Tag Archives: Julian Assange

Julian Assange needs an MRI for acute shoulder pain: here’s why

Julian Assange, founder and editor in chief of Wikileaks, has been suffering from severe and acute shoulder pain in his right shoulder for several months. A physician was unable to diagnose the cause and so has recommended an MRI scan. … Continue reading

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Assange: Sweden backs off, US closes in, UN ruling imminent – game changer?

In two weeks time the statute of limitation will apply to the bulk of the investigation by Sweden into allegations made against Julian Assange, editor-in-chief of Wikileaks. It is not clear if at that stage the EAW (European Arrest Warrant) … Continue reading

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Which is more reprehensible: censorship of a movie, or censorship of US war crimes?

We live in surreal times. In the same week that saw the publication of the heavily-redacted US Senate report into CIA torture; the refusal by the British Government that it knew about US renditions flights using UK territory; and the … Continue reading

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Barrett Brown: the journalist imprisoned for being in the wrong place at the wrong time

Barrett Brown On November 24th journalist and online investigative researcher Barrett Brown is to be sentenced to a possible eight years or more imprisonment for basically carrying out his job. Brown is based not in Egypt, or Iran, or North … Continue reading

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