
Designed from the ground up to be easy to use, StocksInValue provides you with the information needed to improve the quality of the stocks you select for your portfolio.

Stock Filters
Stocks Filters

Our sophisticated filter allows you to identify ASX and Global stocks based on your investment objectives – are you looking for income or growth stocks, what is your risk tolerance, and are you only interested in stocks our analysts like?

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Company Insights

Our analysts have done the work, and will present their findings on hundreds of companies in plain English. We will present industry jargon and numbers clearly and logically, and our conclusions on a stock, simply.

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Company Insights
Global Stocks
Global Stock Coverage

StocksInValue has now been upgraded to cover International equities as well as Australian stocks.

We now cover many of the world’s best known names across more than 30 international exchanges.
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Portfolios & Watchlists

A portfolio and watchlist tool, including customised ‘alerts’, which allow you to track the performance and potential gain of your stocks.

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Portfolio and Watchlists
Macro Research
Macro Research

Our analysts conduct bottom-up valuations and forecast valuations of the All Ordinaries and individual Sectors. This gives you an alternative way to look for potential investment opportunities, and also know when the market is ‘good value’.

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Hundreds of  Stocks Valued

The backbone of our service — we provide current and future valuations, forecast dividend yields, and our own measure of a company’s risk and ‘financial health’ on hundreds of Australian and Global stocks. These insights, unique to StocksInValue customers, gives you the same insights on a stocks suitability for investment that our fund manager partners use for their decisions.

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Hundreds of stocks valued
Phone Support
Phone Support

While our site is designed for ease of use, we also have detailed user guides and video tutorials to assist new members, and, have a customer service team available to answer any technical queries you may have.

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