Town of Wawarsing, NY
Ulster County
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[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wawarsing as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 2-10-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994]

§ 9-1 Authorization for application; purpose.

Section 961 of Article 18-B of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York authorizes applications by towns for the designation as an economic development zone within the meaning of said statute.
Such a designation would greatly benefit the Town of Wawarsing in that new businesses would be encouraged to locate in the zone area, existing businesses would be encouraged to expand in the zone area, and new and expanded businesses would generate new jobs for Wawarsing residents.

§ 9-2 Application for designation.

The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to submit a joint application, together with the Mayor of the Village of Ellenville, for designation of certain areas within the Town of Wawarsing and the Village of Ellenville as an economic development zone.

§ 9-3 Boundaries.

The boundaries of said area shall consist of all parcels of real property which border on the westerly side of State Route 209 north from the Village of Ellenville and south from the intersection of Old Route 209 and Route 209; and all properties between Route 209 and Old Route 209, also including properties bearing Tax Map Nos. 83.006-04-22 and 83.010-02-35; all parcels of real property in the Town of Wawarsing and outside of the Village of Ellenville east of Route 209 commencing at the northern boundary of the Village of Ellenville and Town of Wawarsing on State Route 209 and ending at the intersection of State Route 209 and Old Route 209 and west of the Sandburg Creek; and all parcels of real property which border on the eastern side of Berme Road between the northern boundary of the Village of Ellenville and the Town of Wawarsing and south of the Roundout Creek. Expressly excluded from the parcels of real property in the zone are all properties in the aforementioned areas owned by the State of New York Urban Development Corporation.

§ 9-4 Zone Certifying Officer.

Pursuant to the requirements of the aforesaid statute, the Town Clerk of the Town of Wawarsing shall serve as the Zone Certifying Officer who shall certify those business enterprises which are eligible to receive the benefits referred to in § 966 of Article 18-B of the New York State General Municipal Law.

§ 9-5 Administrative Board; duties.

Pursuant to the requirements of the aforesaid statute, a local Economic Development Zone Administrative Board is hereby established to consist of nine members, including the Village of Ellenville Village Manager who shall serve as Chairperson of the Board. The remaining members of the Board shall include representatives from various sectors within the Town of Wawarsing and Village of Ellenville, including one person representing organized labor in the community, one person from the business/industrial sector of the aforementioned community, one person from the business/retail/commercial sector of the aforementioned community, one person from the business/finance sector of the aforementioned community, one person involved in the human resources sector of the aforementioned community, an educator in the aforementioned community, one representative from the general citizenry of the aforementioned community, and one representative from a civic organization within the community.
The aforementioned local Economic Development Zone Administrative Board shall perform the following duties:
Prepare an annual report regarding the economic development zone activities, including an analysis of the extent to which the goals set forth in the economic development zone application have been met.
Undertake efforts to insure meaningful participation by minority and women-owned businesses in economic development zone activities.
In cooperation with local service officials, establish a job training opportunities program sponsored by private employers in accordance with the provisions of § 164-b or 350-l of the Social Services Law.
Enter into agreements with local departments of social services and community-based organizations to facilitate the provision of ancillary or enhanced social services in any such zone.
Provide within the zone, or contract with a new or existing community-based local development corporation or entity to provide, strategic economic development planning for the zone, marketing and promotion of the zone, assistance to companies in applying for available benefits, preparation of application for financing assistance and other technical assistance services; coordination of the delivery of state and local programs within the zone; and operation of the economic development assistance program in furtherance of the economic development zone development plan as shall be determined by the designee.
[Adopted 10-3-1996 by L.L. No. 6-1996]

§ 9-6 Title.

The title of this article shall be the "Economic Development Subzone of the Town of Wawarsing."

§ 9-7 Purpose.

The purpose of this legislation is for the establishment of the Wawarsing Subzone of the Kingston-Ulster Economic Development Zone, as authorized under Article 18-B of the New York State General Municipal Law, as well as other pertinent state legislation, including the Executive Law, the General Municipal Law, the New York State Urban Development Corporation Act, the Public Authorities Law, the Real Property Tax Law, the Tax Law and the Public Service Law.

§ 9-8 Zone Administrative Board; Zone Administrator; Zone Certification Officer.

Zone Administrative Board.
The Zone Administrative Board shall be composed of 13 members. The Chairman of said Board shall be the Mayor of the City of Kingston. The remaining 12 members shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Kingston and shall include the Town of Ulster Supervisor, a member of the local education field, a representative from the Ulster County Government, two Town of Ulster business representatives, a representative of the Town of Ulster, a representative of local business, labor, community organizations, human resources, financial institutions and a resident of the Zone.
The Zone Administrative Board shall give direction to the activities of the Zone, and their duties and responsibilities shall include those set forth in New York General Municipal Law Article 18-B, § 963(b).
The members of the Zone Administrative Board, other than the Mayor, shall be appointed for two-year terms, except that the initial Board shall include six members appointed for one-year terms. No individual shall serve longer than three successive two-year terms.
The Zone Administrative Board will serve as the coordinator of all other organizations sponsoring programs within the Economic Development Zone. The Board will be responsible for integrating the diverse activities of other agencies and to the zoned development plan. Individual members of the Board and the Board as a body shall serve as a liaison with federal, state and local government officials, voluntary organization and business, financial and educational communities.
Zone Coordinator. The Zone Coordinator is hired by the Zone Administration Board, and his/her function shall be to supervise the daily activities of the Zone. The Zone Coordinator shall not serve on the Zone Administrative Board.
Zone Certification Officer.
The Zone Certification Officer will be appointed by the Zone Administrative Board and shall not serve as a member of said Board.
The Zone Certification Officer will compile information and file necessary documentation with the state for designations. Compilation of information and filings will be performed in conjunction with the Zone Coordinator. The Zone Certification Officer will perform functions and duties as set forth in New York General Municipal Law Article 18-B, § 963(a).
Program management. The Zone Administrative Board will hire an EDZ Administrator to manage the day-to-day activities of the Economic Development Zone. These activities shall include daily administration, zone marketing, financial assistance, data collection, clerical support and similar activities. The department personnel of the Kingston Community Development Office, the City of Kingston Planner, the Town of Ulster Planner, the Town of Wawarsing Planner and the City of Kingston Corporation Counsel shall serve as support staff to the Zone Administrator.

§ 9-9 Applicable areas.

The boundaries of the Kingston-Ulster Economic Development Zone are delineated on a map which shall be filed in the office of the Zone Coordinator and the City Engineer and are described more particularly in § 9-12 herein. The state and local zone incentives, as well as other activities associated with this article and the Zone development plan, shall be effective only within this area, unless otherwise amended by the State of New York or the Town of Wawarsing as provided by law.

§ 9-10 Zone development plan.

The Zone Administrative Board, through its policy-making function, will determine the general direction of zone development and establish the amount of resources to be allocated among Zone programs.

§ 9-11 Town of Wawarsing Zone incentives.

Fee waivers. The Town of Wawarsing will waive the following fees for nonresidential properties within the designated Economic Development Subzone: Planning Board reviews, including site plan, subdivision, curb cut and special permit, Noise Ordinance permit, flood letters, street letters, zoning variance, plumbing permit, building permit, certificate of compliance, certificate of occupancy, sewer connection, sign permit, dumpster permit, blasting permit, demolition permit, and social services inspection.
Real property tax.
Real property constructed, altered, installed or improved in the area designated as an Economic Development Zone pursuant to Article 18-B of the New York General Municipal Law shall be exempt from taxation and special ad valorem levies by the Town of Wawarsing in accordance with the schedule set forth in New York Real Property Tax Law § 485-e:
One hundred percent of the base amount in the first seven years from the date on which the Economic Development Zone is designated.
Seventy-five percent of the base amount in the eighth year.
Fifty percent of the base amount in the ninth year.
Twenty-five percent of the base amount in the tenth year.
"Base amount" for purposes of this article, is as defined in the New York Real Property Tax Law § 485-e, Subdivision 2.
Sales tax. Pursuant to New York Tax Law § 1119, refunds or credits shall be available for sales tax paid on tangible personal property purchased for use in constructing, expanding or rehabilitating industrial or commercial real property located in the designated Economic Development Zone.

§ 9-12 Zone boundaries.

Zone boundaries are defined as all that tract of land described in Exhibit A annexed hereto and made a part hereof.[1]
Editor's Note: Exhibit A and subsequent amendments thereto are on file in the office of the Town Clerk.