- published: 10 Feb 2014
- views: 171
Unknown or The Unknown may refer to:
2014.02.07 by Geing Lee
Music of May: Red Sandalwood Guzheng- Mountain and River. 乐海高山流水红木筝
Tukari geet or Deh bisaror gaan by some unknown Assamese folk artist perormed in my home, Jorhat ,Assam, India on 15 th April 2015.
can't forget that day so long and blue I took the last train to an unknown place tears filling up my eyes the pain i hide burns like a fire inside sometimes its hard to say good bye I love you and i need you to love you is the right choice in my life I love you and i need you I'll be standing here forever
仙劍奇俠傳二BGM-小橋流水·變奏 (The Legend of Sword and Fairy Two BGM - Running Water of the Little Bridge·Altered) 樂曲出場地點- (Location the music is played-) 未知 (Yet Unknown) 免責聲明- 除了英語翻譯之外,這視頻裡面的東西都不屬於我,是屬於它的合法主人。 DISCLAIMER- Apart from the English translations, nothing in this video belongs to me. They belong to their rightful owners. 有什麼問題可以問我~ ^ ^ If you have any questions, you can ask me~ ^ ^
Played by University of Rochester graduate students in science and engineering. Spring Blossoms On A Moonlit River is famous Chinese classic music. As originally a Pipa solo composed by an unknown composer, it has been popular in China since the Ming Dynasty around 1820 A.D., and has also been played on the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The music portraits a moonlit river with spring blossoms, and depicts the charming beauty of south of the Yangtze River. Played together by Pipa and Guzheng, scroll paintings of 'Bell rings over the river', 'Moon arises on the hill', 'Shade of flowers', 'Merge of cloud and river', and 'Waves beat against the rocks' are unfolded to the audience.
《尋你》 作曲/編曲:伍新蓓 作詞:雨柔 演唱:花澤靜、W.K. 後期:W.K. 【靜】 尋你 在杏花煙雨的江南裡 尋你 在西風古道的煙塵裡 【W.K.】 尋你 在青石小巷的詩句裡 尋你 在小橋流水的畫卷裡 【合】 啊 戀你 前生今世 啊 念你 魂裡夢裡 研一江春水 描一幅錦繡 詩裡畫裡全都是你 捧一輪明月 攜一縷清風 滿腹相思遙遙相寄 -music- 【靜】 尋你 在唐詩宋詞的筆墨裡 尋你 在江南絲竹的清韻裡 【W.K.】 尋你 在水墨丹青的畫舫裡 尋你 在高山流水的琴音裡 【合】 啊 尋你 千山萬里 啊 等你 今生來世 看落花庭院 望楊柳岸邊 千回百轉只為尋你 讀三生石語 彈琵琶一曲 陌上紅塵只為等你 原址:http://5sing.kugou.com/yc/1726101.html
Chinese Basic 2: Энхмэнд, Мөнгөнчимэг Бямбадорж, Номуунзаяа, Ичинхорлоо (Mongolia), 박수영 (Korea), Melinda Tang, Albert Timotius, Stefanny Lie, Devi Shintia Maslan, Edrina Novindyara, Debbie (Indonesia), 娜婆宁 (Azerbaijian) & Unknown Cameraman: Yan Choi from Indonesia
二零一五年十月四日美西八和會館、慶祝華光先師寶誕、在三藩市大明星戲院演出七場粵劇折子戲。現送上第四場由九十一歲高齡老前輩白超鴻師傅主演之” 林沖夜奔山神廟” ,送給大家欣賞。