- published: 26 Oct 2016
- views: 420088
Year 1040 (MXL) was a leap year starting on Tuesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. It is the 40th year of the 11th century and of the 2nd millennium, and is the first year of the 1040s decade.
경주 토함산 자락에 위치한 천부교 소유의 임야에서 불법 매장 된 것으로 추정되는 시신 1040구가 발견됐습니다. 경찰은 2014년에 수사를 종결하고도 충격적인 불법 암매장 사건에 대한 수사결과를 발표하지 않았습니다. 왜 그랬을까요? 송주열 기자의 단독 보돕니다. [기자] 경주시 양남면 효동리 토함산 자락, 산 중턱이라고 믿기지 않을만큼 광활한 면적의 평지가 보입니다. 멀리서 볼 때 평온해 보이는 이곳에서 시신 1040구가 발견돼 충격을 주고 있습니다. 이 곳은 소위 신앙촌 또는 전도관으로 불리는 한국천부교전도관부흥협회가 소유한 땅으로 공동묘지 허가를 받지 않았습니다. 시신이 불법 암매장 됐다는 이야깁니다. 그러나 수사당국은 지난 2014년 이 사건을 수사하고도 공식적인 발표는 하지않았습니다. {IMG:1} {IMG:2} 이상한 점은 또 있습니다. CBS가 입수한 천부교 묘지 묘적부 문건입니다. 고인명과 묘번, 성별, 사망일자, 매장 일자, 유족 등이 표시돼 있습니다. 그런데 시신 40여 구에는 고인 이름이나 출생일자, 사망일자, 유족까지 나와 있지 않습니다. 시신은 있지만 언제 태어나서 언제 죽었는지 알 수 없는 신원불상의 무연고 시신이 매장된 겁니다. 사이비종교피해대책연맹은 지난 2014년 11월 천부교 측의 불법 암매장 정황을 폭로하는 기자회견을 열었는데 사실로 확인된 겁니다. 당시 CBS 취재진이 직접 현장 취재를 해 천부교 측의 불법묘지 조성 사실을 보도하기도 했었습니다. [스탠딩] 송주열 기자 / 2014년 11월 “보시는 바와 같이 이곳에서는 관 크기의 ...
How to fill out Form 1040 - Watch this video by a certified public accountant (http://www.evanhcpa.com) to help you understand the flow of the Form 1040 and see how to fill it out. In the video, a CPA based in Nashville (Evan Hutcheson, CPA, LLC, 2303 21st Ave S #201 Nashville, TN 37212) shows you how to fill out form 1040, what each line of the 1040 tax form means and how each line is affected by other lines within the form. The best way for you to file your tax return online is to go to the IRS website and find the 1040 in the free fillable forms. Filling out the form is a simple process and they do a lot of the calculations for you. The Form 1040 is two pages. It is broken up into sections, including income, adjusted gross income, taxes and credits, etc. Each part of the 1040 is a...
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http://www.milescpareview.com/ Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, is one of three forms used for personal (individual) federal income tax returns filed with the IRS. Individuals can file this form that have varied incomes and would like to take various deductions. A very practical topic of the CPA curriculum. Master this crucial topic from REG section of Miles CPA Review Course using Varun's unique iCPA delivery model. Make sure you like us on Facebook. http://www.milescpareview.com/
2015 and 2014 1040 Tax Form Updates: The 2015 1040 Tax form has the same line number and information as the 2014. (the amounts will be different). The purpose of this video is to help you understand what is on the main tax form so you can get ready to fill out your taxes. You can fill out your tax forms by hand or via a computerized program or have an accountant do it for you, but it is helpful to know what is in the tax form. You will usually save money if you " know before you go". 2015 and 2014 Tax form 1040 updates are put in the red bubbles in this video. For 2015 updates or other 2015 tax forms go to http:// www.IRS.gov. The main form that you file when you file your income tax is IRS Form 1040. This video explains how to fill out your tax form and how you can get more tax cr...
Khooni Laash - Deepika, Sagar and Mihir had to attend a wedding in the morning. Manager urgently calls Deepika as neither Sagar nor Mihir were responding. Deepika requests a Couple to urgently call CID as she was severely injured. Sagar and Mihir were found dead in their Hotel room. Who killed Sagar and Mihir? To find out, watch this thrilling episode of CID. "The first thrilling investigative series on Indian Television, is today one of the most popular shows on Sony Entertainment Television. Dramatic and absolutely unpredictable, C.I.D. has captivated viewers over the last eleven years and continues to keep audiences glued to their television sets with its thrilling plots and excitement. Also interwoven in its fast paced plots are the personal challenges that the C.I.D. team faces with ...
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