Category Archives: Resistance

The link between UK activist, cyber ‘warheads’ & US Secret Service – Part Two

  British computer scientist and activist Lauri Love is a victim of prosecutional overreach by the USA. This process consists of multiple charges being thrown at a defendant to force them to agree to a plea bargain in the hope of avoiding a … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, no category, Resistance, Surveillance | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Turkey’s president has a morbid fear of these women – here’s why…

The current Turkish regime has been regularly accused of sponsoring Daesh (Isis/Isil) and other jihadi groups in Syria. One of the main reasons for this behaviour has been Turkey’s opposition to a feminist social revolution taking place on the Syrian-Turkish border – … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, no category, Resistance, War | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Chelsea Manning appeals for help, begins indefinite hunger strike

Today, after years of requesting the care she needs for gender dysphoria, Chelsea Manning has released a statement about the start of her hunger strike. Chelsea is demanding written assurances from the Army she will receive all of the medically … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, Resistance | Tagged | 5 Comments

Minbiç women liberated from ISIS – their horror stories and their desperate appeal for aid

For more than two months there has been a relentless war in the area of Minbiç. Minbiç is strategically important as it connects Turkey with Raqqa, the headquarters of ISIS. The area is also important for the protection of the … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Resistance, War | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Greece: more and more anarchist refugee collectives displace state-run detention centres

While the world’s media is suitably distracted by the Olympic Games in Brazil, the war in Syria and beyond continues to see thousands of people – men, women and children – killed each week and many more atempting the perilous … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Refugees, Resistance | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Letter from Australia’s ‘Guantanamo’ boy thanks “whole Australian community”

The above image is not from Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib, but from an Australian detention centre. And the person shackled, hooded and restrained is not a man but a teenage boy. The image is taken from a secretly filmed … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Refugees, Resistance | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Zapatistas communique (in full) re. fake ‘guerrilla’ attack on teachers

Ten trucks, laden with 200 masked Zapatista guerillas, arrived in the Mexican city of San Cristobal, Chiapas, on Wednesday, where teachers, all members of the CNTE (National Coordinator of Education Workers) union, were protesting against neo-liberal education reforms and the … Continue reading

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