
Contact us if you have been discriminated against, sexually harassed, victimised or vilified. We will help resolve your complaint through our free, fair and timely dispute resolution service.

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The Law

We are an independent agency with responsibilities under three laws to protect all Victorians from discrimination and human rights breaches:

We conciliate complaints of alleged discrimination lodged under the Equal Opportunity Act and the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.

The Charter requires all public authorities to consider human rights when making decisions, developing policies and providing services.

About Us

We work to create a community where every person values, understands and respects human rights and equal opportunity.

Our services

  • a free telephone Enquiry Line
  • a free, fair and timely dispute resolution service
  • information and education about equal opportunity, racial and religious vilification and the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
  • education, training and consultancy services.