- published: 11 Jan 2011
- views: 2133
Agence France-Presse (AFP) Video Presentation
Agence France-Presse - IBM Storage Client Reference Video
Eagles away! Dutch police unveil latest recruits against drones
AFP Video Live: First Gay Marriage in Montpellier, France - Starts at 17h15 local time
Syrian President Assad in exclusive AFP interview
Devant l'Agence France Presse
Hong Kong's pink dolphins at risk of disappearing
Agence France-Presse covers Delhi's Mohalla clinic
Autism, a Silicon Valley asset with social quirks
Johnson positioning himself as centrist presidential candidate
A video presenting Agence France-Presse (AFP), one of the three largest news agencies in the world
Agence France-Presse (AFP) needed a new approach to store their growing digital media volumes. They found an easy to use, flexible and reliable storage solution: IBM Storwize V7000 which offer great performance and advanced capabilities in a small footprint. In addition for their remote offices, they tested IBM Storwize V3700 designed for small and medium businesses. View on IBM.com - http://www-01.ibm.com/software/success/cssdb.nsf/CS/KGOY-94AGTU?OpenDocument&Site=corp&cty;=en_us Stay in Touch: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/1csopXf IBM Client References: http://ibm.co/ZCnKWZ IBM Client References Mobile Site: http://ibm.co/18i16Mv Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1baj1pD
Dutch police are adopting a centuries-old pursuit to resolve the modern-day problem of increasing numbers of drones in the skies, becoming the world's first force to employ eagles as winged warriors.
AFP will cover the first gay marriage in France in video live, inside and outside the city hall of Montpellier. Live transmission will start at 17h15 local time (15h15 GMT).
In an exclusive interview with AFP, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has said that the "war on terror" must be the focus of Geneva II and there was "significant" chance he would seek a new term. Duration: 01:32
As Hong Kong seeks to expand its international airport and with a major new bridge project under way, campaigners warn that the dwindling number of pink dolphins in the already busy surrounding waters may disappear altogether. Duration: 02:12
Corey Weiss may not be adept at body language or social cues, but he knows software. Laser-focus on detail that comes with his place on the autism spectrum are part of what makes Weiss a top analyst at MindSpark, a young California firm mixing business smarts with social good.
The US Libertarian party's presidential candidate Gary Johnson says he is hoping the media will 'soon recognise...that this is a three-way race' in visit to Cleveland during the Republican Convention.
Haïti dévasté par le passage de l'ouragan «Matthew»: des images aériennes de l'AFP montrent l’ampleur des dégâts. Pour en savoir plus: http://www.ledevoir.com/international/actualites-internationales/481816/matthew-fait-400-morts-en-haiti-une-video-devoile-les-degats
Comment exercer son métier de journaliste dans l’un des pays où l’information est la plus contrôlée au monde ? On aura bientôt une réponse avec le retour d’expérience du bureau que l’Agence France Presse (AFP), a ouvert officiellement mardi à Pyongynang, en Corée du Nord. Un photographe et un vidéaste nord-coréens « L’AFP est attachée aux libertés d’information et d’expression qui font partie de ses valeurs fondatrices », a assuré le PDG de l’agence Emmanuel Hoog. En début d’année, l’AFP et l’agence de presse KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) ont signé un accord permettant cette implantation en Corée du Nord où très peu de médias étrangers sont présents. Associated Press (AP) est ainsi la seule autre agence de presse internationale à disposer d’un bureau permanent à Pyongyang. Depuis ...
AFP President Emmanuel Hoog and his party visited Mangyongdae, the birthplace of President Kim Il Sung. At the old home, they were briefed on the revolutionary career of the President and patriotic career of his family members and looked round historical relics preserved with much care. They toured the Tower of the Juche Idea, the Arch of Triumph and the Sci-Tech Complex.
太極運動普及世界各地,日前法國法國(法新社)為了解中國的太極拳、劍,特派攝製隊前來香港維園取景拍攝太極特輯,韓國籍的攝製人員為加深了解太極劍,正聽取徐鈿英師傅講解及 拍攝工作。 我們經常會上載分享有關太極的片段,敬請訂閱我們的頻道給點 讚"Like" 以表支持! 歡迎有意學習太極拳、劍的朋友加入我們,不分年齡性別及國籍,可分單獨個人或大班一起學習,更有太極拳、劍精英技術培訓班,有興趣可致電:+852-96294968 ,與徐鈿英師傅聯絡查詢。 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsuitinying YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjg02mw8U4yCsN0Fm9ZbYSQ Whatsapp : +852 96294968 WeChat : Tsuitinying
A pair of jihadists murdered a parish priest in northern France on Tuesday, despite one of the attackers reportedly being under tight surveillance. Agence France-Presse reports that two men stormed a Catholic Church in Normandy’s Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray around 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday as mass was ending. The attackers, armed with knives, took three nuns and two churchgoers hostage. They then forced Jacque Hamel, an 86-year-old priest, to kneel in front of the altar. Sister Danielle, one of the nuns taken hostage, told the BBC that the attackers were recording the scene and preached in Arabic before slitting the priest’s throat, killing him. Meanwhile, another hostage was gravely injured after sustaining stab wounds to the throat and hip. The nun said she managed to escape and notify polic...
Philippine Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr denies a quote on ASEAN that was attributed to him in an Agence France-Presse report. Full story here: http://bit.ly/2a9DcJ8
SAINT-ETIENNE-DU-ROUVRAY, FRANCE — A pair of jihadists murdered a parish priest in northern France on Tuesday, despite one of the attackers reportedly being under tight surveillance. Agence France-Presse reports that two men stormed a Catholic Church in Normandy’s Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray around 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday as mass was ending. The attackers, armed with knives, took three nuns and two churchgoers hostage. They then forced Jacque Hamel, an 86-year-old priest, to kneel in front of the altar. Sister Danielle, one of the nuns taken hostage, told the BBC that the attackers were recording the scene and preached in Arabic before slitting the priest’s throat, killing him. Meanwhile, another hostage was gravely injured after sustaining stab wounds to the throat and hip. The nun ...
«Témoignage de JR Dabany, correspondant de l'Agence française de presse de presse (AFP) Tv, tabassé ce samedi 23 juillet 2016 à la suite de la marche pacifique initiée par les candidats de l'opposition à l'élection présidentielle d'août 2016 - Entrevue complète»
http://SupremeMasterTV.com • WOW1597; Aired on 28 一月 2011 Supreme Master Ching Hai was interviewed by AFP journalist during Her stay in Cancún, Mexico in December 2010 and talked about Her journey in India, Himalayas, enlightenment, and Her first disciple. She also talked about the Mexican people and sent a message to them. • Please share those videos through facebook and other means. Subscribe, comment and like it are fully appreciated. The videos are in the public domain and free to use in any beneficial way. Download Link: http://video.suprememastertv.com/daily/2011.01.28/WOW1597.wmv
Jacques Lhuillery , Bureau Chief, Tokyo Bureau of Agence France-Presse ルイルリーAFP通信東京支局長が、北西アフリカ情勢について話し、記者の質問に答えた。同氏は、コートジボワールやナイジェリアの支局長、アフリカ担当デスクも務めています。 司会 日本記者クラブ理事 会田弘継(共同通信) 通訳 臼井久代 AFP通信のウェブサイト http://www.afp.com/ 日本記者クラブのページ http://www.jnpc.or.jp/activities/news/report/2013/02/r00025332/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 記者による会見リポート(日本記者クラブ会報2013年3月号に掲載) 北アフリカの過激派台頭 欧州波及に歯止めを フランスの「大いなる田舎」と呼ばれる西部のブルターニュ半島出身。どことなく素朴さも漂う風貌(失礼!)だが、長年追ってきたアフリカ情勢についての分析は示唆に富む。特にルイルリー氏が警鐘を鳴らしたのは、アルジェリア人質事件で注目されたイスラム過激派の台頭という問題だ。 北アフリカでは2年前の民主化運動「アラブの春」以降、チュニジア、エジプト、リビアで独裁体制が倒れた。ところが熱狂が冷めた今、どの国も民主主義を確立できず、政権を握ったのは結局、組織力を持つイスラム勢力だった。「アラブの春」でなく「アラブの冬」「イスラム主義者の春」と言った方がよい、と同氏は話す。 「『パンドラの箱』を開けてしまったと言う人もいる。イスラム原理主義という『悪しき霊』が出てきて、悪さをするのではないかと」 リビアでは内戦中に使われた武器が周辺国へ流出した。それを国際テロ組織アルカイダとつながり...
Master CEN / Rencontres crossmedias 2013 Evolutions et Mutations des éditions papiers et des éditions numériques Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 Nouvelles Visualisations d'informations structurées à l'AFP Denis Teyssou - Responsable du Medialab et de la recherche - AFP Montage : Kevin Bernard - Master CEN