Join ACT

Join ACT

We’re striving for a safe, vibrant and progressive New Zealand that encourages individual choice, responsibility and excellence. A nation with a strong economy where hard work is rewarded, not taxed away, and people are free to build prosperous families, businesses, and lives.

Change can happen. But nothing worth fighting for is easy - it’s going to take people-power to get there. 

Join ACT and together we’ll take a step closer to achieving our shared vision for New Zealand.

Your efforts should make a difference!

How can I get involved?

·       Gain full voting rights and attendance at ACT Party events with a membership ($20)

·       If for professional or other reasons you can’t become a full member, be a supporter ($20)

·       Already a paid member of Young ACT ? You’re eligible for a Youth Membership ($5).

If you would like to post us your membership form or donate via cheque, please download our form.


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Visit the Elections Website to check your electorate.