Tag Archives: torture

Nauru asylum-seekers centre: waterboarding & 20 other allegations: full details here

Today the Australian Senate received testimony on oath alleging that waterboarding and other torture was applied by Wilson Security staff against asylum-seeker detainees at the Australian funded and managed centre on Nauru. Below are all 21 allegations, followed by copies … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning: international legal challenges to verdicts/sentence explored

The publication at the end of last year of the US Senate report into CIA torture provides an opportunity for the international community to directly intervene in the fate of the person who might well be described as the catalyst … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, War | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Saudi torture; Guantanamo torture: spot the difference

Earlier this year two stories of torture dominated the press. One was about a man who was sentenced to be lashed effectively to death by Saudis merely for being a liberal. The other concerned the diary of a man who … Continue reading

Posted in Government, no category, War | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

‘Enemy within’ GCHQ monitoring declared unlawful; and their sister organisations?

Today, in a landmark decision, a tribunal declared that the mass snooping of citizens by GCHQ in conjunction with the NSA was unlawful. Previously we revealed how former heads of GCHQ had gone on to work for a specialist communications … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Intelligence, no category, Surveillance, War | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Rendition/torture: UK Govt still in denial despite irrefutable evidence

The British Government continues to deny involvement in extraordinary rendition or knowledge of rendition/torture. Yet documents prove otherwise. Below we collate these documents and quote the relevant sections. 1. MI6 letter to Libyan intelligence A letter from a senior MI6 … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, no category, War | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Rendition/torture: documents, memo and ruling expose UK Govt role as more cases line up

Recently we published details of how MI6 and MI5 colluded with the Gaddafi regime in rendition and torture programmes (see links at end of article). New documents have now come to light, providing further evidence of this collusion (and details … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Intelligence, no category, War | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

‘Black sites’ and rendition: what the Senate report failed to publish

Much of the content of the recent, heavily-censored US Senate report on CIA torture and rendition was not unfamiliar to many investigative researchers. But it’s worth reminding ourselves of the depth and expanse of this research and below we identify … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, no category, War | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments