Tag Archives: Broadspectrum

Australia to close Manus Island refugee camp – but there’s a twist…

On 17 August, Papua New Guinea (PNG) finally forced Australia to agree to the closure of its refugee detention centre on Manus Island. The latter agreed to this decision in order to avoid a PNG Supreme Court hearing, scheduled for August 22, … Continue reading

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‘Nauru Files’: Universal Jurisdiction threat to Australian government and Spanish multinational

The release and publication by Guardian Australia journalists of the ‘Nauru Files’ show that Wilson Security, the company that manages security at the refugee gulags on Nauru and Manus Island, has been responsible for downgrading those files – i.e. a … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Refugees | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

The cosy (dollars) relationship between asylum-seekers gulag lobbyists and Australian Government

This week it was announced that Transfield Services (rebranded as Broadspectrum) have had their contract to manage asylum seekers offshore detention centres (gulags) renewed for a second time – for four months. This is not surprising given the more than … Continue reading

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Australia refuses third-party countries from taking its asylum-seekers; claims re abuse/detention could run into $millions

There remains the option for third party countries – e.g. New Zealand, Canada or European countries – to take in asylum-seekers illegally imprisoned on Rape Island (Nauru) or Murder Island (Manus), though the current Australian Government refuses to consider such … Continue reading

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Why every Australian is inextricably linked to every asylum-seeker in offshore detention

When you see the name Transfield, you probably think about the company’s contract overseeing Australia’s notorious and illegal detention gulags on Manus Island and Nauru. But Transfield’s multi-million dollar empire also includes an array of subsidary companies that touch the … Continue reading

Posted in Corporate, no category, Refugees | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Australia: legal challenge to asylum-seekers detention begins; unravelling Transfield’s financial web

This week, on Wednesday and Thursday, the Australian High Court will hear a submission by the Human Rights Law Centre that Australia’s offshore processing of asylum-seekers is illegal. If the court rules in favour of the submission – and assuming … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Refugees | Tagged , , , , | 14 Comments