- published: 21 Jul 2010
- views: 826300
USB 3.0 (renamed to USB 3.1 Gen 1 in 2015) is the third major version of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) standard for interfacing computers and electronic devices. Among other improvements, USB 3.0 adds the new transfer mode SuperSpeed (SS) that can transfer data at up to 5 Gbit/s (625 MB/s), which is about ten times faster than the USB 2.0 standard. USB 3.0 connectors are usually distinguished from their USB 2.0 counterparts by blue color-coding of the receptacles and plugs, and the initials SS.
A successor standard, USB 3.1 (renamed to USB 3.1 Gen 2 in 2015), was released in July 2013 with the new transfer mode SuperSpeed+ that can transfer data at up to 10 Gbit/s (1.25 GB/s, twice the rate of USB 3.0), bringing its theoretical maximum speed on par with the first version of the Thunderbolt interface.
The USB 3.0 specification is similar to USB 2.0 but with many improvements and an alternative implementation. Earlier USB concepts like endpoints and four transfer types (bulk, control, isochronous and interrupt) are preserved but the protocol and electrical interface are different. The specification defines a physically separate channel to carry USB 3.0 traffic. The changes in this specification make improvements in the following areas:
3.0 may refer to:
Explaining USB 3.0
USB 3.0 - Everything You Need to Know in About a Minute
Prueba de velocidad: USB 2.0 vs USB 3.0
USB 3.0 vs. USB 2.0 Speed Test
Thunderbolt or USB 3.0?
USB 3.0 - Todo lo que necesitas saber en aproximadamente un minuto
USB 3.0 SSD Comparison Showdown
USB 3.0 to USB 2.0 Adapter Usage
USB 2.0 Vs USB 3.0 Explained in Detail Comparision |Advantages of USB 3.0 | HorizonTech4You
How to Tell if it is a Fake USB 3.0 Cable - Real Vs. Fake USB 3.0
This video explains the new 'superspeed' USB 3.0 standard for connecting things to computers. It is produced and presented by Christopher Barnatt of ExplainingComputers.com, and Associate Professor of Computing & Future Studies in Nottingham University Business School.
USB3 can be confusing for general consumers. In this episode Linus explains the difference between USB2 and USB3, while providing a real-world demonstration of how fast they are. FORUM LINK: http://linustechtips.com/main/news-reviews-article-guides/linus-videos-news-and-ramblings/47101-temporary-thread-for-tech-quickie-video-suggestions Linus Tech Tips Forum: http://www.linustechtips.com
Más información en http://www.unocero.com Síguenos en http://www.twitter.com/unocero Like en http://www.facebook.com/unocerofan ¿Sabes cuánto tiempo has perdido transfiriendo datos con tu convencional USB 2.0? Al menos el necesario para despegarte de tu computadora, preparar un sándwich triple y echar un vistazo a tus redes sociales. En este video, Javier Matuk pone a prueba dos unidades de almacenamiento: una de 32 GB (USB 2.0) y otra de 64 GB (USB 3.0). ¿Quieres saber qué pasó? La diferencia es sorprendente, pero obsérvalo tú mismo.
Rob from ASUS tests USB 3.0 data transfer technology head to head against USB 2.0 on an ASUS U36SD and an Eee PC Lamborghini VX6. USB 3.0 has a theoretical max speed of 625MB/s, 10x faster than USB 2.0 with a theoretical max speed of just 60MB/s. The test file for this video is a 1.81GB video file.
Trying to choose between Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 for your hard drives and devices? What is the difference? Which should you choose? This video will break the topic down. Check out my video on the hard drives I use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oy11CEfpAc Source for connection speeds: http://bit.ly/1OqJMLH OWC Thunderbolt Dock: http://amzn.to/1MBKnnk CalDigit Dock: http://amzn.to/1iFkFXc Belkin Dock: http://amzn.to/1MBKqzk
USB 3.0 puede confundir a los usuarios en general. En este episodio, Linus explicar la diferencia entre USB 2.0 y USB 3.0, mientras hace una demostración real de lo rápidos que son. LINK DEL FORUM: http://linustechtips.com/main/news-reviews-article-guides/linus-videos-news-and-ramblings/47101-temporary-thread-for-tech-quickie-video-suggestions Linus Tech Tips Forum: http://www.linustechtips.com
Find out what high-speed solution is best for you when transporting large files on the go. Has flash storage has become cheap enough and is USB 3.0 fast enough for us to carry around USB attached SSD drives instead of pen drives? Learn More/Where to Buy: Canada: Elgato - http://www.ncix.ca/products/?sku=5190259 Elgato (More Info) - http://www.elgato.com/en/storage/thunderbolt-drive-512gb Angelbird - http://www.ncix.ca/search/?q=angelbird+ssd2go SSD Enclosure - http://www.ncix.ca/search/?q=2.5in+usb+3.0+enclosure SSD Drive - http://products.ncix.ca/detail/samsung-840-pro-series-256gb-d6-77219.htm Kingston Flash Drive - http://www.ncix.ca/search/?q=kingston+hyperx+usb US: Elgato - http://www.ncixus.com/products/?sku=5190259 Elgato (More Info) - http://www.elgato.com/en/storage/thunderbo...
If your front USB 3.0 ports don't function, you may need to check if the cord is even plugged in, or if there is no header for it on your motherboard, you may need to buy an adapter. Adapter: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812201039 4- Port hub: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6008431&csid;=_61 Really hope this video made sense because is was confusing for me to even make it. Anyways, Thanks for Watching and Please Subscribe! Check out the Sun Channel Music: http://audiojungle.net/item/cooking-in-the-lab/6647805
HorizonTech4You - https://goo.gl/sI6Swo KnowledgeBase4You - https://goo.gl/AIwUuq Subscribe - https://goo.gl/sI6Swo Facebook - https://goo.gl/BgRPWj Twitter - https://goo.gl/bTSYL9 Google+ - https://goo.gl/FqtJiC HorizonTech4You Explained Videos - https://goo.gl/4ouWsF HorizonTech4You Tutorials Videos - https://goo.gl/PM3Ih0 HorizonTech4You How To Videos - https://goo.gl/2WlYzl HorizonTech4You Hindi Videos - https://goo.gl/BZVllB HorizonTech4You Computer Basics Videos - https://goo.gl/C8HEbf HorizonTech4You Storage Videos - https://goo.gl/9ZCLZi HorizonTech4You RAM Videos - https://goo.gl/ldwM3A HorizonTech4You Demonstration Videos - https://goo.gl/aZhIAv HorizonTech4You What's The Difference - https://goo.gl/PM3Ih0 USB 2.0 Vs USB 3.0 Comparison Explained in Detail | HorizonTech4You Ove...
There are a lot of People selling SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Cables ON EBAY. Unfortunately a lot of them are fake. The look like real USB 3.0 Cable but they are standard USB 2.0 Cables. Watch the Video on how to tell the difference.. Another way to tell is to connect it to a computer and a USB 3.0 device, then it will tell you that your device can perform faster if you connect it to USB 3.0. This will only work if you have USB 3.0 port on your computer.
#iLuun Air is the world’s first wireless flash drive created to work not just with your computer, but also with your mobile devices. With the iLuun Air, you can easily, quickly, and safely move data between computers, smartphones, and tablets without the need for Internet, cables, adapters, or the Cloud where hackers and others (e.g. 3rd party server operators) may gain access. 02:55 What People Are Saying About The iLuun Air! Link to the project: https://goo.gl/xtVgnZ Videos of Best inventions KAISR Original - The Ultimate Inflatable Air Lounge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XICMs7pd0Gk More inventions on crowdfunding channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpb91tKgwhNZeDpZ_QOMKOg Video used with permission. Video Copyright (c) of its respective owner.
J'ai acheté cette clé en remplacement d'une Sandisk Extreme 64 Go. Je précise que j'étais très satisfait de la déclinaison 64 Go, mais que j'avais besoin d'une clé de plus grande capacité pour des opérations de sauvegarde plus régulières de mon travail. J'ai profité d'une vente flash Amazon où cette clé 128 Go était proposée à 80 euros pour passer commande. Premier constat à réception : la clé est légèrement plus longue que sa petite sœur 64 Go; elle a une coque aluminium (est-ce pour le look ou pour offrir une meilleure dissipation de la chaleur ?) et elle utilise le même système de connecteur rétractable que les Sandisk Extreme 32 Go et 64 Go. Cette édition "PRO" se distingue cependant dans la pratique, par des débits en lecture et en écriture plus élevés que sur la version 64 Go : - L...
J'ai acheté cette clé SanDisk Extreme 64 Go il y a deux ans, et elle me suit depuis dans tous mes déplacements professionnels, et n'a jamais failli à son rôle : je n'ai jamais eu de perte de documents, de fichiers ou de dossiers corrompus. En contrepartie, j'ai toujours veillé à éjecter la clé en suivant la procédure recommandée par le système d'exploitation (sous Windows, dans Poste de travail, clic droit sur le périphérique, Ejecter... éviter les retraits sauvages du port USB). Voici les points positifs que je lui trouve : - Une vitesse en lecture et en écriture très bonne : connectée sur un port USB 3.0, elle est vraiment rapide et permet d'éviter d'attendre longtemps lors de transferts de fichiers lourds. Les données constructeurs annoncent 170Mo/s en écriture, et 190Mo/s en lecture. ...
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OS:WIN10 64Bit PRO CPU:INTEl I7 3930K MB:ASUS RAMPAGE IV BLACK EDITION RAM:KingSton HyperX FURY 1866 4G x2+8G x1 SSD:x2 HDD:x4 Cooler:RAIJINTEK TRITON 360 Problem: MB's USB 3.0 always...crash sometimes,3.0 only 2.0 speed.
Review about Sandisk Ultra USB 3.0 Flash Drive (SDCZ48-016G-A46) Hello, this is LogiReview a generative user- content summary of real user experience, in one short video is the easiest way to give an insight. This video composition will look at the structure that should be used when giving a presentation. When the customer published their review, We use them to generate computer audio voice track and put both together. The production of the video with this *advanced* generative methods that gives you the possibility to sit back and enjoy! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: customerservicelogirev@gmail.com