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The Free is a book and a blog. .” the most detailed fictional treatment of the movement from a world recognizably like our own to an anarchist society that I have read.. imagined strongly enough to allow readers to believe that events could happen this way.281,720 blog reads so far.The updated edition is out, you can read it here.

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 ‘The Free’: slideshow from the 2014 edition


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487 deaths from ‘That Thing Ireland Doesn’t Talk About’

 shared from waterford whispers   with thanks

shutterstock_390416188ACCORDING to the latest available figures from the Central Statistics Office a total of 487 people died as a result of that thing Ireland doesn’t talk about in 2013.

The deaths continue on from a trend started in 2007 which has seen the numbers of people dying from that thing we don’t talk about increase.

While a number of factors have been attributed to the rise, concerns have been raised about the prevalence of that thing among the youth of Ireland.

“It’s troubling, and I want with every fibre in my body for something to be done about it, but look if it’s alright, I’d prefer you didn’t bring it up at all,” spokesperson for the Irish Commission On Things We Don’t Talk About Suzanne O’Gorran told WWN.

The government also stressed its reluctance to talk about the thing, but is said to be relieved the statistics have come close to levelling off.

“That is a relief as we can now look into how to continue to do nothing about it, if we get this right, we could even cut funding a bit,” a government spokesperson shared with WWN. The government confirmed it was available to talk about the recovery, road safety campaigns and sugar tax.

Many members of the public have admitted to being aware of someone they know doing that thing, but owing to the troubling nature of talking openly about something in Ireland, they remain reluctant to speak.

If you would like to talk about it, click.. HERE.

Last housing Occupation in Bologna has been evicted


by .. shared with thanks
The eviction of the last remaining housing occupation in Bologna – around 100 people, 34
of them children, living in a building inVia Mario De Maria, in the working-class neighborhood of Bolognina – started at dawn on October 11.

The police and the carabinieri surrounded the block and raided the mariodemariabuilding, beating people and even using pepper spray, the residents say.

The newly elected council member for the housing emergency, Virginia Gieri, said that the residents “came out peacefully”, but the residents and witnesses say something different. One man passed out after he was beaten and another person was injured.

Gieri, a loyal follower of Renzi, was appointed to the delicate job of being in charge of the housing emergency in Bologna, after the last incumbent, Amelia Frascaroli, was considered to be too soft.

Renzi’s government is holding a line of absolute repression against housing occupations, and PD local authorities all over Italy are toeing this line, even in places – like Bologna – where the party claims to be more “tolerant” and to have a welfare-oriented tradition. Continue reading Last housing Occupation in Bologna has been evicted

Anti-money exchange Network Occupies ex Bankia branch

A former branch of Bankia in Lavapies, occupied by social economy projectsla-canica-social-money

The Canica Dispossessed Bank will house the Exchange Network of the same name and the Neighbourhood Solidarity Economy 

translated from  Diagonal by The Free

La Canica is an exchange network established for some time in various neighborhoods, which has  a social currency alternative to the euro and is already promoting, with some success, the formation of cooperatives and collectivization of resources and means of production.super-discount

Now an ex Bankia branch has been occupied as a social center, using the same name La Canica.

This former branch of Bankia in Lavapies (Madrid)  suffered dozens of demonstrations by the Housing Assemblies. In it, from 2012 activists managed to cripple dozens of evictions and force the signing of many social rent contracts. A couple of years later, Bankia decided to close it down. Continue reading Anti-money exchange Network Occupies ex Bankia branch

Call for renewed Worldwide Actions in Solidarity with Prison Strike, Oct 15-22

o1522-sqIt hardly seems necessary to summarize what has gone down inside U.S. prisons since September 9th. Hunger strikes, work stoppages, and riots have spread throughout the country on a scale that we likely aren’t even fully aware of yet.

Some uprisings appeared took us by surprise, such as in several Florida prisons, while others presumably grew from recent organizing endeavors on the inside, such as at Kinross in Michigan or Holman in Alabama. By rough estimates, over 20,000 prisoners were involved in some way. That’s huge.Sept 9 Prison Strike 2016

On the outside, solidarity burned so brightly all over the world. Banner drops, graffiti slogans, noise demonstrations and more showed that we had the backs of all who would partake in the strike. It is worth noting however that the vast majority of this took place the first weekend of the strike. Continue reading Call for renewed Worldwide Actions in Solidarity with Prison Strike, Oct 15-22

Spanish State forces Bullfighting on Catalans

 Corrupt Court to cancel Ban on Bullfighting in Catalonia

children are bloodied in the ''cultural heritage'' of torture
Children are bloodied in the ”cultural heritage” of public animal torture

Public Killing and Torturing bulls will be legalised again in Catalunya by order of the central government. This is the latest of a series of blatantly anti Catalan orders by the Spanish Constitutional and Supreme  Courts.

The Courts are politically controlled and have always supported dubious, self serving and even openly fascist proposals instigated by the far right 1% and the Catholic Church. The ban on bullfighting in Catalonia is seen as a traitorous way of asserting that ‘Catalonia is not Spain’.

brave anti bull torture demonstrators
Brave anti animal torture demonstrators

Bullfighting is defined (by them) as “common cultural heritage” of Spain and can not be vetoed by a regional law, says the court, due to a clause in the Constitution which gives cultural heritage to the Central Government.

Bullfighting is the cultural heritage of the Conquest, in Spain it represents the exaltation of torture and legitimation of authoritarian male abuse and violence. Continue reading Spanish State forces Bullfighting on Catalans

You don’t have to be a Snowden to know how to blog ‘anonymously’: a simple guide




With the recent revelation that Yahoo passed millions of its user accounts to the US National Security Agency (a partner with GCHQ, the UK equivalent) and with the new “Snoopers Charter” legislation going through the British parliament, it’s not surprising that many Internet users – bloggers, political activists – may want to find out, in simple terms, how to be safe online from predators (‘Big Brother’, consumer organisations and those who simply wish to steal identities). Well, here’s one way…

For simplicity, this guide outlines one route: via The Amnesic Incognito Live System (Tails). The guide only deals with internet connections, operating systems, browsers and email. The advice given is not meant to be exhaustive. Discipline is essential and additional security tips are provided in the last section.

To read more, click here.

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Mumia Abu-Jamal on Mass Incarceration Under a Black President & 50th Anniv. of Black Panther Party


Moorbey'z Blog

Mumia Abu-Jamal
former resident of Pennsylvania’s death row for 29 years. For decades, Abu-Jamal has argued racism by the trial judge and prosecutors led to his conviction for the killing of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. He is an award-winning journalist who chronicles the human condition.

Former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal calls from prison to discuss mass incarceration under Obama, being denied hepatitis C treatment, and the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party and its Ten-Point Platform. “It will shock you to see what hasn’t changed,” he says.

Abu-Jamal is an award-winning journalist whose writing from his prison cell has reached a worldwide audience through his Prison Radio commentaries and many books. He was convicted of the 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner, but has always maintained his innocence. Amnesty International has found he was deprived of a fair trial. He is currently held at SCI-Mahanoy state…

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