- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 1107
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"Song of farewell" (別歌) was commissioned by Forum Music Ensemble (Taiwan) --Commemorate the history of countless unknown soldiers for peace sacrifice-- for boy soprano, traditional soprano sheng, choir in 4 groups and 6 percussionists --Dedicated to Hsu Bor-Nien, Chen Yun-Hung, Huang Lung-Yi, Forum Music Ensemble and Taipei Chamber Singers--(2012) World premiered on: 29th Nov. 2012 Venue: Zhong Shan Concert hall (Taipei) Performed by: Mr. Hsu Bor-Nien and Ms Chen Yun-Hung, Conductor Mr. Huang Lung-Yi, Sheng Forum Music Ensemble and Taipei Chamber Singers --Video courtesy to Forum Music Ensemble-- www.chongkeeyong.com http://www.musforum.com.tw/index.php http://www.tcschoir.org.tw/ 《別歌》是描述陷入孤立無援、四面受敵的兵將們,在四面楚歌的窘迫環境中,想起家人的「那一瞬間」,心中百感交集地在死或生、降或滅之中掙扎!曲子由六位打擊樂手:四位在舞台上,二位在觀眾席的左右;合唱團則分為四組在舞台下圍繞著...
2015.12.25大阪DROP 「宣戦布告の7カ条」リリースツアーファイナルにて上映された、2016.1.14DROPにて開催の無料2マンライブ 「借金まみれの負け犬バンド ReVision of Sence VS シャキーリJr.の落第アイドル既読GENJI」 の、既読GENJIの彼らによる告知動画! 2016.1.14(木)大阪 アメリカ村DROP 借金まみれの負け犬バンド ReVision of Sence VS シャキーリJr.の落第アイドル既読GENJI ReVision of Sence / 既読GENJI 開場/開演:18:30/19:00 入場料:作文提出 題:あなたにとってReVision of Senceとは? ※なくても入れますが、入場順は後となります。 1.14 ライブ会場限定発売e.p. 「僕の4枚舌」 発売開始! http://revisionofsence.com/disco.html BUSU RECORDS [DEBU-002]¥1500 超豪華各種特典有り! 詳細後日発表 ■TICKET INFO■ <最速入場整理券配布> 2016.1.1 大阪アメリカ村三角公園にて、既読GENJIの手によるお渡し会開催!! 開始時刻など詳細は後日発表 ReVision of Sence 2nd minialbum "八面楚歌"2016.8.17 Release! BUSU RECORDS / DEBU-003 / ¥2,000(+税) 1.カミダノミレクイエム 2.Yeah!めっちゃナンマイダ 3.ヨノナカカオ 4.あいにーじゅーあいうぉんちゅー 5.SNSにNO・GU・SO 6.幸せの殺し方 7.わたしはブロッコリー 8.願いが叶う時 全国CDショップ各店にて購入予約受付中! "八面楚歌"リリース記念ワンマンツアー 2016.9...
ReVision of Sence【リビジョンオブセンス】2015年9月23日発売の初となる全国流通盤『宣戦布告の7カ条』より M-3「ダメ、ゼッタイ、現実逃避」のMVを公開 『宣戦布告の7カ条』 1. ヤダヤダ、ムリムリ、弱肉強食 2. 友達なんて必要ない ※MV https://youtu.be/SWN-sqO8eJw 3. ダメ、ゼッタイ、現実逃避 ※MV https://youtu.be/33f9t9B60vg 4. 前略、メンヘラ様 ※MV https://youtu.be/ReHeDYrWkPs 5. ヨノナカカネ ※MV https://youtu.be/qcgRlyGfB9s 6. 負け続きの日々 7. 独白 amazon http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B011K1NUQS official web http://revisionofsence.com Twitter https://twitter.com/R_O_S_official ダメ、ゼッタイ、現実逃避 作曲:河井教馬 作詞:河井教馬 Produced By ReVision of Sence 今日もやって来ましたね 国の特定疾患に指定された「現実逃避」を患うクズが 診察を始めましょう 患者A「出来るだけ失敗せず、成功掴み取りたいんです。 僕だけチャンス少ないんですよね。」 診断結果告げます あなたは一生五流です。 ハウツー本を読み漁り 知ったフリをして満足気 虎の巻を手に入れたつもりでいるようです 揚げ足取ることが趣味で 居場所は動画のコメント欄 処方箋お渡しいたしましょう 「失敗」を7日分です 今日は患者が多いようですね めんどくさいが次を呼びましょう 患者B「浮気されて別れた元カレをホント後悔させたいんです。 眩しいオンナになって、あいつより...
"Chang Ting Yuan Man" 《长亭怨慢》, song no. 7 from the 17 ci (词) in the collection "Baishi Daoren Gequ" 《白石道人歌曲》, compiled c. 1202 by the Chinese poet, composer, musician, and scholar Jiang Kui (姜夔, c. 1155-c. 1221), during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). Both the words and music of this song were composed by Jiang Kui. This arrangement was made by the eminent Chinese guqin player, musicologist, and composer Wang Di (王迪, 1923-2005), and the recording comes from her album 《中国古代歌曲长河》, released in two volumes by the Beijing Audio & Video Co. (北京音像公司) in 1987 and 1988. Beginning in the 1950s, Wang made significant efforts to document, publish, and promote qin ge (琴歌, "qin songs," or songs sung to the accompaniment of the guqin zither). In this version, for reasons unknown, changes have bee...
Wu Ye Ti 《烏夜諦》 or 'Evening Call of the Raven' is from the Shenqi Mipu 【神竒秘譜】 (1425) tablature collection. It is about a price by the name of Yikang who was banished to Yuzhang and met the governer who both cried together at his situation. The Emperor heard of this and took offense, so he summoned Yikang to the palace which cause him to panic at what might happen. Later, his servants heard of the cawing of ravens during the evening and they told him that it is a good omen. He finally met the Emperor who transferred him Yan Jiu. Generally, raven calls are considered unlucky but it is assumed that the timing of the call makes a difference between a lucky (before 10pm) and an unlucky (10pm and after) omen. There is a section in the melody entitled 'fighting for the nest' which tries to mimi...
Here I play a modern Chinese song, 别亦难, (Difficult to say good-bye), which was composed on the first four verses of a beautiful poem by Li Changyin (李商隱, Tang dynasty). The song was firstly performed by Paula Tsui (徐小凤), a famous singer from Hong Kong, in 1988. Here are the lyrics of the song: It's difficult for us to meet and hard to say good-bye, The east wind is too weak to revive dead flowers. The silkworm is alive as long as it spins silk. The candle only when burned has no tears to shed. Ah ! Difficult to meet. Ah ! Hard to say good-bye. The candle only when burned has no tears to shed. (Unknown translator.) The instrument I play is a xiao, a vertical notched flute. You can see it on pictures in the video. Ici, je joue une chanson chinoise moderne, 别亦难 (Difficiles adieux) ...
“Please… I don’t want you to see” ★ Hello again! I was shocked that no one had subbed this in English, so I decided to give it a try! My japanese isn't amazing, so I hope the translation is up to par! ★ Again, this is translyrics! You should be able to sing along with it! ★ It’s a pretty love song, although it’s kinda hard to tell it is. Either way, Gumi did a great job with this song and I love it a lot! ★ Lyrics: As the sunset spread in the music room The devil piano’s keys began to move It doesn’t bother us as it plays a tune And our song begins with a me and a you I happily play the piano but here I am, always all alone here, alone It’s for the best We all rise to fall, wondering what starts it all, alone here, alone It’s for the worst Ah, I knew I would hate this song You’ll h...
久しぶりの投稿です。 今回はReVision of Senceのダメ、ゼッタイ、現実逃避をギターで弾いてみました。 多少ミスもあるかと思いますが、観て頂けたら嬉しいです! 他にも弾いてみた動画載せてます! 【ヒステリックパニック】ねこ地獄 →http://youtu.be/Fh5k0aSCkmQ 【マキシマムザホルモン】絶望ビリー →http://youtu.be/k-JkmWINbVI Twitter→【@guitar_yuka】 ぜひフォローお願いします!
整整一年沒有琴簫的上載。幽靈公主是宮崎駿作品中最喜愛的一部,所以弄了它的主題曲來玩一下。之前曾經聽過一個日本shakuhachi(尺八)的版本,覺得不錯聽,所以依樣胡蘆掰一下(當然效果差好遠)。錄了幾十cut按到手指頭都快發麻了,最後一段因 為中氣不足開始卡到,包容一下吧...... 還有我的簫是D調,我把key降到原key的C,所以有些半音弄得不好