Category Archives: Surveillance

The link between UK activist, cyber ‘warheads’ & US Secret Service – Part Two

  British computer scientist and activist Lauri Love is a victim of prosecutional overreach by the USA. This process consists of multiple charges being thrown at a defendant to force them to agree to a plea bargain in the hope of avoiding a … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, no category, Resistance, Surveillance | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

99 years jail threatened for “prankery”: Lauri Love (and the Aaron Swartz story) – Part One

  If Washington DC has its way a British citizen with Asperger’s Syndrome will be extradited to the US for a ‘prank’. This could see him face 99 years in prison. Lauri Love is a computer scientist who advises on computer security. He is … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, Surveillance | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Iceland: Pirate Party MP/activist agrees to testify as UK spycop scandal remains unresolved

A leading Icelandic MP, whose party is heading the polls to win the next general election, has stated she is willing to testify regarding the undercover activities of UK spycop Mark Kennedy in Iceland. Significantly, the MP is a member … Continue reading

Posted in Government, no category, Surveillance | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Blacklisting: the leaked document(s) that opened the floodgates

Phil Chamberlain’s excellent article, “Finding the blacklist“, reveals how the ‘Services Group’ blacklist of construction workers held by the Consulting Association was discovered, as well as the events that led up to that. A much larger blacklist – of workers, … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Intelligence, no category, Resistance, Surveillance | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

ACPO guide advised spycops on online infiltration of political activists

A 2013 guide by ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers) marked ‘Protected’ advised police on how to conduct undercover police operations online, including tips on forming (online) relationships with targets and how to best use fake I.Ds – all sounds … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, no category, Surveillance | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Guardian journalist targeted by (Australian) ‘spycops’ agency: lessons for UK

Policing is globalised, as also the cloning of political policing legislation and practices via extremist surveillance laws. A leading Guardian journalist – Paul Farrell – discovered that his communications have been monitored by the Australian Federal Police (the same organisation … Continue reading

Posted in Refugees, Surveillance | Tagged | 4 Comments

Blacklisting the blacklisters: the evidence revisited (subscribers, key players, finances, etc)

The alleged architect of the construction ‘blacklisting’ scandal, Cullum McAlpine, who has been described as the mastermind behind the construction ‘blacklisting’ scandal that hit headlines over the past two years, has refused to give evidence in the High Court case … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Intelligence, no category, Surveillance | Tagged , , | 7 Comments