- published: 05 Oct 2010
- views: 391
A news agency is an organization that gathers news reports and sells them to subscribing news organizations, such as newspapers, magazines and radio and television broadcasters. A news agency may also be referred to as a wire service, newswire, or news service.
There are many news agencies around the world, but there are global news agencies with offices in most countries of the world and cover all areas of information: Agence France-Presse, Associated Press and Reuters. All three began with and continue to operate on a basic philosophy of providing a single objective news feed to all subscribers; they do not provide separate feeds for conservative or liberal newspapers. Jonathan Fenby explains the philosophy:
Only a few large newspapers could afford bureaus outside their home city. They relied instead on news agencies, especially Havas in France and the Associated Press in the United States. Former Havas employees founded Reuters in Britain and Wolff in Germany; Havas is now Agence France-Presse (AFP). For international news, the agencies pooled their resources, so that Havas, for example, covered the French Empire, South America and the Balkans and shared the news with the other national agencies. In France the typical contract with Havas provided a provincial newspaper with 1800 lines of telegraphed text daily, for an annual subscription rate of 10,000 francs. Other agencies provided features and fiction for their subscribers.
The Agència Catalana de Notícies (ACN; English: Catalan News Agency, CNA) is a news agency owned by the Catalan government via the public corporation Intracatalònia, SA. It is one of the first digital news agencies created in Europe and has been operating since 1999. It is a pioneer in the use of information technologies, teleworking and decentralised organisation applied to a virtual journalistic environment.
The ACN currently employs over 80 professionals and has branches in Madrid, Brussels, London, Paris, Berlin and New York. Furthermore, it shares information with other state-owned agencies and is a member of ANSAmed, the group of Mediterranean agencies. The ACN offers its informative contents in text, photographic, video and audio formats to over 250 different subscribers, such as television channels, radio channels, the press, the digital press, institutions and businesses. 70% of Intracatalònia, SA is owned by the Catalan government, with the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals as a minority shareholder.
Catalan may refer to:
Agency may refer to:
The Catalan News Agency (CNA) is the English site of the Agència Catalana de Notícies (ACN), the public-owned news agency of Catalonia. It functions as a digital newspaper, reporting on the top news happening and afecting each day Catalonia. It is organised in the regular news sections and it has associated an independent opinion blog, the Catalan Views, where the main opinion-leaders and young talents of Catalonia will express their views. In addition, CNA delivers a newsletter, Catalunya Info, which is sent to subscribers via email every 2 weeks. CNA is thus a tool and platform to explain Catalonia abroad. http://www.catalannewsagency.com
Notícia sobre la Catalan News Agency (CNA) emesa al Telenotícies de TV3 el 10 d'octubre del 2010.
Barcelona (ACN).- L'ACN ha presentat aquest migdia als corresponsals estrangers ubicats a Barcelona el servei de notícies en anglès Catalan News Agency (CNA). Una desena de corresponsals de mitjans de França, Alemanya, Israel, Mèxic o el Regne Unit han assistit a un reunió de treball a la seu de l'ACN que tenia com a objectiu presentar la CNA (www.catalannewsagency.com). Aquest nou servei vol explicar les principals notícies de l'actualitat catalana a un públic estranger, i la llengua escollida és l'anglès, per la seva importància en el món. Amb aquest servei de notícies l'ACN vol 'ser una veu de Catalunya al món', en paraules de Saül Gordillo, director de l'ACN. També afegeix que 'la CNA vol explicar Catalunya a l'estranger des d'una òptica catalana, que la premsa estrangera pugui trobar ...
Barcelona (ACN).- Explicar Catalunya al món des d'una òptica catalana i en anglès. Aquest és el repte que es va proposar l'ACN amb el llançament de la Catalan News Agency (CNA). Cinc mesos després, la CNA s'ha convertit en una eina imprescindible tant per a corresponsals estrangers que cobreixen informació de Catalunya com per a professionals multidisciplinaris d'arreu del món. Per això obté una valoració molt positiva del director general de Comunicació del Govern, Jordi Cuminal; la secretària d'Afers Exteriors, Roser Clavell; el president d'Intracatalònia, Carles Mundó; el director adjunt d''El Punt', Manuel Cuyàs; el president de Spanair, Ferran Soriano; i el director de la fundació PuntCAT, Jordi Iparraguirre.
Barcelona (ACN).- El director general del Futbol Club Barcelona (FCB), Antoni Rossich, i el director de l'Agència Catalana de Notícies (ACN), Saül Gordillo, han signat un conveni per difondre a l'exterior l'activitat del club a través del servei de notícies en anglès de l'ACN, la Catalan News Agency (CNA). Així, la secció 'Sports' del portal informarà de les notícies més rellevants de la Fundació i del primer equip del Barça, com ara prèvies dels partits, cròniques, rodes de premsa o fitxatges. Aquesta col·laboració coincideix amb la posada en funcionament del butlletí electrònic d'actualitat catalana en anglès, que es podrà rebre sol·licitant la subscripció gratuïta a través del portal de la Catalan News Agency.
CNA talks to the Catalan paleontologist Bernat Vila about how collaboration with an English university gave him the power to excavate the pre-historic Fumanya site in Central Catalonia's. The site was pictured in National Geographic in the series 'CSI Dinosaurs'.
How Powerful Is Spain? http://bit.ly/2aJ78dA Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml Catalonia is known for its tourist destinations and its fight for independence. But what is it really like to live in the autonomous region? Learn More: BBC: Catalonia vote: 80% back independence - officials http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29982960 CNBC: Catalonia is critical contributor to Spain's economy http://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/05/catalonia-is-critical-contributor-to-spains-economy.html Catalan News Agency: Barcelona is the fourth European city with the most tourists after London, Paris and Rome http://www.catalannewsagency.com/life-style/item/barcelona-is-the-fourth-european-city-with-the-most-tourists-after-london-paris-and-rome Catalan News Agency: Third quarter unemployment figures set C...
Saül Gordillo, periodista. Director de l'Agència Catalana de Notícies (ACN). Gener 2011. La internacionalització de Catalunya és un procés lent que requereix perseverança, però el país està adoptant les mesures necessàries per convertir-se en un actor global més. Aquesta és la principal conclusió de la taula rodona 'Oberts al món. Les prioritats per internacionalitzar Catalunya', que ha organitzat al MACBA l'Agència Catalana de Notícies. El debat, moderat pel director de l'ACN, Saül Gordillo, ha comptat amb la participació de l'expresident Jordi Pujol, l'investigador Jordi Camí, l'economista Jordi Galí, l'empresari Ferran Soriano i l'arquitecta Benedetta Tagliabue. La jornada també ha permès presentar de forma oficial el portal de notícies en anglès de l'Agència, la Catalan News Agency. E...
Notícia sobre la Catalan News Agency (CNA) emesa al Telenotícies de TV3 el 10 d'octubre del 2010. Saül Gordillo, periodista. Director de l'Agència Catalana de Notícies (ACN). Escric el Bloc sense fulls (www.saul.cat) des del 19 de juliol de 2004. Impulsor, juntament amb altres periodistes, del portal de blogs polítics en català Poliblocs, el febrer de 2007. Guardó especial dels Premis Blocs Catalunya com a bloguer pioner, en la primera edició del 2008. El mateix any, guanyador del I Premi Blocs Maresme en la categoria de blogs de política, organitzat per Diari Maresme.
Vídeo promocional del web de l'Agència Catalana de Notícies, CNA Catalan News Agency
How Powerful Is Spain? http://bit.ly/2aJ78dA Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml Catalonia is known for its tourist destinations and its fight for independence. But what is it really like to live in the autonomous region? Learn More: BBC: Catalonia vote: 80% back independence - officials http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29982960 CNBC: Catalonia is critical contributor to Spain's economy http://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/05/catalonia-is-critical-contributor-to-spains-economy.html Catalan News Agency: Barcelona is the fourth European city with the most tourists after London, Paris and Rome http://www.catalannewsagency.com/life-style/item/barcelona-is-the-fourth-european-city-with-the-most-tourists-after-london-paris-and-rome Catalan News Agency: Third quarter unemployment figures set C...
Notícia sobre la Catalan News Agency (CNA) emesa al Telenotícies de TV3 el 10 d'octubre del 2010.
Notícia sobre la Catalan News Agency (CNA) emesa al Telenotícies de TV3 el 10 d'octubre del 2010. Saül Gordillo, periodista. Director de l'Agència Catalana de Notícies (ACN). Escric el Bloc sense fulls (www.saul.cat) des del 19 de juliol de 2004. Impulsor, juntament amb altres periodistes, del portal de blogs polítics en català Poliblocs, el febrer de 2007. Guardó especial dels Premis Blocs Catalunya com a bloguer pioner, en la primera edició del 2008. El mateix any, guanyador del I Premi Blocs Maresme en la categoria de blogs de política, organitzat per Diari Maresme.
British Member of the European Parliament and leader of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, Syed Kamall, stated that a referendum on independence is “a good way” to resolve the situation in Catalonia. The politician considers that without it “problems will continue and never really be solved". In an interview with the Catalan News Agency, the MEP said that “democracy is a good way of resolving these issues" and stressed that the right to decide is “a very good principle”.
Saül Gordillo, periodista. Director de l'Agència Catalana de Notícies (ACN). Febrer 2011. El director general del Futbol Club Barcelona (FCB), Antoni Rossich, i el director de l'Agència Catalana de Notícies (ACN), Saül Gordillo, han signat un conveni per difondre a l'exterior l'activitat del club a través del servei de notícies en anglès de l'ACN, la Catalan News Agency (CNA). Així, la secció 'Sports' del portal informarà de les notícies més rellevants de la Fundació i del primer equip del Barça, com ara prèvies dels partits, cròniques, rodes de premsa o fitxatges. Aquesta col·laboració coincideix amb la posada en funcionament del butlletí electrònic d'actualitat catalana en anglès, que es podrà rebre sol·licitant la subscripció gratuïta a través del portal de la Catalan News Agency. Escr...
This hidden camera footage will send a chill down the spine of every parent with kids in a nursery. A nursery worker in Spain is seen pinning down and force feeding a one-year-old and smothering one with a sleeping bag as she casually chatted to a colleague. The woman, who worked at the Annunciata School in Gironella, Spain, has been sentenced to four years in jail after school management discovered the shocking abuse. The video, obtained by the Catalan News Agency, shows the woman, named as Esther S. B is seen holding down a child and forcing food into its mouth. A second disturbing clip shows the teacher forcing a toddler into a sleeping bag and sitting on the opening. All the time she chats away to a fellow nursery worker. The staff member had "violently thrown down a child under ...
The Catalan News Agency is reviewing the stereotypes, myths and ideas that foreigners have about Catalonia and is calling on experts to challenge them
The Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs declared the Honorary Counsellor of Latvia in Barcelona, Xavier Vinyals, a "non-acceptable person for the performance of consular functions" after last 11th of September, coinciding with the Catalan National Day, when Vinyals allegedly displayed a Catalan pro-independence flag on the facade of the consulate. From next Thursday the 27th of October, the Catalan will no longer perform the functions of the Honorary Consulate of Latvia. The measure has been strongly criticised by Latvian MEPs form different parties. “It's not serious (accusing Vinyals of having displayed a pro-independence flag)", "it is a very funny reason to expel a counsellor", remarked the Social Democrat Andrejs Mamikins to the Catalan News Agency. “It's a horrible decision", added ...
A parent's worst nightmare: Nursery assistant caught on camera abusing toddlers and SMOTHERING one with a blanket to force it to sleep in Spain. Worker Esther S. B caught on secret camera at Annunciata School in Spain Footage shows her roughly putting one child inside blanket upside down She then sits on open end, trapping the youngster inside to get it to sleep Another part of footage shows her kneeling on child while force feeding it A nursery worker in Spain has been jailed for four years after sickening video footage showed her kneeling on one child while force-feeding it, and smothering another with a blanket to get it to sleep. The woman, named as Esther S. B, was caught after suspicious employers at Annunciata School in Gironella, placed hidden cameras in the nursery to catch her....
Opinió pública i agenda-setting a escala europea Public opinion and agenda-setting on a European scale #HEAgendaSetting - Taula rodona / Roundtable discussion - Hi ha una opinió pública europea? Es pot (in)formar? Is there a European public opinion? Can it be shaped? 24 | 02 | 2016 (6.30 pm) BENVINGUDA / WELCOME Anna Parès Col·legi de Politòlegs i Sociòlegs de Catalunya (COLPIS), Degana Catalan Association of Political Scientists and Sociologists (COLPIS), Director PANEL 1 | CORRESPONSALS / CORRESPONDANTS Laia Forès, Diari Ara, corresponsal a Brussel·les / Brussels correspondent Albert Segura, ACN / Catalan News Agency, RAC-1, 8TV / Catalan News Agency Francesc Serra, TV3 / Catalonia TV, corresponsal a Brusselles / Brussels correspondent PANEL 2 | LOBBIES + GRUPS D'INTERÈS...
Kataloniassa järjestetään sunnuntaina 27. syyskuuta 2015 ennenaikaiset alueparlamenttivaalit, jotka itsenäistymistä kannattavat puolueet muuttavat tosiasialliseksi itsenäistymiskansanäänestykseksi. Katalonian itsenäistymisliike on lähellä ratkaisuhetkiään. Espanja ei ole myöntynyt viralliseen itsenäistymiskansanäänestykseen. Jos itsenäistymistä kannattavat puolueet saavat yksinkertaIsen enemmistön alueparlamenttiin, siirtymäkausi kohti Katalonian itsenäistymistä aloitetaan. Tässä dokumentissa päädytään Katalonian historian kautta nykyhetken tapahtumiin, puoluepolitiikkaan sekä itsenäistymisliikkeeseen ja pohditaan syyskuun aluevaaleja sekä niitä mahdollisesti seuraavaa siirtymäkautta itsenäistymiseen. Lue lisää Katalonian itsenäistymisliikkeestä blogistani: http://janneriitakorpi1.puheen...
Kataloniassa järjestetään sunnuntaina 27. syyskuuta 2015 ennenaikaiset alueparlamenttivaalit, jotka itsenäistymistä kannattavat puolueet muuttamat tosiasialliseksi itsenäistymiskansanäänestykseksi. Katalonian itsenäistymisliike on lähellä ratkaisuhetkiään. Espanja ei ole myöntynyt viralliseen itsenäistymiskansanäänestykseen. Jos itsenäistymistä kannattavat puolueet saavat yksinkertaIsen enemmistön alueparlamenttiin, siirtymäkausi kohti Katalonian itsenäistymistä aloitetaan. Tässä dokumentissa päädytään Katalonian historian kautta nykyhetken tapahtumiin, puoluepolitiikkaan sekä itsenäistymisliikkeeseen ja pohditaan syyskuun aluevaaleja sekä niitä mahdollisesti seuraavaa siirtymäkautta itsenäistymiseen. Lue lisää Katalonian itsenäistymisliikkeestä blogistani: http://janneriitakorpi1.puheen...