Tyler Thomas ‘I can’t deal with this pain’

‘I can’t deal with this pain’

THE mother of a little boy who died in a Melbourne house fire has paid tribute to the little “angel” his family says was the centre of their world.

Criminals Come on in, bro

Come on in, bro

NEW Zealand criminals are strolling into Australia without background checks as the number of Kiwi deportations swells.

Erratic driving Man seen waving gun at cars, court told

Man seen waving gun at cars, court told

A MAN was seen wielding a gun at motorists out the window of an erratically driven car with fake number plates while on a freeway in Melbourne’s west, a court has heard.

Manager stoush Pickering must pay ex-partner $500k

Pickering must pay ex-partner $500k

AFL player-manager Liam Pickering must pay former business partner Jason Sourasis almost $500,000 following a high-profile court stoush between the pair.

Page 13 The crimes that shaped Melbourne

The crimes that shaped Melbourne

CRIMINAL barrister Colin Lovitt has represented the defendants in some of Melbourne’s most high-profile murders. Here, he sheds some light on several of them.

Police block Frankston Flinders Road in Somerville to investigate an alleged aggravated burglary.

Woman dies in collision on freeway

A WOMAN has died in a fatal collision on a major highway north west of Melbourne.

Arrest injury Police concocted arrest story: court

Police concocted arrest story: court

A GROUP of police officers falsified a story that a woman jumped on one of them as if “riding a horse” to justify badly injuring her in an overblown arrest, a court has heard.

Injury claim Melbourne chef serves up lawsuit

Melbourne chef serves up lawsuit

A MELBOURNE chef claims he had emergency surgery after his chiropractor allegedly used “high-velocity thrust manipulations” on his back.

Rapist jailed Jail term upsets ‘Ghost Rider’ rapist

Jail term upsets ‘Ghost Rider’ rapist

A MELBOURNE rapist is upset his lengthy jail term is half of what gangland criminal Carl Williams received for murder.