- published: 25 Sep 2016
- views: 2902
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From a creepy sighting of an unknown creature in the woods in Holland to a strange creature captured during the Japan Tsunami, here are 5 Unknown Creatures Caught on Tape Awesome Music by CO.AG MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/Terrifive More videos: 5 SCARIEST Videos Ever: https://youtu.be/PPW0cbsWp6Y 5 People With Super Powers Caught on Tape: https://youtu.be/Zn1sY8zB87E 5 Unexplained Videos On The Internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHCkZjnML7M Pranks Gone Horribly Wrong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mTwzeUj1Pw 5 CREEPIEST VIDEOS/FOUND FOOTAGES To Keep You Up At Night: https://youtu.be/cVwjKaFHVbc 5 Craziest and Most Bizzare Things Peopel Actually "Did It" With: https://youtu.be/2IBXOw-snnM 5 Time Travelers Caught on...
http://www.hollywood.com 'Unknown' Trailer HD Director: Jaume Collet-Serra Starring: Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger and January Jones A man awakens from a coma, only to discover that someone has taken on his identity and that no one, (not even his wife), believes him. With the help of a young woman, he sets out to prove who he is. For more movie trailers, celebrity interviews and box office news visit Hollywood.com!
UNKNOWN Industries presents: "The UNKNOWN Ride" a video following UNKNOWN Riders Nick Leonetti, Buddy Suttle, Kade Gates and Logan Lackey ripping through the streets of Oakland, CA and around the Bay Area on their Harley's. ++++ Buy UNKNOWN shirts, hoodies, dvds, calendars and more now at www.UnknownIndustries.com ++++ About UNKNOWN Industries: UNKNOWN Industries is a new breed of Harley-Davidson riders who push the limits of their motorcycles and themselves as they prove to the world what is possible on a bike. UNKNOWN has garnered nearly 5 million views online of the first 13 episodes of their world famous “Harley Wheelies” YouTube series. UNKNOWN’s team of Riders have traveled the country and performed hundreds of closed course Freestyle Harley Riding demos at events ranging fr...
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - “Multi-Love” from ‘Multi-Love’ out May 26th, 2015 on Jagjaguwar SCD/direct: http://smarturl.it/umo?iQid=mlv Amazon: http://smarturl.it/umo_amazon?iQid=mlv iTunes: http://smarturl.it/umo_itunes?iQid=mlv Indies: http://smarturl.it/umo_indies?iQid=mlv Directed by Lionel Williams Programs used: Unity Pro, After Effects CS5 Multi-Love is a not only a video, but a playable interactive environment. You can explore manipulate the world from the video on your computer by downloading these files: Mac: http://smarturl.it/UMOMLmac PC: http://smarturl.it/UMOMLpc Unity Pro Source File: http://smarturl.it/UMOMLunity Lyrics: Multi-Love Checked into my heart and trashed it like a hotel room Who is your God? Where is she? She wants to bury me in Austin under Uchiko She don’t ...
Official music video for the latest Sarah Geronimo single entitled "The Great Unknown." This is the second single from SG's most recent album of the same title. The track is the first collaboration between Hale's Champ Lui Pio and Sarah Geronimo as singers. The track is written by Hale guitarist Roll Martinez. The reflective theme of the song is matched by director Nolan Bernardino's contemplative visuals. "The Great Unknown" by Sarah Geronimo featuring Hale is released by Viva Records. Follow us on instagram: viva_records Facebook: Viva Records Twitter @viva_records Spotify: VivaVicor Snapchat: Viva Records
GTA 5 TROLLING EXTREM - Unknown User PRANK Episode 2 | iCrimax ►►►Austrian Abonnieren ist Pflicht ! ►https://www.youtube.com/user/SpecOpsAustria ►►►Unknown User Prank Teil 1 ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXtggH4De5Q ►GÜNSTIGE GAMES: http://bit.ly/13t8GV3►Die BESTEN Unlock Alls: https://xtreme-modding.de/shop/ ►GTA 5 kaufen: http://amzn.to/1Rv0wgY►Aufnahme Gerät: http://amzn.to/1SbdFPc ►MEIN SHIRT SHOP: http://bit.do/Bosshaft►Mein Gaming PC: http://bit.ly/2aFOOEQ ►NICHTS MEHR VERPASSEN ! ✔ Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1p3sBy7 ✔ Instagram: http://bit.ly/1zZEVYZ ✔ Livestream: http://bit.ly/1vk67eN ►Du Willst mit mir zocken ? TS IP: ts.youtubercommunity.de ►Du willst mich unterstützen ? ♥ ➊ Like das Video ➋ Teile das Video ➌ Abonniere meinen Kanal
5 Unknown Creatures Caught On Tape & Spotted In Real Life! Description: It is obvious that some creatures in this world are very weird looking, creepy and quite mysterious. Believe it or not, there are creatures out there that still needs an explanation as to where it has come from, and within this countdown, we are showing the strangest and realest looking ones caught on tape that many believe to be real. So buckle up, and remember, Im here with you, no need to be scared, Ajem.. With this being said, here are 5 Unknown Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life! Lets...Begin! 1. Encounter in the Graveyard The video your about to see was recorded in one of the years before 2007 which gained quite a massive popularity during its time on YouTube, lets say it was the fist ever vira...
Support Mahogany on Patreon: http://bit.ly/MahoganyPatreon Buy Jacob's EP // http://apple.co/1m8niCA Subscribe // http://bit.ly/1y9NX5r Facebook // http://bit.ly/Mahogany-Facebook Visit Us // http://wearemahogany.com Jacob Banks performs Unknown for Mahogany. Mahogany strives to deliver amazing music to your eyes and ears, as often as possible. If you love discovering new music on a daily basis then you're at the perfect place. Everything session is filmed in a different location, and by the same production team. Find out more from Jacob Banks // http://www.jacobbanks.co.uk/
Starring: Michael Shannon, Rachel Weisz, Kathy Bates Complete Unknown Official Trailer 1 (2016) - Rachel Weisz Movie As a man contemplates moving to a new state with his wife for her graduate program, an old flame - a woman who often changes identities - reenters his life at a birthday dinner party. Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Like us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/1QyRMsE Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the...
日本人覚醒の映画【凛として愛】全編ご視聴頂けます。 ◎凛として販売終了のお知らせ 『音癒処かむおん』及びに『やまとのこころ』での凛としての普及は中止致しました。 お求めの方は、『愛国女性のつどい花時計』http://www.hanadokei2010.com/ にてお求めください。ひとりでも多くの、真実を求める方々に届くことを願っております。 国難の危機にある現代の日本人必須の映画、今ひとりでも多くの方に、この学校教育やメディアでは教わらなかった『日本の真実の近代史』を、この映画を通じ、知って目覚めて欲しいと心から願っております。 明治開国から大東亜戦争まで日本が戦って来た『真実の歴史』を約70分でまとめてあります。 学校で教わってきた日本を悪とする近代史とは明らかに違う内容が記録されています。 なぜそのように間違ったことを教えられてマインドコントロール漬けになった現代の日本があるのかを知る切欠になる貴重な映画です。 ◆明治27年の朝鮮半島をめぐる清国との戦い ◆ロシア、フランス、ドイツの三国干渉 ◆朝鮮半島、満州をめぐり大国ロシアとの戦い ◆満州事変、支那事変、ABCD包囲網 日本が戦いを免れなかった真実、 資料に基づいて制作された映画、真実の歴史を知る事ができます。 ●制作の経緯 靖国神社創立百三十年記念事業の一環として本館改修と新館増築にともない遊就館で真実のドキュメンタリー映画を上映することになり其の映画制作を依頼されたのが泉水隆一監督でした。 監督が渾身の力を込め二年の歳月をかけて出来上がったのが「凛として愛」でした。 映画完成前から他国からの批判を気にした保守陣営の圧力などがありました。 上映はされたものの、この歴史の真実を伝える「凛として愛」をたったの二日で上映中止にしてしまったのです。 監督の無念さは計り知れません。 泉水隆...
了一法師 主講【地藏菩薩本願經】第六品之三講 (16/32) 轉自 心靈環保禪淨中心 - 佛法應用 唐于闐國三藏沙門實叉難陀譯 地藏菩薩本願經 卷中 如來讚歎品第六 何況善男子善女人自書此經或教人書、或自塑畫菩薩形像乃至教人塑畫。所受果報,必獲大利。 是故普廣,若見有人讀誦是經,乃至一念讚歎是經,或恭敬者。汝須百千方便,勸是等人,勤心莫退,能得未來、現在千萬億不可思議功德。 復次普廣:若未來世諸眾生等,或夢或寐,見諸鬼神乃及諸形,或悲、或啼、或愁、或嘆、或恐、或怖。此皆是一生十生百生千生過去父母、男女弟妹、夫妻眷屬,在於惡趣,未得出離,無處希望福力救拔,當告宿世骨肉,使作方便,願離惡道。 普廣,汝以神力,遣是眷屬,令對諸佛菩薩像前,志心自讀此經,或請人讀,其數三遍或七遍。如是惡道眷屬,經聲畢是遍數,當得解脫,乃至夢寐之中,永不復見。 復次普廣:若未來世,有諸下賤等人,或奴或婢,乃至諸不自由之人,覺知宿業,要懺悔者。志心瞻禮地藏菩薩形像,乃至一七日中,念菩薩名,可滿萬遍。如是等人,盡此報後,千萬生中,常生尊貴,更不經三惡道苦。 復次普廣:若未來世中,閻浮提內,剎利、婆羅門、長者、居士、一切人等,及異姓種族,有新產者,或男或女,七日之中,早與讀誦此不可思議經典,更為念菩薩名,可滿萬遍。是新生子,或男或女,宿有殃報,便得解脫,安樂易養,壽命增長。若是承福生者,轉增安樂,及與壽命。 復次普廣:若未來世眾生,於月一日、八日、十四日、十五日、十八日、二十三、二十四、二十八、二十九日、乃至三十日,是諸日等,諸罪結集,定其輕重。南閻浮提眾生,舉止動念,無不是業,無不是罪,何況恣情殺害、竊盜、邪婬、妄語、百千罪狀。能於是十齋日,對佛菩薩諸賢聖像前,讀是經一遍,東西南北百由旬內,無諸災難。 當此居家,若長若幼,現在未來百千歲中,永離惡趣。能於十齋日每轉一遍,現世令此居家無諸橫病,衣食豐溢。是...
(NTDAPTV) http://ap.ntdtv.com/ 拒被封口 上海踩踏罹難家屬公開信要真相 上海踩踏慘案 前警員揭:警力佈置問題 西門槍擊案兇嫌 陳福祥被境管 雲林死鵝隨意棄置 警方介入偵辦 彰府:兩禽場撲殺完畢 籲養禽戶接種疫苗 港叫停投資移民 大陸富人趕末班車 港湖罷免投票所大減 中選會稱不影響方便 台南臨時會達3分之1 賴清德缺席 中共宣布全面實施網路「實名制」 華裔時裝模特: 好想跟著神韻翩翩起舞 糗!金酸莓獎《變形金剛4》入圍7項 新增9場確診病例 防檢局公布最新疫情 跨海尋親15年 薩賓娜盼母相認 豬哥亮康康澎恰恰 綜藝大咖搶攻賀歲片 新唐人亞太電視台 按讚加入官方FB http://www.facebook.com/ap.ntdtv
北京的南锣鼓巷经历了哪些不为人知的岁月?台北的永康街又有哪些沁人心脾的味道?如今,传统与时尚在这里相遇。两条见证城市变迁的街道为我们诉说着怎样的故事?本期节目邀请嘉宾对话小城故事北京与台北。【文化丝绸之路】Nan luogu xiang lane in Beijing has experienced what unknown time? Yongkang street in Taipei what refreshing taste? Nowadays, traditional and fashion meet here. Two witness city streets for telling the story of how we change? This program invited guests dialogue Beijing and Taipei city story.
國光幫幫忙 20150119 你知道這些正妹是哪裡人嗎?, 國光幫幫忙 20150119, 國光幫幫忙 2015 01 19, 國光幫幫忙 20150115, 國光幫幫忙 20150114, 國光幫幫忙 20150113, 國光幫幫忙 20150112, 20150119 你知道這些正妹是哪裡人嗎?國光幫幫忙20150119 你知道這些正妹是哪裡人嗎?, 國光幫幫忙20150119, 國光幫幫忙2015 01 19, 國光幫幫忙20150115, 國光幫幫忙20150114, 國光幫 ... 國光幫幫忙20150119 你知道這些正妹是哪裏人嗎? 宋逸民,Eason,林宗興,小凈(國光女神) 由孫鵬,庹宗康、屈哥三位超強組合主持,帶來最具國際娛樂水準節版權所有: 三立都會台( 支持三立節目 ) 國光幫幫忙HD 你知道這些正妹是哪裡人嗎20150119 來賓:宋逸民、EASON、林宗興正妹:薏嘉、詩詩、Fish、蘿橘子、安雅國光女神:小淨台灣綜藝談話性節目,屈中恆、 ...