Tag Archives: Kurds

Turkey’s president has a morbid fear of these women – here’s why…

The current Turkish regime has been regularly accused of sponsoring Daesh (Isis/Isil) and other jihadi groups in Syria. One of the main reasons for this behaviour has been Turkey’s opposition to a feminist social revolution taking place on the Syrian-Turkish border – … Continue reading

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Theresa May prefers refugees are out of sight, out of mind: try explaining that to the Yazidis

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron described Britain as “mean” for the attitude it displays to refugees. There are many Britons who would welcome refugees, and Farron was no doubt referring to a certain type of British citizen (either conservative or chauvinist) rather … Continue reading

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Atrocity signals Turkey’s advance on Syrian city, liberated from ISIS by Kurdish-led SDF only weeks ago

Reports have just emerged of unarmed civilians (including children) being killed in Dandania, Syria, by the Turkish military. This comes just a week after Turkey invaded Syria (with US air support) in order to push back one of the most effective forces currently fighting … Continue reading

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Turkey’s offensive against Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces planned 18 months back

The invasion of northern Syria by Turkey was not triggered, as Ankara claims, by the latest suicide attack on Gaziantep, which saw scores of Kurdish civilians dead or injured, but was the culmination of a plan hatched around 18 months ago, with subsequent … Continue reading

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As Turkish land/air offensive escalates, Kurdish militias (YPG/J) reject Biden-Erdogan ultimatum

  Turkish armed forces have just crossed into Syria with US air support. But this was not an operation focused on pushing Daesh (Isis/Isil) out of the border city of Jarabulus, as some sources have insisted. Amid suggestions of ethnic cleansing against Kurdish … Continue reading

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Minbiç women liberated from ISIS – their horror stories and their desperate appeal for aid

For more than two months there has been a relentless war in the area of Minbiç. Minbiç is strategically important as it connects Turkey with Raqqa, the headquarters of ISIS. The area is also important for the protection of the … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Resistance, War | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Demands that Erdogan prove jailed Kurdish PKK leader Ocalan (Turkey’s ‘Mandela’) alive and well

Concerns over the fate of Turkey’s highest profile political prisoner, Abdullah Ocalan, the head of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK), have been expressed by one of Turkey’s main opposition parties, the HDP. Many regard Ocalan as Turkey’s ‘Nelson Mandela’. He … Continue reading

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