About us

TSAS engages in policy-relevant research and dissemination in terrorism, security and society.  The TSAS Network is designed to foster: communication and collaboration between academic researchers working on these topics in Canada; communication and collaboration between academic researchers and policy officials in these subject fields; and links with research on these topics in other countries. TSAS aims to cultivate a new generation of scholars. As TSAS matures it will create an institutional foundation for the development of Canada’s terrorism, counter-terrorism, and security knowledge base and will constitute a uniquely Canadian response to terrorism and its social consequences, producing research that is both academically meritorious and relevant to policy.

To support vibrant conversation across disciplines, and between government officials and academics, TSAS provides online resources that help people to connect, network and collaborate.  It has also secured resources to support original research and organizes and administers open calls for research proposals. TSAS also convenes a variety of public events and activities to enhance our knowledge about terrorism, security, and society. These include policy-research workshops and seminars, and a summer training academy for graduate students and junior policy officials.

Led by a consortium of universities including the University of British Columbia and the University of Waterloo, TSAS is funded through a Partnership Grant from SSHRC and a Contribution Agreement with Public Safety Canada.  We aim to provide a network for academic researchers and policy makers to learn about each other’s work. TSAS is an independent organization built on the principle of academic independence. It is not a branch of the Canadian government nor is it an advocacy organization. TSAS seeks to provide a platform for balanced discussion about terrorism, security, and society from multiple perspectives.

Our Executive Committee is currently comprised of the following members:
Lorne Dawson, Director
Aurélie Campana, Associate Director, Terrorism
Jez Littlewood, Associate Director, Security
Sara Thompson, Associate Director, Society
Sandra Bucerius, Member
Craig Forcese, Member
Veronica Kitchen, Member
Ron Levi, Member
Samuel Tanner, Member
Brett Kubicek, Member, ex-officio (non-voting)