Tag Archives: Erdogan

Turkey’s latest moves hint at the next tragic stage of the Middle East war [OPINION]

Turkey’s volatile president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has issued statements attacking the Obama administration and its role in the Middle East. And his allies in Turkey have followed suit. Such outbursts may well signal the end of NATO’s role in the … Continue reading

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Moves to prosecute Turkey’s president for crimes against humanity: the evidence

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is currently being asked to take action against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his ministers. Lawyers, meanwhile, have slammed their regime for “systematic war crimes”. And the evidence is overwhelming. Action through the ICC is the … Continue reading

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Demands that Erdogan prove jailed Kurdish PKK leader Ocalan (Turkey’s ‘Mandela’) alive and well

Concerns over the fate of Turkey’s highest profile political prisoner, Abdullah Ocalan, the head of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK), have been expressed by one of Turkey’s main opposition parties, the HDP. Many regard Ocalan as Turkey’s ‘Nelson Mandela’. He … Continue reading

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Erdogan’s Islamist coup to see 100 journalists blacklisted

    According to a pro-government source in Turkey, scores of journalists are to be removed from their posts – effectively, blacklisted – as part of Turkish president Erdogan’s own coup, following the failed military coup. This is all part … Continue reading

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Erdogan to escalate purge as ‘deep state’ anti-Kurd negotiations with Assad revealed

Leading up to the failed coup attempt in Turkey, military officers who were jailed as part of the Ergenekon trials, but later released, have been negotiating with the Assad regime on a Turkish-Syrian deal that would see the end of … Continue reading

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Turkey: post-coup purge begins – but will the people overthrow Erdogan too?

Don’t fear for Erdogan or cheer the military – Turkey has a long history of coups and authoritarian governments. President Erdogan is blaming the Gulen Movement for the latest coup attempt (he refers to the Movement as the ‘parallel structure’). … Continue reading

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Further clampdown by Erdogan on journalists as saga over satirical poem (reproduced here) continues

Yesterday, Turkish journalist Arzu Yıldız was sentenced to 20 months in jail and stripped of legal rights over her children for publishing a video (see Appendix below) and an associated story regarding the search of trucks belonging to Turkey’s MIT … Continue reading

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