This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper. — “The Hollow Men,” T.S. Eliot. -- Barely three years into the 2020s, and we seem to be living out the prophesies of the Book of Revelation with its dire warnings about plague, poverty, hatred and war ... Will the world end with a bang or will it end, as T.S. Eliot concludes, with a whimper?.
Ankara. US PresidentJoe Biden will sign an executive order on ensuring responsible innovation in digital assets and cryptocurrencies, a White House statement said on Wednesday ... "Surveys suggest that around 16% of adult Americans – approximately 40 million people – have invested in, traded, or used cryptocurrencies," the statement said ... .
LONDON, March 9 (Reuters) - Russia warned the West on Wednesday that it was working on a broad response to sanctions that would be swift and felt in the West's most sensitive areas ...Register. U.S. PresidentJoe Biden on Tuesday imposed an immediate ban on Russian oil and other energy imports in retaliation for the invasion. read more ... Register ... ....
Russian troops stranded in the 40-mile long convoy of tanks and armoured vehicles stalled on the outskirts of Kyiv could face freezing to death in their vehicles this week as temperatures are set to plunge ... 'You just can't sit around and wait because if you are in the vehicle you are waiting to be killed. They are not stupid,' he told Newsweek ...1 2 3.
China accused the U.S. military of operating “dangerous” biolabs in Ukraine, echoing a Russian conspiracy theory that Western officials warned could be part of an effort to justify PresidentVladimir Putin’s invasion after the fact. Advertisement 2. Story continues below. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below ... “U.S ... 24 ... .
photo: Creative Commons / Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE
Russia announced a new ceasefire in Ukraine on Wednesday to let civilians flee besieged cities, but there were only limited signs of progress providing escape routes for hundreds of thousands of people trapped without medicine or fresh water ... Local ceasefires to let them leave have failed since Saturday ... 'RETALIATORY MEASURES' ... 'WAR MACHINE'. U.S ... U.S ... .
As the mass of corpses - both military and civilian - pile up in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, one is forced to ask why the United States and Western Europe haven’t learned the most basic lessons from past military engagements ... The first mistake was failing to grasp Putin’s mindset, found in his autobiography, “First Person ... It had nowhere to run ... .
Protests erupted Wednesday in Iraq's impoverished south over a rise in food prices that officials attributed to the conflict in Ukraine. For about a week, the price of cooking oils and flour have skyrocketed in local markets as government officials have sought to address growing anger with various statements and measures ... .
The Scandinavian country supplies around 20% of European natural gas, compared to Russia’s 45%. Norway, the second-largest European supplier of natural gas, cannot boost energy supplies to the European Union, the Norwegian Prime Minister said on Tuesday ... The two prime ministers also discussed the Baltic Pipe project ... .
French officials call for EU energy independence to avoid catastrophe. French Economy MinisterBruno Le Maire compared the current situation on the energy market, sparked by sanctions on Russian over its military offensive in Ukraine, with the oil crisis of 1973... The minister said the best response to the shock is “a single word ... READ MORE ... .