Tag Archives: Bob Lambert

When the UK’s ‘anti-extremism’ policy is to lie, with the help of secretive corporations

A government campaign to counter extremism seems to have been engaging in secretive and deceitful activities. And in the process, it has got involved with some very unsavoury figures.   A 2011 report by PR firm Bell Pottinger and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (or Chatham … Continue reading

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The spycops experiment: from blacklisting agents to social pariahs – and next?

Recently it was revealed how the late Tory prime minister Edward Heath had not only been aware of but encouraged the broadcasting of a TV documentary critical of the Shrewsbury pickets. These were men who merely wanted better working conditions, … Continue reading

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How the ‘grooming’ of Jeremy Corbyn by an ex-spycop helped expose the entire scandal

While the revived ‘Snooper’s Charter’ (Investigatory Powers Bill) will likely see the legitimation of mass surveillance by the UK’s intelligence and security services, the resumption of the Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing acts as a timely reminder of the underlying … Continue reading

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UK undercover cops: one baby = £425000

Bob Lambert was an undercover police officer with the Special Demonstration Squad and who, in order to infiltrate political activists, formed a long-term relationship with one of the woman activists, subsequently fathering her child. The woman activist, who prefers to … Continue reading

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