Stock Filters

Stock Filters

Finding the right stock ideas is a real challenge. You need to be scanning the market, specific sectors and individual stocks to look for opportunities. Our analysts have done this work, and will continue to do this work, so that you can find the right stocks for you.

As our name implies, our core focus is on finding stocks whose “value” we calculate as higher than their current market price – these are ‘Stocks In Value’! However, using our advanced filtering system you can search for stocks based on a variety of investment measures:

  • What dividend is this stock likely to pay in the future?
  • How risky is that stock?
  • What is the long term ‘financial health’ of a stock, and of course?
  • Is the stock “in value”?

Beyond these core measures, there are a variety of other ways you can further refine your stock search, based on sector, various financial criteria or based on the perspective of our analysts.

Of course, if you don’t want to ‘Search’ for a stock, you can always choose from a list of regular stock reports to find investment ideas.

More Stock Filter features

Stock Goals
Stock Goals

Find stocks that align with your objectives. Search for stocks that we forecast to deliver a capital gain, a significant yield, or a bit of both.

Stock Risk

We calculate ‘business risk’ based on the nature of a business’s operations, government risk and risk of competitor activity or errosions of barriers to entry. This is simplified into categories of risk that you can match to your objectives.

Financial Health
Financial Health

We have developed a powerful proprietary measure of risk (which we have tracked for 5-years, demonstrating significant outperformance). Using this system, we categorise stocks’ ‘financial health’, based on the risk they may face of a shareholder value destroying ‘liquidity event’. An example of this might be the need to raise debt, equity, or go bankrupt!

Stock Views
Stock Views

Filter and find stocks based on what our analysts think. Stock views will show you the stocks ‘we like’ and, just as importantly, those popular stocks (which many people hold) which we don’t think stack up as an investment. We also publish ad-hoc views, based on ideas our analysts have.

Financial Metrics
Financial Metrics

Filter stocks based on a range of common financial metrics – eg, only show stocks with a PE below 12 and a market cap above $1bn