"Biblical Flooding" in My City Tonight! Sheffield Floods / River Don Flooding! #PoleShift #Nibiru
Nibiru, Planet X, Hercolubus, Nemesis, Red Planet, Red Dragon, Winged Planet, Wormwood, Annunaki, are just some of the names related to the system with it’s inh...
Nibiru, Planet X, Hercolubus, Nemesis, Red Planet, Red Dragon, Winged Planet, Wormwood, Annunaki, are just some of the names related to the system with it’s inhabitants that are here and the “signs in the sky “ as various revelation and prophecy is fulfilled. Mainstream Media will rarely talk of it and when they do they strongly deny its existence or nearby proximity.
(Operation Paperclip Liars at) NASA will sometimes speak of the system as Planet 9 although this is full of disinformation to avoid a national security threat and mass panic. If the truth was out there in the “mainstream” and became public knowledge people wouldn’t pay taxes, the system would stop and they would begin to prepare.
The cover up involves: Royal Institute on International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, United Nations, EU, Military Industrial Intelligence Complex, Institute for Economic Affairs, NOAA, EPA, NASA, CERN, ESA, Space Agencies, Royal Meteorological Society, World Meteorological Organization, Met Office, All Mainstream News, Media and Weather (Operation Mockingbird), Extinction Rebellion, IPCC, Vatican Intelligence, FBI, DHS, DOJ, DOD, FEMA, CIA, NSA, MOD, MI5, MI6 (SIS), GCHQ, JTRIG, Secret Societies, High-Degree Freemasons, 322 Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, Knights Templar, Royal Family, Rothschild & Central Banks, Universities and Mainstream Science, Health / Healthcare and Pharmaceutical System. And also involves: Chemtrails (GeoEngineering), HAARP, Weaponized Frequencies & 5G Smart Grid Surveillance with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Millimetre Wave (mmWave) Technology capable of Active Denial System (ADS).
Vatican has released the eRosary Bracelet that tracks your prayer and health. Companies are implanting RFID Microchips in the hands of workers so that they can use services at work easier. This is “Mark of the Beast” Surveillance / Spying technology and relates to UN Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, & Georgia Guidestones Depopulation / “New World Order”.
People are waking up and the false systems & negative timelines will fail and cease to exist. That is why the Governments have set up the systems in place, they know they are falling and are clinging on to any power because people no longer believe the lies and the mind control isn’t working how they want it too. Wake up, free your mind!
Get in touch! vault.nbtv@aol.com
Buy me a Coffee :-) (No obligation)
More of what’s involved in “the cover up” and topics to research.
Research: Chemtrails, Smart Cities, “GeoEngineering”, LI FI, LED, WIFI, EMF Health, 5G, Milimetre Waves, GMOs, Monsanto, Heavy Metals in Vaccines, Zero Point / Limitless Free Energy, Anti Gravity Technology / Propulsion, Secret Space Programs, UFOs, Space Ships / Craft, Government Space Fleet, Cloaking, NASA Lies, Cloaked Technology, Plasma Cloaking, Scalar Waves, HAARP, Weather Modification, Weather Control, Pole Shift, Magnetic Pole Reversal, Pole Flip, GPS Update due to Pole Shift, Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Planet Nine, Asteroid, Winged Planet, Red Dragon, Iron Oxide Skies, Annunaki, Extra Terrestrials, ETs, Ancient Egypt, Sky Beings, Ancient Gods, Sumeria, Blue Kachina, Red Kachina, NASA Asteroid Impact Test, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Schumann Resonance, Morgellons, Crystalline DNA Activation, Weaponised Lyme, Weaponised Diseases, Bees Die From Dementia (Heavy Metals from Chemtrails), Tree Removal for 5G Network, Stargates, Starseeds, New World Order, United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Military Industrial Intelligence Complex, Deep State, Bohemian Grove, Operation Paperclip, Bill & Melinda (Gates Foundation), Rothschild Family, Central Banks, Elite Philanthropy, Money Laundering, Draco Reptilian, Orion Empire, Royal Family, Pedo Pope, Vatican Secrets, Vatican Archives / Gallery, Bloodlines, Pedogate (Elite, Royal & Celebrity involvement in Crimes against Children (Epstein) ), Adrenochrome, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Spirit Cooking / Harvest, Occult / Ritual Dates, False Flags, Witchcraft, Black Magic, MK Ultra, Mind Control, Remote Neural Monitoring, Remote Brain Mapping, DARPA Brain Initiative, Wireless Weapons, Frequency Weapons, Acoustic Weapons, Scalar Waves, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, Targeted Individual, Targeted Weaponised Frequencies, Secret Military Experiments, MILABS, Cell Towers, Mobile Phone Masts for Mind Control, Human RFID Microchips / Implants, Gangstalking, Spiritual Warfare, Silent Holocaust, eRosary, Biohacking, Clones, AI, Artifical Intelligence, America2050.org, Georgia Guidestones, Human Settlement Zones, FEMA, Astral Travel, Remote Viewing, Project Monarch, Project Stargate, NSA Menwith Hill ...
Nibiru, Planet X, Hercolubus, Nemesis, Red Planet, Red Dragon, Winged Planet, Wormwood, Annunaki, are just some of the names related to the system with it’s inhabitants that are here and the “signs in the sky “ as various revelation and prophecy is fulfilled. Mainstream Media will rarely talk of it and when they do they strongly deny its existence or nearby proximity.
(Operation Paperclip Liars at) NASA will sometimes speak of the system as Planet 9 although this is full of disinformation to avoid a national security threat and mass panic. If the truth was out there in the “mainstream” and became public knowledge people wouldn’t pay taxes, the system would stop and they would begin to prepare.
The cover up involves: Royal Institute on International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, United Nations, EU, Military Industrial Intelligence Complex, Institute for Economic Affairs, NOAA, EPA, NASA, CERN, ESA, Space Agencies, Royal Meteorological Society, World Meteorological Organization, Met Office, All Mainstream News, Media and Weather (Operation Mockingbird), Extinction Rebellion, IPCC, Vatican Intelligence, FBI, DHS, DOJ, DOD, FEMA, CIA, NSA, MOD, MI5, MI6 (SIS), GCHQ, JTRIG, Secret Societies, High-Degree Freemasons, 322 Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, Knights Templar, Royal Family, Rothschild & Central Banks, Universities and Mainstream Science, Health / Healthcare and Pharmaceutical System. And also involves: Chemtrails (GeoEngineering), HAARP, Weaponized Frequencies & 5G Smart Grid Surveillance with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Millimetre Wave (mmWave) Technology capable of Active Denial System (ADS).
Vatican has released the eRosary Bracelet that tracks your prayer and health. Companies are implanting RFID Microchips in the hands of workers so that they can use services at work easier. This is “Mark of the Beast” Surveillance / Spying technology and relates to UN Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, & Georgia Guidestones Depopulation / “New World Order”.
People are waking up and the false systems & negative timelines will fail and cease to exist. That is why the Governments have set up the systems in place, they know they are falling and are clinging on to any power because people no longer believe the lies and the mind control isn’t working how they want it too. Wake up, free your mind!
Get in touch! vault.nbtv@aol.com
Buy me a Coffee :-) (No obligation)
More of what’s involved in “the cover up” and topics to research.
Research: Chemtrails, Smart Cities, “GeoEngineering”, LI FI, LED, WIFI, EMF Health, 5G, Milimetre Waves, GMOs, Monsanto, Heavy Metals in Vaccines, Zero Point / Limitless Free Energy, Anti Gravity Technology / Propulsion, Secret Space Programs, UFOs, Space Ships / Craft, Government Space Fleet, Cloaking, NASA Lies, Cloaked Technology, Plasma Cloaking, Scalar Waves, HAARP, Weather Modification, Weather Control, Pole Shift, Magnetic Pole Reversal, Pole Flip, GPS Update due to Pole Shift, Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Planet Nine, Asteroid, Winged Planet, Red Dragon, Iron Oxide Skies, Annunaki, Extra Terrestrials, ETs, Ancient Egypt, Sky Beings, Ancient Gods, Sumeria, Blue Kachina, Red Kachina, NASA Asteroid Impact Test, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Schumann Resonance, Morgellons, Crystalline DNA Activation, Weaponised Lyme, Weaponised Diseases, Bees Die From Dementia (Heavy Metals from Chemtrails), Tree Removal for 5G Network, Stargates, Starseeds, New World Order, United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Military Industrial Intelligence Complex, Deep State, Bohemian Grove, Operation Paperclip, Bill & Melinda (Gates Foundation), Rothschild Family, Central Banks, Elite Philanthropy, Money Laundering, Draco Reptilian, Orion Empire, Royal Family, Pedo Pope, Vatican Secrets, Vatican Archives / Gallery, Bloodlines, Pedogate (Elite, Royal & Celebrity involvement in Crimes against Children (Epstein) ), Adrenochrome, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Spirit Cooking / Harvest, Occult / Ritual Dates, False Flags, Witchcraft, Black Magic, MK Ultra, Mind Control, Remote Neural Monitoring, Remote Brain Mapping, DARPA Brain Initiative, Wireless Weapons, Frequency Weapons, Acoustic Weapons, Scalar Waves, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, Targeted Individual, Targeted Weaponised Frequencies, Secret Military Experiments, MILABS, Cell Towers, Mobile Phone Masts for Mind Control, Human RFID Microchips / Implants, Gangstalking, Spiritual Warfare, Silent Holocaust, eRosary, Biohacking, Clones, AI, Artifical Intelligence, America2050.org, Georgia Guidestones, Human Settlement Zones, FEMA, Astral Travel, Remote Viewing, Project Monarch, Project Stargate, NSA Menwith Hill ...
- published: 07 Nov 2019
- views: 4521