Town of Wawarsing, NY
Ulster County
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wawarsing 1-22-2009 by L.L. No. 1-2009.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Unsafe buildings — See Ch. 41.
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 42.
Fair housing — See Ch. 55.
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 64.
Historic preservation — See Ch. 70.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 95.
112a Sched of Dist Regs 112b Sched of Sign Regs 112c Zoning Map 112d Table of Zoning Map 112e Planned Resort Rec Map
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Ch. 112, Zoning, adopted 7-24-1973, revised through 4-11-1991, as amended.
Article I General Provisions

§ 112-1 Authority; conflict; interpretation; separability.

§ 112-2 Purposes.

Article II Definitions

§ 112-3 Word usage.

§ 112-4 Specific definitions.

Article III Basic District Regulation

§ 112-5 Enumeration of districts.

§ 112-6 Zoning Map.

§ 112-7 Interpretation of district boundaries.

§ 112-8 Schedule of district regulations.

§ 112-9 Applicability of regulations.

§ 112-10 Lot development standards.

§ 112-11 Height restrictions.

§ 112-12 Yard regulations.

§ 112-13 Accessory structure and use standards.

§ 112-14 Prohibited uses.

Article IV General Supplementary Regulations

§ 112-15 Parking, loading, access and traffic standards.

§ 112-16 Floodplain development standards.

§ 112-17 Home occupation regulations.

§ 112-18 General commercial and industrial standards.

§ 112-19 Stormwater management.

§ 112-20 Landscaping requirements.

§ 112-21 Open development districts.

Article V Supplementary Regulations Applicable to Particular Uses

§ 112-22 Recreational vehicles, campgrounds and RV parks.

§ 112-23 Manufactured homes and parks.

§ 112-24 Planned unit development districts.

§ 112-24A Planned Resort Recreation District.

§ 112-25 Multifamily residential uses.

§ 112-26 Conversions of residential or nonresidential structures.

§ 112-27 Mining and extractive uses.

§ 112-28 Telecommunication facilities.

§ 112-29 Signs.

§ 112-30 Cluster development (conservation subdivisions).

§ 112-31 Adult uses.

§ 112-32 Vehicle junkyard and wrecking facilities.

§ 112-33 Transfers of density rights.

§ 112-34 Design guidelines.

§ 112-35 Mixed-use development.

§ 112-36 Affordable housing.

§ 112-37 Kennels.

§ 112-38 Timber harvesting.

§ 112-39 Bus storage facilities.

§ 112-40 Bed-and-breakfast establishments.

§ 112-40.1 Public utility substations.

Article VI Nonconforming Uses and Structures

§ 112-41 Rights to continue nonconforming uses.

§ 112-42 Normal maintenance and repairs.

§ 112-43 Restoration, reconstruction or reestablishment.

§ 112-44 Changes and additions.

§ 112-45 Use of existing nonconforming lots of record.

Article VII Special Use and Site Plan Review Procedures

§ 112-46 Preliminary site plan.

§ 112-47 Application and site plan required.

§ 112-48 Waivers.

§ 112-49 Hearing and decision.

§ 112-50 Conditions.

§ 112-51 Referrals.

§ 112-52 Appeals.

§ 112-53 Effect of site plan approval.

§ 112-54 Renewal of permits.

§ 112-55 Conformity with other plans, laws and ordinances.

§ 112-56 Special use review criteria.

§ 112-57 Bonding of site improvements.

§ 112-58 (Reserved)

Article VIII Administration and Enforcement

§ 112-59 Building Inspector.

§ 112-60 Permit requirements.

§ 112-61 State Environmental Quality Review Act compliance.

§ 112-62 Violations and penalties.

§ 112-63 Fees.

§ 112-64 Planning Board.

Article IX Zoning Board of Appeals

§ 112-65 Establishment; membership.

§ 112-66 Powers and duties.

§ 112-67 Procedures.