Tag Archives: Yazidis

Theresa May prefers refugees are out of sight, out of mind: try explaining that to the Yazidis

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron described Britain as “mean” for the attitude it displays to refugees. There are many Britons who would welcome refugees, and Farron was no doubt referring to a certain type of British citizen (either conservative or chauvinist) rather … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Refugees | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Kurd/Yezidi forces liberate Sinjar from ISIS: reports/photos/video

At 10 am today, Friday, the joint forces of the Kurdish resistance announced they had liberated Sinjar (Shengal) province from ISIS. Yesterday the anarchist YPJ/YPG/ PKK forces and the US/Iranian backed Kurdish Peshmerga advanced towards the city of Shengal and … Continue reading

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From genocide to resistance: Yezidi women fight back

  Having suffered a traumatic genocide, Yazidi women on Mount Sinjar are now mobilising against ISIS… The old Kurdish saying “We have no friends but the mountains” became more relevant than ever when on Aug. 3, 2014, the murderous Islamic … Continue reading

Posted in Refugees, Resistance | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Kurds fear massacre by Turkish military; Yezidi women join forces with YPJ to fight ISIS

No prizes for spotting the deliberate contradiction in the title of this story. Yezidi women, some of whom were held captive by ISIS but escaped, have now joined forces with the YPJ (Kurdish women’s militia) – their objective: to take … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Resistance | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 18 Comments

World ignores 1000s of Yezidi women captured, raped and enslaved by ISIS

It is estimated that in the ISIS-occupied areas over 4 million women are subjugated and enslaved. Several thousand of these are Yezidis, captured last August and held as concubines, sold as slaves, humiliated, raped and tortured. The world has stood … Continue reading

Posted in Refugees, War | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

While ISIS preaches hate, in Rojava (Kurdistan) a feminist revolution is unfolding…

The UK Government and its coalition partners demonstrate remarkable ignorance of the political realities of what is happening on the ground in Kurdistan – either that, or they are knowingly prepared to sacrifice the Kurds, who have been at the … Continue reading

Posted in Resistance, War | Tagged , , , , , , | 22 Comments

Liberation of Kobani province: “When ISIS hears the battle cry of the YPJ [Kurdish women’s militia] they flee”

The Syrian border city of Kobani, which was under ISIS control since last September was liberated in January by mainly Kurdish YPG (men’s militia) and YPJ (women’s militia). Since then the Kurdish militias have advanced and are now liberating the … Continue reading

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