final answers or absolute laws, but as a working attempt to instill best practices.

1. The Tower is a sober space.

We ask that events are dry and that people do not bring visible containers of alcohol into the space. We understand that people may have complicated relationships with substances and different understandings of sobriety. In response to ongoing and past trauma, people employ different coping mechanisms. We acknowledge that substances such as drugs and alcohol are examples of such mechanisms, and do not take any sort of moral position on their consumption. However, the presence of these substances create an atmosphere in which some people feel unsafe and give a pretext for police intervention in the space.

2. The Tower is intended as an intentional space committed to furthering revolutionary organizing.

It is a space to develop, network, and do outreach for local and international struggles. The Tower is not a space for apolitical social gatherings or subcultural projects. Punk shows, dances parties, and the like can be fun – they present opportunities to casually socialize and unwind. These events are valuable, however, not within the purview of The Tower’s mandate.

3. The Tower is a project rooted in active opposition to patriarchy, queer and transphobia, white supremacy, colonialism, and ableism.

We recognize these forms of oppression as systemic institutions that are materially grounded, but also, maintained through individual behaviours and relationships. We strive to create a space that does NOT reproduce oppressive dynamics at the level of personal interactions. This is an ongoing work in progress, and we ask that those who use the space keep this in mind.

4. The Tower is an explicitly anti-authoritarian project.

We will not host events that are in any way connected to a political party, or have any groups that seek the seizure of state power use the space for meetings.

5. The Tower is committed to furthering principles of anti-capitalism.

To the greatest extent possible, we strive to create a space that is NOT dictated by relations of economic exchange. We do not charge for the use of the space, and ask that events hosted in the space are either free, sliding scale, or pay what you can.

6. Conflict is inevitable.

It is an unavoidable aspect of everyday life, and a crucial component of antagonistic politics – whether we talk about class struggle or social war, conflict is key. Conflict is also routine in personal interactions between individuals and between groups. Conflict will necessarily arise in The Tower. In the case that a conflict arises, we ask that the parties involved do their best to resolve the issue amongst themselves. The Organizing Collective is not intended to act as a mediating body. If an instance arises in which a conflict cannot be resolved, we can be approached as a last resort.

7. The Tower is a project grounded in collective responsibility and respect

Please respect the space, the neighbours, and the neighbourhood. Clean up after yourself – leave the space in the same condition that it was in before you had a meeting or event. Do not litter on the sidewalks outside of the space, and try to be friendly to our neighbours. And please, if you book the space, try to show up on time — we will probably close the space and leave if you’re more than twenty minutes late.

8. The Tower aims to be a space that is welcoming to those who are curious about or new to radical politics.

As a storefront space, people can wonder in at any time. If you are using the space and someone new wonders in, please be prepared to welcome them, tell them a bit about The Tower, and (where possible and reasonable) answer any questions they might have.

9. Law enforcement agents are NOT welcome in the space.

Cops, collaborators, and snitches will be immediately asked to leave. This is non-negotiable.

10. Mainstream journalists are NOT welcome in the space.

Independent/alternative media is welcome, however, are asked to make their presence known. Anyone who wishes to film, record, or take pictures is asked to first check-in with all those present in the space.