8-Year-Old Saves Pennies for Service Dog to Help Monitor His Diabetes

Aiden Heath's goal has been reached after donations of more than $20,000 came pouring in.
1:08 | 10/10/16

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Transcript for 8-Year-Old Saves Pennies for Service Dog to Help Monitor His Diabetes
Finally to power of those pennies and one boy what a dream you're Steve Austin's. Today was the day eight year old Adrian Heath had been saving us at least four since he was four years old. We've been following this story since he first started collecting them and a yellow bucket. And pushing them around in a red wagon he needed as much as 151000. Dollars to get a service dog to help him monitor his type one diabetes or. Dogs that help you in the diabetes and those like. I really world you wouldn't need. After our story help came pouring in overnight more than 20000 dollars more than enough. His mother found the right match a chocolate lab named Angel. They can sense it twenty minutes to thirty minutes before. The blood leader actually tells you that your love Angel went away for training in Nevada eight. In his home tonight on for the first time with her new chart trainers at the home teaching the two how to work together. Eight and mother this is a piece of mind she never knew. And for aid and a guardian Angel worth more than all the pennies in the world. Steve a sits on the ABC news New York.

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{"id":42714300,"title":"8-Year-Old Saves Pennies for Service Dog to Help Monitor His Diabetes","duration":"1:08","description":"Aiden Heath's goal has been reached after donations of more than $20,000 came pouring in.","url":"/WNT/video/year-saves-pennies-service-dog-monitor-diabetes-42714300","section":"WNT","mediaType":"default"}