Registering to Vote in the 2016 US Election Just Got Easier

Encourage visitors to your site to make their voices heard with the new HelloVote voter-registration tool.

Image by Lars Ploughman (CC BY-SA 2.0)

It’s time!

As a company whose mission is to democratize publishing, we believe strongly in helping everyone in our community make their voice heard regardless of their political affiliation. So we’ve teamed up with HelloVote to make it easy to register for the upcoming elections in the US — right here on

Introducing a quick, easy way to register

The election might be mere weeks away, but it’s not too late to register. HelloVote is a sleek voter-registration tool that allows any US-based visitors to your site to register to vote or check their registration status. If you activate the tool, anyone from the US will see a small box at the bottom-right corner of your site where, by entering their phone number, they’ll be able to complete their registration (or verify they’re already registered) in under a minute.


The tool will be automatically disabled on October 12, when registration closes across a large swath of states. While we hope many site owners use this feature to get their audience engaged in the upcoming election, we leave this choice entirely up to you. To activate the HelloVote registration tool, simply head to your site settings and enable the “US Voter Registration Form” setting at the bottom of the first section:


Please note that we don’t collect any information that you or your visitors provide through the registration tool. To learn more about HelloVote’s commitment to protecting users’ information, check out their privacy policy.

We also invite you to use this tool yourself — and encourage others to follow your example.

Happy voting!

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  1. 10000hoursleft

    I don’t live in the USA nor am I a citizen but I have a vested interest in this and hoping the better (read saner) of the two gets in. Great tool- I’ll add it to my blog!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Nancy Bray-Dee

    NEVER vote through random third party websites and links like this – go in person to vote or get an absentee ballot sent to you directly by the board of elections in your city.

    NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE ANYONE your ballot, or registration info!

    #ElectionPollWorker #ElectionJudge #ElectionPTAWorker

    Liked by 6 people

  3. nobutakaono

    That’s what I am talking about. Thumbs up.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Tassen Upp!

    Excellent, WordPress & Hello Vote! Great step to a True Democracy. Over here, we’re already Registered to Vote by default as Citizens, but not everyone does, though all you need to do is to SHOW UP with an ID and VOTE. All our forefathers (and mothers) worked their hex codes off to get us here, so please vote, EVERYONE. /btw I think I speak for a lot of people across OCEANS when I say please let us vote (you know what I mean. This is crazy). /Stockholm

    Liked by 2 people

  5. stivane123

    I just want everyone to VOTE. I don’t personally care who anyone are votes for…just vote!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. linderudposten


    Liked by 2 people

  7. Cooking in Mexico

    This is a great feature. If every WordPress domain/blog enabled this registration button, and each site only had one person who responded and voted, there would be MILLIONS of new voters! (Google tells me that there are more than 74 million WordPress sites. Wow.) Thanks, WordPress, for doing your part in encouraging democracy.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. therasberrypalace

    i care who people vote for. that’s why i want people to register.

    Liked by 2 people

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