Tag Archives: USA

The International Criminal Court is investigating US war crimes. But there’s a huge catch

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is investigating the US for alleged crimes committed during the post-9/11 occupation of Afghanistan. Specifically, the investigation is examining claims of torture and ill treatment. But there’s one big catch. It may not be able to examine … Continue reading

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US nationwide riots reveal revolutionary undercurrent and plan for general strike

The shock of a Donald Trump victory in the US presidential elections may finally jolt Americans into rethinking their country’s political structures. And the post-election riots, along with plans for a general strike, may well be an outlet for citizens’ democratic … Continue reading

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Russian cruise missiles to strike Aleppo, Coalition special forces could be hit too

Russian submarines are currently ready to fire cruise missiles at anti-Assad rebel sites near the Syrian city of Aleppo. And alongside the inevitable killing of civilians, British troops may be killed too. An anonymous but reliable source has told The … Continue reading

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An extraordinary plot against Julian Assange is foiled – new evidence comes to light

This is the extraordinary story of a sting operation that could have been lifted from the script of a ‘Spooks’ episode. It involves WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the US, Russia, and even allegations of paedophilia. The conspiracy to entrap Assange, … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, no category, Resistance | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

99 years jail threatened for “prankery”: Lauri Love (and the Aaron Swartz story) – Part One

  If Washington DC has its way a British citizen with Asperger’s Syndrome will be extradited to the US for a ‘prank’. This could see him face 99 years in prison. Lauri Love is a computer scientist who advises on computer security. He is … Continue reading

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As Turkish land/air offensive escalates, Kurdish militias (YPG/J) reject Biden-Erdogan ultimatum

  Turkish armed forces have just crossed into Syria with US air support. But this was not an operation focused on pushing Daesh (Isis/Isil) out of the border city of Jarabulus, as some sources have insisted. Amid suggestions of ethnic cleansing against Kurdish … Continue reading

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Cables via #Wikileaks show how US/Spain conspired to prevent arrest of Bush Administration for war crimes

The US strategy from the beginning of the second Iraq War has been to deflect criticism and prosecution by blaming others. The war began with a lie: that Saddam Hussein had WMD (the true reason for invasion was, of course, … Continue reading

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