Tag Archives: Greville Janner

Loyalty or flawed judgement? Keith Vaz and the Janner child sex abuse investigation

There is a fine line between loyalty to a friend and colleague and poor judgement. Keith Vaz, the Labour MP for Leicester East, bound himself to the fate of the late Lord Janner when in 1991 he made a strong … Continue reading

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Janner child sex abuse case: damning (historical) docs re Leicestershire Council

Yesterday it was announced that the Judge-led Lowell Goddard inquiry into historical child sex abuse will also examine whether there was an establishment cover-up regarding the allegations against Lord Greville Janner: this will include the operations of Leicestershire Police and … Continue reading

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‘Missing’ 114 child sex abuse files: Janner doc identified; abuse was widespread

The ‘missing’ Greville Janner file regarding questions about child sex abuse has been identified from a 23 page archived Government document. This document (see image above) includes all 114 ‘missing’ files and states that the Janner file was code no. … Continue reading

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Lord Janner argues dementia no bar to prosecution; original Inquiry docs here

Lord Janner, whom the CPS wanted to prosecute for child sex abuse but decided not to because he was suffering from dementia, was himself a vigorous advocate (see extract from Jewish Chronicle article above) of prosecutions taking place against an … Continue reading

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