Tag Archives: refugees

Holidaying Brits attacked for speaking English – not really, but this is what it’s like for ‘migrants’ in UK

In Britain a 40 year old Polish man, Arkadiusz Jóźwik, lost his life after allegedly been beaten to death by five youths merely because he was speaking a language other than English. Notwithstanding rank hypocrisy of the tabloid press – … Continue reading

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A Journalists & whistleblowers brief guide to sabotaging gagging laws

Post-Snowden, journalists and bloggers – and their sources – are now far more aware about how they need to be tech savvy to circumvent state surveillance. Some anti-surveillance technologies – as well as alternatives to those technologies – via which journalists, … Continue reading

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‘Peoples’ refugees’ rescue flotillas (Mediterranean-style) the LEGAL option for Australia

There are a growing number of ‘peoples’ flotillas – small and large boats – taking direct action and seeking out boats in the Mediterranean Sea carrying refugees who need rescuing. Some of these boats are organised by charities, such as … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Refugees, War | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Safe havens/aid, not gunships, key to Mediterranean refugee crisis

This week’s European Summit on the Mediterranean refugee crisis predictably got it all wrong. Their real message – as opposed to the contrite version to the media – is that nothing will be done to help the victims of various … Continue reading

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Mediterranean refugee crisis: timeline of UK/NATO destabilisation of Libya

On behalf of UK Prime Minister David Cameron, senior Tories have accused Labour Party leader Ed Miliband of being ‘shameful’ and ‘provocative’ because he (Miliband) stated that the current Mediterranean refugee crisis was largely caused by the UK and its … Continue reading

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Mediterranean refugees – leaked doc: limit rescues, mass deportation, gunships

According to a leaked draft EU document (see below) the EU game plan for the Mediterranean refugee crisis is simple: take in a few refugees, deport en-mass the remainder (the vast majority), send in gunships to patrol the coast off … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Refugees, War | Tagged | 3 Comments

UK, despite sponsoring civil war, backs naval blockade of Libyan coast and boat burning

In a perverse reflection of the outrageous ‘send in the gunboats to deal with the cockroaches [refugees]’ and the ‘burn their boats’ rants by an LBC radio and Sun ‘journalist’, the British Government has signalled it will support a European … Continue reading

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