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    New mini-series on Polycasts to build accessible components. Learn yr fundamentals!

  3. This is ur friendly reminder that if u do testing for ur pages, the Chrome A11y Extension is ur best friend 💡

  4. "I discovered there was this vast community we were underserving," says Facebook 's Jeffrey Wieland.

  5. WAI- Authoring Practices 1.1 replaces older 1.0 Authoring Practices and Primer; use 1.1 version now.

  6. In case you missed it, you can download our free report on and accessibility of 10 top travel websites:

  7. Accessibility is everyone's job: a role-based model for teams by

  8. My latest blog is about and accessibility. Let me know what you think:

  9. ~’s course is great! But—as per its content—it could benefit from adding video transcripts for users w/ hearing impairments. 💯

  10. The aXe testing engine version 2.0 is out! Browser extensions being updated shortly.

  11. Happy to see Twitter becoming the default. Hope devs start using alt text whenever they can!

  12. Designing accessible apps benefits all of us. Will you make your app accessible? via

  13. Helsinki 🇫🇮 opened data for everyone. Here's what happened next

  14. Goodness, no. As a sighted person, I always close slideshow articles. Always.

  15. Braille is beautiful! We love the gift cards with braille available in the USA & Canada.

  16. 10 Short Videos to Improve Document Accessibility

  17. Started an course. So much to learn, but totally worth it. Check it out if you are interested.

  18. This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22 via

  19. Disability Pride Parade NYC today!

    Parade participants from Project Access holding signs "Access For All"
  20. "When we design for disability, we all benefit". Inspiring talk from Elise Roy

  21. I also use NVDA screen reader for my . This short post gives some of the reason why it's a good choice

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