Tag Archives: Manus

NGOs could join prosecution of Australian Govt re “Crimes Against Humanity” (bypassing the ICC)

The Australian Government has contravened numerous international laws, protocols and conventions regarding the hijacking, kidnapping and illegal and indefinite detention of refugees (see Appendix). Recently the Papua New Guinea courts ruled that the detention of refugees on Manus Island on … Continue reading

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Turkey ruled unsafe by court – so could Nauru: refugees await intervention from Oz lawyers

Yesterday, in a landmark ruling, an appeals authority in Lesvos (Greece) disallowed the return of a Syrian refugee to Turkey on the grounds that Turkey is an unsafe country and that Ankara cannot guarantee it will abide by the principle … Continue reading

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It’s official! Australia in court re Crimes Against Humanity

A case has been lodged against the Australian Government for Crimes Against Humanity. No, not in the International Criminal Court – that’s still live, see Appendix below – but in the High Court in Australia and in relation to those … Continue reading

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Australia’s refugee ‘Pacific Solution’ begins to unravel – time to kill it once and for all

It’s not been a good week for the Australian Government. A few days ago the PNG (Papua New Guinea) Supreme Court declared that the Manus Island refugee detention centre was unconstitutional and contrary to all notions of human rights. A … Continue reading

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Murder by any other name: the Iranian refugee who died from lack of Duty of Care

Today came the news that a 23 year old Iranian refugee, who had been detained by the Australian Government on Nauru and who was known only as Omid, died from injuries caused by self-immolation. Omid had poured inflammable liquid on … Continue reading

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Australia in violation of UN law on arbitrary detention of refugees – intervention possible

As people power engulfs – witness the scenes outside the Lady Cilento Hospital, Brisbane, where hundreds of people have surrounded the building to protect a baby whom the Government seeks to rendition to its offshore gulag – it is timely … Continue reading

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Aussies take direct action as Govt threatens to ‘rendition’ refugee babies to Nauru

A diverse movement consisting of doctors, ministers of religion, academics, writers, teachers, state premiers, anarchists and thousands of people appalled by the Australian Government’s cruel and inhumane actions in the name of ‘saving lives’ are taking direct action to end … Continue reading

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