- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 983003
Enden is a neighborhood of Ringebu, Norway. It is located where County Road 27 branches off from E6.
Coordinates: 61°33′00″N 10°03′43″E / 61.550°N 10.062°E / 61.550; 10.062
In a modern sense, comedy (from the Greek: κωμῳδία, kōmōidía) refers to any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or to amuse by inducing laughter, especially in theatre, television, film and stand-up comedy. The origins of the term are found in Ancient Greece. In the Athenian democracy, the public opinion of voters was influenced by the political satire performed by the comic poets at the theaters. The theatrical genre of Greek comedy can be described as a dramatic performance which pits two groups or societies against each other in an amusing agon or conflict. Northrop Frye depicted these two opposing sides as a "Society of Youth" and a "Society of the Old". A revised view characterizes the essential agon of comedy as a struggle between a relatively powerless youth and the societal conventions that pose obstacles to his hopes. In this struggle, the youth is understood to be constrained by his lack of social authority, and is left with little choice but to take recourse in ruses which engender very dramatic irony which provokes laughter.
Olaf Schubert, (real name Michael Haubold) (born November 7, 1967 in Plauen) is a German comedian and musician.
Schubert works as comedian and musician on German broadcasters and radios.
Stand Up may refer to:
A poetry slam is a competition at which poets read or recite original work. These performances are usually judged by selected members of the audience or by a panel of judges.
American poet Marc Smith is credited with starting the poetry slam at the Get Me High Lounge in Chicago in November 1984. In July 1986, the slam moved to its permanent home, the Green Mill Jazz Club. In August 1988, the first poetry slam was held in New York City at the Nuyorican Poet's Cafe and hosted by Bob Holman. In 1990, the first National Poetry Slam took place in Fort Mason, San Francisco, involving a team from Chicago, a team from San Francisco, and an individual poet from New York. Soon afterward, poetry slam had become so popular that people were able to make full-time careers as slam poets; they traveled around the country and performed.
In 2001, the September 11 attacks actually had an interesting impact on poetry slam. This was because many performers were stuck in cities they had been performing in before the attack, and they could not get home because flights were down. After the attacks, a new wave of poetry slam started within New York City with the focus on the community of poets coming together to speak about and try to understand the terrorist attacks.
Emotionale Abschiedsrede von Stefan Raab - Der Deutsche Comedy Preis
Nico Semsrott: Freude ist nur ein Mangel an Information (Best Of 2013 - 2017) - 3satfestival 2017
Markus Krebs: extreme Hobbys - TV total
Hape Kerkeling überreicht Ottried Fischer den Ehrenpreis - Deutscher Comedypreis 2017 - Der Deutsch
Dieter Nuhr 2017 LIVE - | Best Comedy & Satire
Kopciuszek Aschenputtel ~ Cały Film z lektorem
Volker Pispers - Merkel das pragmatische Arschloch - Bis Neulich 2014 - Kabarett
Vince Ebert : "Denken lohnt sich" 3Sat Festival 2008
Markus Krebs - LieblingsWitze - 1LIVE Köln Comedy-Nacht XXL
Johann König eskaliert 2017 - Erlebnisse bei der Sparkasse & Vorurteile | Best Comedy & Satire 2017
Torsten Sträter - Als ich in meinem Alter war ! | Best Comedy & Satire
FACK JU GÖHTE 3 Trailer German Deutsch (2017)
"Alter Schwede" von Lars Ruppel | Finalsieger Poetry Slam Meisterschaften 2014 Dresden | MDR
Hammer Songparodie auf Uptown Funk und Bills - Der Deutsche Comedy Preis
Hagen Rether: LIEBE (Update 2015) 27.09.2015 - 3satfestival 2015 - Bananenrepublik
Olaf Schubert - Schutz der Frau | Best Comedy & Satire
Markus Krebs in der Comedy Kneipe am 26.05. bei RTL NITRO und online bei TV NOW
7 Ways to Maximize Misery 😞
Komedie|Kabarett - Im vollkommenen Chaos der Dummheit - Teil 2 Uncut
[KOMPLETT] - AUSRASTER und Abruch Live-Show Carolin Kebekus, Jan Böhmermann - Neo Magazin
Am Ende des Jahres sagt Stefan Raab Lebewohl und er nutzt die Chance beim Comedypreis eine kleine Rede zu halten. Jetzt Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/1aYTIZV MySpass bei facebook: http://www.facebook.com/myspass MySpass bei twitter: https://twitter.com/MySpassde
http://www.nicosemsrott.de/kalender Nico Semsrott beim 3sat Festival 2017 mit dem Besten aus den letzten vier Jahren: Freude ist nur ein Mangel an Information 1.0 bis 2.5. 0:39 Bestrafungsspiel 1:43 Kurzvorstellung 6:20 Entscheidungen 15:48 Heiraten 23:10 Quatsch 25:30 Pavianfelsen und Flüchtlingspaviane 2015 27:56 Faulheit 32:35 Aufklärung vs. Fanatismus 38:10 Widersprüche 42:50 Ende Unglückskekse: http://www.unglueckskekse.de/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nicosemsrott Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nicosemsrott Instagram: http://instagram.com/nicosemsrott
Der Hocker Rocker hat, je älter er wird, immer extremere Hobbys: Vor Schaffnern läuft er gerne weg, obwohl er ein Ticket besitzt und er ist jetzt auch in einem Kegelclub. Ja und was macht so ein Club am liebsten? Genau, einen Ausflug. Was er da mit seinen Kumpels erlebt hat, erzählt er euch lieber selbst. Die ganze Folge auf MySpass: http://www.myspass.de/20378 Jetzt Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/1aYTIZV MySpass bei facebook: http://www.facebook.com/myspass MySpass bei twitter: https://twitter.com/MySpassde
Hape Kerkeling überreicht seinem Vorbild Ottfried Fischer den Ehrenpreis! In seiner Dankesrede appelliert Fischer an alle in der Comedybranche Stellung zu beziehen und Haltung zu zeigen. Jetzt Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/1aYTIZV MySpass bei facebook: http://www.facebook.com/myspass MySpass bei twitter: https://twitter.com/MySpassde
Mehr Deutsche Comedy? +++ www.club-comedy.de +++ Dieter Herbert Nuhr (* 29. Oktober 1960 in Wesel) ist ein deutscher Kabarettist, Komiker, Autor und Moderator. Comedy & Satire Playlist: https://compilation.club-comedy.de Lustige Pics, Dreckige Witze und natürlich noch mehr Clips im Social Media. Schaut rein! ;) #facebook https://facebook.club-comedy.de #Twitter https://twitter.club-comedy.de #google+ https://google.club-comedy.de Bis zu seinem vierten Lebensjahr wuchs Nuhr in Wesel auf. Danach zog seine Familie nach Düsseldorf, wo er den Rest seiner Kindheit verbrachte. Dort besuchte er das Leibniz-Gymnasium. Von 1981 an studierte er an der Universität-Gesamthochschule Essen (ehemals Folkwang) Bildende Kunst und Geschichte auf Lehramt; 1988 legte er das Erste Staatsexamen ab. Gute...
najpiękniejsze baśnie braci grimm najpiękniejsze baśnie braci grimm kopciuszek najpiękniejsze baśnie braci grimm roszpunka najpiękniejsze baśnie braci grimm po polsku najpiękniejsze baśnie braci grimm mała syrenka najpiękniejsze baśnie braci grimm król drozdobrody najpiękniejsze baśnie braci grimm braciszek i siostrzyczka najpiękniejsze baśnie braci grimm piękna i bestia najpiękniejsze baśnie braci grimm śpiąca królewna najpiękniejsze baśnie braci grimm stoliczku nakryj się
Volker Pispers - Kabarett - Merkel, Kapitalismus, USA - Bis Neulich Satire und Kabarett zu den Themen: Kapitalismus, Gesellschaft, Schuldenkrise, Politik und mehr! Von Volker Pispers aus dem aktuellen Programm Bis Neulich! (2014) Viel Spaß
Markus Krebs ist bekannt für seinen schlagkräftigen Ruhrpott-Humor. Klassische Oneliner und derbe Haudrauf-Witze sind seine Spezialität! Auch bei der Köln Comedy-Nacht XXL. Die ganze Folge auf MySpass: http://www.myspass.de/27286 Jetzt Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/1aYTIZV MySpass bei facebook: http://www.facebook.com/myspass MySpass bei twitter: https://twitter.com/MySpassde
Mehr Deutsche Comedy? +++ www.club-comedy.de +++ Johann König (eigentlich Johannes Köhn, * 21. Juni 1972 in Soest) ist ein deutscher Komiker. Er nannte sich früher Johann Köhnich und gibt als Geburtsnamen scherzhaft René Otzenköttel an. Comedy & Satire Playlist: https://compilation.club-comedy.de Lustige Pics, Dreckige Witze und natürlich noch mehr Clips im Social Media. Schaut rein! ;) #facebook https://facebook.club-comedy.de #Twitter https://twitter.club-comedy.de #google+ https://google.club-comedy.de Johann König ist der Anarchist im Anzug, der Charmeur mit Schnauze, Unterhaltungskünstler mit Haltung! Satire ist Unterhaltung mit Nebenwirkungen. Der Ort bei dem Comedy & Satire auf Musik und Poetry Slam trifft. Sicher ist nur eins: die Überraschung. ░░░░█▒▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒...
Torsten Sträter (* 4. September 1966 in Dortmund) ist ein deutscher Horror- und Comedy-Schriftsteller, Slam-Poet und Kabarettist. ➤Channel: https://www.club-comedy.de ➤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YoutubeChannelComedy/ ➤google+ https://goo.gl/7aGzLh Sträter absolvierte eine Ausbildung zum Herrenschneider und arbeitete auch in diesem Beruf. Später arbeitete er zwölf Jahre lang für eine Spedition. Er schrieb unter anderem für das Satiremagazin Pardon, seit geraumer Zeit schreibt er humoristische Kolumnen für das Kicker-Sportmagazin. In seinen Büchern finden sich ausschließlich Kurzgeschichten. Er tritt regelmäßig bei nuhr im Ersten und extra 3 auf.Seine eigenen Depressionen thematisiert er auch kabarettistisch. Torsten Sträter lebt in Walt...
Offizieller "Fack ju Göhte 3" Trailer Deutsch German 2017 | Abonnieren ➤ http://abo.yt/kc | (OT: Fack ju Göhte 3) Movie #Trailer | Kinostart: 26 Okt 2017 | Filminfos https://KinoCheck.de/film/aab/fack-ju-goehte-3-2017 Homo Faber, Kurvendiskussion, Asbest in den Toiletten. An der Goethe-Gesamtschule herrscht Stress: Zeki Müller (Elyas M'Barek) will Chantal (Jella Haase), Danger (Max von der Groeben), Zeynep (Gizem Emre) und die anderen Schüler zum Abitur peitschen, doch die Chaosklasse ist wenig kooperativ, denn die nette Dame vom Berufsinformationszentrum (BiZ) hat ihnen die Zukunftsaussichten ordentlich vermiest. Nun erreicht das Frustrationslevel ganz neue Höhen, was sich in maximaler Leistungsverweigerung und Schülereskalation äußert. Kann Herr Müller auch Motivation? Direktorin Gudrun...
http://www.mdr.de/comedymitkarsten/slam-poetry-meisterschaft-in-dresden102.html Sieg für "Alter Schwede" bei den Deutschen Poetry Slam Meisterschaften in Dresden! In einem spannenden Stechen setzte sich der Hesse von "Kreuzbergslam Berlin" am Ende im Einzelwettbewerb gegen Paul Weigl (2. Platz) und Tobias Gralke (3. Platz) durch. Das Einzelfinale gibt's am 26.11.2014 um 00.35 Uhr noch einmal im MDR FERNSEHEN zu sehen, das Team-Finale dann am 03.12.2014 um 00.35 Uhr.
Mit einer Parodie auf Uptown Funk und Bills eröffnet Carolin Kebekus den Deutschen Comedypreis! Jetzt Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/1aYTIZV MySpass bei facebook: http://www.facebook.com/myspass MySpass bei twitter: https://twitter.com/MySpassde
► NEU: DieBananenrepublik2 https://www.youtube.com/user/diebananenrepublik2/videos ► NEU: Google+: https://plus.google.com/116548748293938083517/posts ► Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/106701079280378758319/posts ► Zweiter-Upload-Kanal: http://www.youtube.com/user/dieBananenrepublik ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/Stimmbuerger - Bananenrepublik ► Quelle: Hagen Rether: LIEBE (Update 2015) 3satfestival 2015: Mit sanfter Stimme erzählt er Geschichten von Macht und Ohnmacht, Lobbyismus und Kriegstreiberei, Idiotie und Egoismus. Mit Hagen Rether kann man lachen und weinen zugleich. http://www.3sat.de/mediathek/?mode=play&obj;=54081
Olaf Schubert - Schutz der Frau Olaf Schubert (* 7. November 1967 in Plauen) ist als Kunstfigur ein Alter Ego des Dresdner Comedians, Kabarettisten und Musikers Michael Haubold.Kanal-Abo - Nichts verpassen: https://goo.gl/AiOdZG Alle Comedy Kabarett Satire Clips : https://goo.gl/GBRp2q Alle Clips von Olaf Schubert: https://goo.gl/qfZvVM ░░░░█▒▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ░░░░█▒▒▄▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▄ ░░▄▀▒▒▒▄█████▄▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▄█████▄▒█ Best of 2017: https://goo.gl/1GV1gr
http://www.rtlnitro.de/cms/sendungen/comedy-kneipe.html http://www.tvnow.de/rtlnitro/comedy-kneipe Comedy Kneipe am 26.05. 21:55 Uhr bei RTL NITRO und online bei TV NOW. Wiederholung am Freitag 27.05.2016, 23:05 Uhr RTL NITRO bringt die Eckkneipen-Kultur zurück! In "Die Comedy Kneipe" lädt Gastgeberin Mirja Boes Comedy-Talente und Comedy-Legenden unserer Zeit ein. Der ehemalige Fußball-Hooligan Markus Krebs gewann 2011 den Comedy Grand Prix und ist seither ein bekanntes Gesicht in der Comedy-Szene. Das Markenzeichen des „Hocker Rocker“ sind seine Wollmütze und eine dunkle Sonnenbrille. Oft haut er bei seinen Auftritten mehr Witze raus, als andere Comedians in ihrer gesamten Karriere. Das komplette Stand-Up Programm von Special Guest Markus Krebs aus der „Comedy Kneipe“ vom 26.05.2016.
How to make yourself sad. Sponsor: http://audible.com/grey VERY IMPORTANT FOOTNOTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qGCAE1jte8 Discuss this video: http://reddit.com/r/cgpgrey Special Thanks: Randy J. Paterson PhD http://www.randypaterson.com/ Patreons: Mark Govea, Thomas J Miller Jr MD, Bob Kunz, John Buchan, Andres Villacres, Nevin Spoljaric, Christian Cooper, Michael Little, Ripta Pasay, Tony DiLascio, Richard Jenkins, Chris Chapin, Saki Comandao, Tod Kurt, Jason Lewandowski, Michael Mrozek, Phil Gardner, سليمان العقل, Jordan Melville, Martin , Steven Grimm, rictic , Ian , Faust Fairbrook, Chris Woodall, Kozo Ota, Colin Millions, Guillermo , Timothy Basanov, Chris Harshman, ChoiceMechanicalDenver.com , Donal Botkin, David Michaels, Ron Bowes, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Mikko , Derek Bonn...
Information zur Show: Dieses Improvisationstück besteht vor allem aus den Vorgaben, welche das Publikum an Jordi Ricciardi und Alexandra Sarcevic gibt, durch Stichworte, Ideen und andere Sachen, entsteht dann eine 2h Komedieproduktion. Mit Musik, Lachanfällen, Essen, Trinken und was man halt sonst noch alles so an einer Show haben will. Verarschungen von TalkShows, Publikumsaktionen, Songs, Tänze, Akrobatik, Verarschungen vom Literatur Club und und und - Ein Muss für LACHFREUDIGE.
Jan Böhmermann wird frech und kriekt Schelle von Carolin Kebekus in Talkshow Neo Magazin und bluted mit Live Abbruchvon Sendung HD. KOMPLETT.
Las Vegas! Vegas, Baby! With a weekend to explore Las Vegas we arrived hitting the ground running wanting to pack in as much as we possibly could over a short period of time. Nigh life, music, gambling, entertainment, dancing, walking the Strip and shows in the evening. Driving luxury cars, helicopter tours, exploring the Grand Canyon and marveling at Red Rock Canyon by day. Las Vegas was full of surprises. The following is a Las Vegas travel guide to experience the most out of your vacation to Sin City. It is the best things to do on Las Vegas Strip along with day excursions outside of the city limits. As they say, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas: GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79...
https://www.expedia.com/Cape-Town.d6046820.Destination-Travel-Guides Cape Town sits on South Africa’s Cape Peninsula, where the waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans converge. Begin your adventure at The Castle of Good Hope, the centerpoint from which the city grew. Nearby you’ll find Company’s Garden, the Parliament Building, and the South African Museum. Don’t miss the District Six Museum, which gives voice to the 60,000 non-white residents who saw their vibrant multi-racial neighborhood flattened during the darkest days of the Apartheid era. One neighborhood that was spared from apartheid’s wrecking ball is Bo-Kaap, where traditional Cape Malay culture continues amid the row houses of this colorful hillside suburb. Visit the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, and explore attr...
https://www.expedia.com/Budapest.d179994.Destination-Travel-Guides The Hungarian capital, Budapest, is situated on the banks of the Danube in Central Europe. It’s the political, economic and cultural heart of the nation, and one of the most beautiful and livable cities on the continent. For a sweeping overview of the city head to the Buda side of the Danube and take in the views from the 19th century ramparts on Gellért Hill. Just upriver is Budapest’s oldest area, The Castle District, home to Buda Castle, Matthias Church and Fisherman’s Bastion. Once you’ve explored the heights of Castle Hill, cross the Széchenyi Chain Bridge to the Pest side of the city and follow the riverbank upstream to Hungary’s Parliament Building. Nearby, pay your respects at the Shoes on the Danube Memorial,...
Join us as we visit Cape Town, South Africa in this travel guide on a mission to find the best things to do in Cape Town city. The Mother City is a melting pot of cultures, cuisines, landscapes to tickle your every fancy. From imposing Table Mountain to colorful Bo-Kaap to pristine Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens you'll find Cape Town appeals to the culture vulture, foodie and outdoor enthusiast in ways few other cities can. Cape Town is one of our favorite cities in the world and we're thrilled to show you why in this travel guide covering 30 things to do in Kaapstad / iKapa. 30 Things to do in Cape Town City Tour | South Africa Travel Guide Intro - 00:01 1) Table Mountain Aerial Cableway - cable car ride to Table Mountain - 00:38 2) Table Mountain National Park for views of Cape Tow...
Ho Chi Minh City, on the southern tip of Vietnam, is one of South East Asia’s emerging boom cities. Still affectionately known by many as Saigon, this is Vietnam’s largest city and its economic engine room. Ho Chi Minh City has an irrepressible soul and an entrepreneurial energy that hums day and night. Despite almost a century of colonialism and brutal conflict, today this city is renowned for its warm hospitality, which even extends to former foes. A youthful enthusiasm flows through this city, just like the stream of scooters, motorbikes and cars that flow endlessly through its chaotic streets. In Ho Chi Minh City, it feels as though the future has arrived… and yet the past is never far away. Wide boulevards built during the French colonial era are lined with cutting edge skyscrapers...
https://www.expedia.com/Trujillo.d3537.Destination-Travel-Guides Trujillo is known as the Peruvian Capital of Culture. This Spanish colonial city in the northern desert of Peru is a vibrant place, with colorful architecture and proud Latino traditions. The surrounding desert coast is dotted with the ancient ruins of lost civilizations. Some 2,000 years ago, long before the first Incas arrived, the Moche people and later the Chimú, managed to cultivate the arid Moche Valley and build thriving cities such as Chan Chan, made entirely from adobe bricks. These pre-Columbian civilizations also created the mighty Temple of the Sun and the Temple of the Moon, wove reed boats for fishing, dug canals for irrigation and designed refined jewelry and pottery. The museum in the coastal site of El ...
http://www.expedia.com/San-Francisco.d178305.Destination-Travel-Guides Leave the regular world behind when you step into the fog-swathed “City by the Bay.” From shopping adventures in Union Square to a trip on the city’s legendary cable cars, a trip to San Francisco is bound to leave you with incredible memories. Stop by Fisherman’s Wharf and indulge in its shops and galleries, as well as some of the best fresh seafood you’ll ever taste. Walk on the Golden Gate Bridge and take in the fresh sea air and views of the bay and Pacific Ocean. If it’s a more serene environment you’re after, pass through the stately architecture and flowing lagoon of the Palace of Fine Arts. Of course, San Francisco sightseeing isn’t complete without an excursion to Alcatraz, the island prison that once held s...
Nothing happens unless first a dream - Carl Sandburg If you would ask me, what influenced me most, when I was a teenager, I would mention this quote of Carl Sandburg. It was printed on a poster of Uluṟu, which was called Ayers Rock in the 1990s outside of Australia. For over ten years that poster was hanging around and I had seen it every day. It is not surprising that the wish to travel to Down Under became stronger each year. Finally in 2010 I did my first trip to Australia, a further trip followed. And I returned again in 2015 - this time I wanted to bring back something for everybody staying at home - Australia’s Nature. Incredible coast lines like the Twelve Apostel, Byron Bay, Cape Conran (Thanks Helmut :), Queensland coast from Daintree to Gold Coast and the outback with simply no...
The Margaret River region runs down the Western Australian coastline for over 80 miles, and stretches inland for a further 20. Busselton marks the beginning of one of Australia’s most scenic drives, Caves Road, which gets its name from the incredible limestone caves which honeycomb the region. Caves Road winds inland, through picturesque villages and historic timber towns, before arriving at the region’s main settlement, Margaret River. Surrounded by coasts on three sides, and enjoying virtually rain-free summers, as a wine-growing region, Margaret River has been compared to France’s famous Bordeaux region. Cruise from cellar door to cellar door, sampling some of the most exciting Chardonnays, Shirazs and Cabernet Sauvignons on the planet. At Margaret River’s northern end is Cape Natur...
Join us as we visit Varanasi city in this travel guide featuring the best things to do in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. Varanasi (also known as Benares, Banaras and/or Kashi) is the spiritual capital of India. As the holiest of seven sacred cities in Hinduism and Jainism you find many people from all over India visiting as well as tourists. In terms of attractions in Varanasi it is a destination worth visiting for the experience rather than a checklist of places to visit. Coming to the various ghats by day and night reveals what Varanasi is all about. You can take a boat ride in the morning for sunrise or later in the evening for sunset but the rest of the time I'd recommend just walking along the ghats and getting lost in the maze of back alleys in the old part of the city. At night be ...
Just three hours away from Darwin, Australia is Kakadu National Park. Located deep within the Northern Territory, this stunning portion of the Outback is open year-round, and is a popular place to visit during the dry season. Much of this remarkable sanctuary has been protected, allowing you to step back in time to a wilderness unspoiled by human occupation. Kakadu National Park tours aren’t something you can breeze through in just a few hours. The park has more than 25 trails, ranging from easy, daylong hikes to scenic routes that take several days to cover. Wander through gorges and woodlands, and stop at waterfalls and diving pools so pristine, they seem like something out of a fairy tale. Kakadu National Park sightseeing isn’t all about athleticism, though it certainly helps if you’r...
https://www.expedia.com/Gibraltar.d66.Destination-Travel-Guides Although it covers less than 3 square miles, Gibraltar’s strategic location has made it one of the most fought over places in Europe. For centuries, it has withstood political manoeuvring, sieges and battles and today, with its red call boxes, Union Jacks and high street shops, Gibraltar staunchly stands as a small pocket of England in the heart of the Mediterranean.
https://www.expedia.com/Yosemite-National-Park.d180672.Destination-Travel-Guides Yosemite National Park sits on the western slopes of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains. Most visitors spend their time in Yosemite Valley, which despite being only 7 miles long and 1 mile wide, packs in more jaw-dropping scenery than just about any other place on Earth. Near the valley entrance stop at Tunnel View, and stand before a panorama that’s reduced generations of visitors to silence. From Tunnel View it’s just a short drive to Bridalveil Fall. Fed by snowmelt, the fall reaches its thundering peak in May. The Yosemite Valley ring road follows the banks of the Merced River, which shifts in character as it thunders from the valley walls, before gently winding across the valley floor. The ring r...
Travel to the land that time forgot and set out on the journey of a lifetime in Patagonia, where Mother Nature runs the show. Patagonia, the fabled ‘edge of the world’, spans the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina and can be rugged and desolate as well as breathtakingly beautiful and inviting. This last frontier of South America is a colorful mosaic of snow-capped mountains, icebergs, volcanoes, glaciers, forests, lakes and vast steppe plains. On the Argentinean side, the scenic Road of the 7 Lakes takes you from San Martín de los Andes to Villa La Angostura and finally San Carlos de Bariloche, a popular ski resort on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi. El Chaltén, in the southern Andes, is Argentina’s trekking capital. Trails lead to Laguna Capri, Fitz Roy Mountain and the fea...
http://www.expedia.com/Toronto.d178314.Destination-Travel-Guides Welcome to Toronto, the largest city in Canada and a hub of trade and culture. “The City That Works” is full of a can-do spirit that is reflected in its buildings. From the famous CN Tower to the castle-like Casa Loma, there’s all sorts of eye candy for the architecture enthusiast. Your Toronto tour should include a trip to Edward Gardens in Hyde Park, or one of the many other green spaces located in the city. Take a bike ride along the trails, or enjoy a picnic while the local chipmunks look on. Don’t drop anything; they’ll grab it. Your Toronto sightseeing can continue at the Harborfront Center. Go for a walk along the marina, or grab a pint at a brewhouse. And no trip to Toronto is complete without a visit to the Hockey...
Fuerteventura is the second largest of the Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago situated in the Atlantic Ocean. This island is famous for stunning beaches, picturesque villages and year-round sunshine. Just half an hour north of the international airport is Corralejo, one of the island’s largest resort towns and the perfect place from which to explore the Corralejo Dunes National Park. At the island’s southern end is Morro Jable, a town famed for seafood restaurants and a picturesque lighthouse. Gorgeous beaches run the length of the Jandia Peninsula, reaching all the way to Costa Calma. For something different, check out the pitch-black sands of Ajuy Beach. Should you tire of Fuerteventura’s beaches, head inland to explore the island’s amazing volcanic landscapes and villages. Take...
Despite a long and sometimes tragic history of invasion and resistance, this thriving business capital has poetry, music and literature percolating through its cobblestones. Dubliner, Oscar Wilde once said “life is too important to be taken seriously.” While Dublin proudly honours its past, it is equally passionate about enjoying each and every new day. Nowhere is life celebrated more than in the city’s nearly 700 pubs. Nothing matters more to Dubliners than having a good time or, as locals call it, the craic. Of all the gifts, Dublin has given to the world, perhaps the most intoxicating are its stories. Originally built for the sons of the Irish gentry, the ivy-covered stone buildings of Trinity College are home to some of the oldest remaining manuscripts in the world, including the 100...
https://www.expedia.com/Auckland.d178233.Destination-Travel-Guides With 1.5 million lucky people calling Auckland home, this North Island gem is the most populous city in New Zealand. Auckland tourism is quite diverse, giving visitors a bounty of choices for how to spend their time. The city marries modern buildings and art with nature, and the surrounding region has plenty of its own attractions to offer. Auckland is called the City of Sails, boasting more boats per capita than anywhere else in the world. Nestled between two natural harbors, it’s no wonder residents and visitors alike enjoy spending time on the water. After a breakfast in Elliott Stables, take off on a boat cruise from downtown to explore the sights of Hauraki Gulf. With your feet back on solid ground, enjoy Auckland ...
http://www.expedia.com/Cancun.d179995.Destination-Travel-Guides Surrounded by the warm waters of the Yucatan Peninsula, Cancun is famed for its sunshine, history, and wild nightlife. Come to this former Mexican fishing village turned resort town to join legions of fellow sun worshippers – just don’t forget to pack sunscreen. Your Cancun tour should stop at the Acuario Interactivo, where you can meet mariachi-singing dolphins and other friendly sealife. Explore the vast historical offerings of Cancun by heading to the Yucatan interior, where you’ll find ancient Mayan cities available to tour. A day trip to Chichen Itza, one of the world’s Seven Modern Wonders, is another must. Wander through its ancient streets and take in the temples, an observatory, and even a sporting arena. At sunset...
https://www.expedia.com/explore/otago/dunedin.d6048046 The industrious Scots made their mark all over New Zealand, but nowhere is the Caledonian spirit more alive than in Dunedin. Set at the head of the South Island’s Otago Harbour, the city center is shaped by The Octagon. From here, wander down Stuart Street to New Zealand’s most photographed building, Dunedin Railway Station. Just up the tracks, venture back in time at the Toitū Otago Settlers Museum, while just across town is the Otago Museum. Retracing centuries of history can be thirsty work, so combine a little learning with leisure, at Speight’s Brewery, which has been serving up the Pride of the South since 1876. Then stretch your legs on St Clair Beach, a popular summertime hangout for generations of Dunedinites. Rent a ca...