Tag Archives: Manus Island

Australia’s refugee policy under siege: PM ignored at UN, re-submission to ICC, lawyers seek global help

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull cut a lonely figure as he outlined his immigration policy at the UN on 20 September. Increasingly under pressure for his government’s transport of refugees from the open seas to detention centres on Manus Island … Continue reading

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Australian Government clueless on what next for offshore refugees: time for others to take charge

The Papua New Guinea (PNG) Supreme Court has confirmed that the PNG and Australian governments are jointly responsible for complying with an earlier ruling that the Manus Island refugee detention camp should be closed and that the imprisonment of the … Continue reading

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Australia to close Manus Island refugee camp – but there’s a twist…

On 17 August, Papua New Guinea (PNG) finally forced Australia to agree to the closure of its refugee detention centre on Manus Island. The latter agreed to this decision in order to avoid a PNG Supreme Court hearing, scheduled for August 22, … Continue reading

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‘Nauru Files’: Universal Jurisdiction threat to Australian government and Spanish multinational

The release and publication by Guardian Australia journalists of the ‘Nauru Files’ show that Wilson Security, the company that manages security at the refugee gulags on Nauru and Manus Island, has been responsible for downgrading those files – i.e. a … Continue reading

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BREAKING: Amnesty International demands immediate closure of Nauru refugee detention centre

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have demanded that Australia close down its offshore refugee detention centres and liberate those incarcerated. Many of those detained – including children – have been there for years. The joint statement by Amnesty and … Continue reading

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Letter from Australia’s ‘Guantanamo’ boy thanks “whole Australian community”

The above image is not from Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib, but from an Australian detention centre. And the person shackled, hooded and restrained is not a man but a teenage boy. The image is taken from a secretly filmed … Continue reading

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Spanish firm managing Australia’s offshore ‘political prisoners’ could face ‘crimes against humanity’ charges

Leading legal experts have advised Ferrovial, the Spanish multinational company, that it could face prosecution for ‘crimes against humanity’ for its management of Australia’s offshore refugee and asylum-seekers detention facilities on Nauru and Manus Island (Papua New Guinea). Ferrovial is … Continue reading

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